Technological Hegemony

Chapter 226 In the first round of the global siege, Luo Jia was severely beaten!

The Xingchen Technology headquarters in Baoshan is getting bigger and bigger, and it has reached the point where everyone needs to use electric balancing vehicles to move around the company.

The locals regard Xingchen Technology as a treasure, lest Luo Jia will be unhappy one day, and lead the company to relocate to other cities.

According to the gossip, the whole country has been battered to win the factory or subsidiary of Star Technology, and all kinds of preferential policies have been frantically given, let alone the headquarters of Star Technology.

As the mayor of a city, when introducing his city, if he could add that Star Technology has a factory in our city, he would immediately feel like his face was covered with gold and he would feel refreshed.

Based on this idea, Baoshan District and the whole of Shanghai are trying their best to fill up land for Xingchen Technology. The reason is very simple. You, Luo Jia, have taken such a large piece of land and built so many research institutes, so you can’t just move it away. ?

And Luo Jia is not too polite, he took the land given to him, and marked off a large area of ​​Baoshan, and one-sixth of Chongming Island, which is about the same. If it is not enough, Luo Jia is going to ask Suzhou next door, or the other side of the river. Nantong points, they should be very happy.

Luo Jia got up very early as usual, and set off for her office just after six o'clock.

In the huge courtyard of Xingchen Technology, there is no anxiety or turbulent emotion. The steel straight men who have finished the night shift eat breakfast in the cafeteria, and the employees who are used to getting up early listen to music while exercising.

The headquarters of Xingchen Technology is like an isolated island in a bustling city. Even though the world has exploded due to rumors of a war, the straight men of steel should still do what they want, as if they don't know at all that a group of people who besieged and suppressed the Xingchen Technology Alliance born.

The reason why it is so peaceful is that Luo Jia's ideas have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At any time, Xingchen Technology will always keep in mind its duty as a scientific research company, and always put scientific research first. No matter how chaotic the world is, its own steps will never chaos.

In the office, Luo Jia used ink pens on the whiteboard as usual to list the strength comparison between the enemy and us.

The form is very pitiful, and the tears of those who watched it almost fell.

I have a few isolated partners on my side, while my opponents have hundreds of famous giant companies, including almost all well-known automobile companies, electrical giants, and auto parts overlords in the world.

With such a disparity in strength, Luo Jia couldn't help but think of the tragic scene when the Polish 18th Cavalry Regiment, which was still using a saber, encountered the German 19th Panzer Army on September 13, 1939.

Rodya shrugged his shoulders.

Throw the ink pen aside.

It would be a lie to say that they are not worried. It is obviously a trend of the world to encircle and suppress themselves. What awaits Xingchen Technology is bound to be a long and tragic war.

Reconciliation is impossible. No one can afford to lose in the automotive field. Both parties are destined to finish the last bullet and shed the last drop of blood.

And Luo Jia's worry is based on this kind of consideration. An arrogant opponent may not be really powerful, and it may also be a bluff, and an opponent who intends to fight you for real and desperately should never be underestimated.

Near noon, An Ran came, and he brought a news that shocked the whole world.

In the latest issue of the Forbes Global Rankings published on July 19th, Stellar Technology has become the world's largest company. At the same time, Luo Jia has once again been the world's richest man after the New Year's special edition.

An Ran is smart, he said worriedly, "Last time, Forbes already wanted to kill you, but this time it's even more embarrassing. It revised the rules of the list, and changed the ranking to sales. Business Valuation."

"Look at their assessment of Star Technology, the total value of tangible assets plus intangible assets is 1.5 trillion US dollars, which is almost equivalent to the market value of two Microsofts, and also exceeds the gross national product of most countries in the world. value."

"In this world, hatred of the rich is still very strong. Being rich is the original sin. Since Xingchen Technology is your private company, the company is worth 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars, which means that you alone own 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars. Trillion-dollar wealth."

"Assuming you are killed and the assets are distributed equally to everyone in the world, everyone can get two hundred and fifty dollars, including the newborn doll. To be honest, when I saw this list, even I'm a little jealous of you, after all, according to Fortune magazine, you are already the richest person in the world, even surpassing those rich kings in history."

"Sima Zhaozhi's heart is well known to all. This is not flattery, it's just plain murder!"

Luo Jia couldn't help but smile wryly at An Ran's words, Fortune Magazine is trying to put itself at the height of a class enemy and attract global siege.

He sat in front of the computer and read the news carefully. Apart from the ranking list, the worst part was the dozen or so pages of comments.

Among these comments, Fortune magazine spoke highly of Luo Jia's wealth, but did not mention a single word. Luo Jia changed the world with energy waves, and used Karman Vortex Street to generate electricity, bringing a new energy future to the world. The second generation of artificial intelligence will release unimaginable social productivity in the near future.

Luo Jia is indeed wealthy, but his wealth did not fall from the sky, nor was it robbed, but was created with scientific and technological achievements that changed society one after another.

In the article, Fortune magazine wrote very sadly that the success of Xingchen Technology was not the success of Luo Jia alone, but the result of the efforts of everyone in the tough guy group, but Luo Jia took the results as his own and did not share them with others Even a penny stock for the tough guys.

The meaning of this passage couldn’t be more obvious. They are sowing discord between Luo Jia and the brothers, telling the straight men of the tough guy group that Luo Jia doesn’t share even one share of your stocks, why do you have to work for him? ?

Western society has opened its arms, straight men of steel, come to the West! We have a democratic system here, with fair distribution, stop working for Luo Jia, that evil dictator, he is just using you!

Luo Jia understood Mr. Wang Xiaobo's famous saying that words are rights.

In this world, not everyone can speak out. It is the privilege of Western media to speak out to the whole world, and more people are willing to believe it.

Luo Jia turned on the computer and logged in to an overseas website.

He discovered that Fortune Magazine was actually just a fuse. Within a few hours, countless articles smearing Luo Jia and condemning Xingchen Technology poured down like a river breaking its embankment, occupying the attention of all mainstream media in the world. front page.

Lawyer Hamilton called and asked Luo Jia if he wanted to sue the media.

Luo Jia shook his head and told him that there was no need, because it was obviously not an individual act, and there might be a national will behind it. A global siege against Xingchen Technology had already begun.

In the European and American folk forums, the atmosphere was even more heated. They called Luo Jia a dictator, a dictator in the field of science and technology, a barbarian who tried to use technology to subvert Western society.

There were more and more people in the office, and everyone was alarmed by the fierce attack of the Western media today, and they were worried whether Luo Jia could bear such a huge pressure.

"Don't believe this nonsense, people's eyes are discerning, everyone knows how much effort you have made in the past few years!"

"Yes, we all support you! Unconditional support!"

"What the hell are stocks? We have the highest salary in the world, live in the company's house, and enjoy the company's super benefits. Why don't they say this? The company's treatment is so good that you can't find it anywhere in the world. "

"Hey, of course the western media won't mention these things. How can we attack Mr. Luo?"

"It's so fucking disgusting!"

Everyone talked about it, and they all complained about Luo Jia.

However, the situation continued to spiral uncontrollably.

Luo Jia, who used to beat Samsung with the tactics of praise and kill, finally tasted the taste of being praised and killed by others.

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