Technological Hegemony

Chapter 203 The long-accumulated conflict is about to explode!

Ning Zeping finally understood that this was a great scientific experiment. If successful, China would become the first country in the world to master high-power new energy technology.

At the same time, this is also the battlefield where the major forces in the world are fighting to the death!

The three key technologies of new energy, power generation, energy storage, and batteries, Star Technology is challenging the last of the three mountains, and the great powers also have their own killers.

In terms of energy storage, the deep-sea energy storage technology jointly developed by the Rheinland Group and Siemens can hardly be said to be weaker than the supercapacitor of Star Technology.

Supercapacitors occupy land space and are expensive to manufacture. Deep-sea energy storage stores energy on the seabed. Although its performance is inferior to that of supercapacitors, it is cheap.

In terms of batteries, Star Technology's first-generation lithium batteries have left competitors far behind.

The cost of their lithium batteries is so cheap that the global battery overlords feel a huge panic. Electric motorcycles and bicycles using new lithium batteries are constantly launching offensives around the world, killing traditional motorcycle companies Honda, Yamaha, Ducati, There is no way to fight back.

Power generation is the most important of the three key technologies, because any country that wants to apply electricity on a large scale must first have electricity, unless you are lucky enough to get an Aladdin magic lamp to realize your three wishes, Otherwise, we should honestly build more power plants.

In the field of new energy power generation, the European and American powers have always been in the leading position. The nuclear energy of Westinghouse and Areva, and the wind energy of Siemens and Vitas are all No. 1 in the world.

When the technical barriers were hard to break, Star Technology took another shortcut, overtaking on a curve, creating a Karman vortex street effect, which made opponents all over the world feel unparalleled fear.

After all, when it comes to batteries, Panasonic can even come up with 800-1000wh black technology, but the cost is too high. Unless the state provides large-scale subsidies, ordinary people will not buy them at all, but at least all parties still have battery technology.

Energy storage technology has also been ingeniously solved by the Germans.

Only the problem of power generation, the Karman vortex street effect can be called a supernatural spectacle, and its power is too great. If it is really succeeded by the Chinese people, even if the European and American powers have the best battery technology and the most ingenious energy storage technology, there is no way to compete with Huaxia. Competition, because the technical level is more than one level behind.

In this case, the only choice for the great powers is to pray for the complete failure of the Carmen Vortex Street experiment of Star Technology, or to steal their technology!

Although Xingchen Technology has a strong patent department, the epoch-making existence of the super power generation array will not apply for any patents, and must be kept the most thorough and strict secrecy.

Therefore, the opponent's only choice is to figure out what is going on with Star Technology's power generation array, and then reverse engineer the power generation array technology to it.

Can Star Technology stop the leak?

Really can't.

Because although it is only a small experimental array now, once the experiment is successful, countless similar power generation devices will be built along the coast of China, or even in the vast inland.

With so many arrays placed under the sun, someone who wants to take pictures and conduct investigations will definitely be unstoppable.

That's why Luo Jia and An Ran are worried to death, because the multi-link technology used in the array is not only the key to power generation, but also the key to confusing the enemy and securing the technology.

This multi-link system should not only be easy to use,

It must also be completely confusing, to the point where the array is given to the opponent, and the opponent cannot understand it.

For this reason, Star Technology's strongest brainstorming group has been working for half a year, and the cost of the power generation array has also increased by 9%.

In order to preserve the technology and confuse the enemy, Xingchen Technology has paid a huge price, driving a large group of the world's top scientists crazy.

The time finally came to mid-April.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on Huaxia East China Sea.

This super power generation experiment that will change history will officially start tomorrow morning!

North America.

Luo Jia will never know that the impact of his Three Arrows Project on the whole world is actually far more violent than anyone imagined.

At this moment, the German Legion headed by Siemens, the Neon Legion headed by Panasonic, and the North American Legion headed by Bell Labs and Loth Labs, they all gathered together, anxiously waiting for the news from China. the result of.

As Luo Jia expected, the three legions really joined forces.

Neon has come up with the most advanced battery structure and packaging technology, Germany has come up with ingenious deep-sea energy storage technology, wind power construction and management technology, and North America has mastered the key core materials of a new generation of batteries, as well as the world's strongest reverse engineering team.

Originally, the United Kingdom also wanted to join this alliance, but unfortunately, the Royal Fleet, which once conquered half of the world, has long lost its glory. They did not have the core strength to join the alliance, especially because of the issue of Brexit, the Germans had a conflict with them. Huge contradiction.

Obviously, in this alliance, it is impossible to accommodate the two deadly enemies of Germany and the United Kingdom at the same time, so the smart North America finally chose the Germanic Legion.

Because their deep-sea energy storage technology is really powerful, and the Danes, who are unrivaled in wind turbine technology, are also hard-core allies of the Germans.

As for the Neon Legion, they have always been vassals of North America. Until today, there are still a large number of North American troops stationed in the land of Neon. own control.

As a result, the three armies of Neon, North America, and Germany officially joined forces.

The disheartened British had no choice but to find the Israelis, as well as their former colony, India, to start anew, and also to engage in a new energy plan.

It's a pity that in the real world, if the three cobblers get together, they won't really beat Zhuge Liang, and the probability of being a cobbler is higher.

The arrogant French had the opportunity to join the first camp of new energy, and North America and Germany also invited them.

Nuclear energy is an important supplement to new energy sources in the future, and France's nuclear power technology is very powerful. In places where wind power arrays are not suitable, a well-operated nuclear power plant can greatly alleviate the trouble of long-distance power transmission.

In this world, the most powerful large-scale long-distance power transmission technology belongs to Huaxia Power Grid, and the power transmission technology of European and American powers is a pain point.

However, I don’t know where the French are wrong. In short, this invitation was rejected by them. The French authorities continued to sponsor generously. The French companies headed by Areva are determined to create a future energy system based on nuclear energy.

As for wind power technology, the French believe that it is far less reliable than nuclear power. French colonies in Africa mine a large amount of nuclear materials every year, so nuclear power is the most beneficial choice for France.

All in all, while Luo Jia sacrificed the Three Arrows plan, the world was never idle for a moment. Various horizontal and vertical alliances, various conspiracies and tricks have been staged on the earth in turn.

After Huawei fell to Poland, the big powers wielding big sticks finally set their sights on Xingchen Technology and gave them a heavy blow.

Star University has encountered huge resistance in its global enrollment work.

The more common blocking method is usually like this, requiring the equipment to be sent for testing on the grounds that the talent helmet is not safe.

This is not a big problem. The talent helmet is based on the energy wave technology, and the artificial intelligence technology of the golden dome, and the talent algorithm technology. Even if they are tested, they will not be able to understand the profound meaning.

Even more outrageous is the request for a technical description.

For example, Ukraine did this. They pointed out that talent helmets may cause harm to young people. Unless Xingchen Technology presents a full set of technical materials to prove that this technology is really harmless, Xingchen University will not be allowed to recruit students locally.

After hearing the news, Luo Jia simply shrugged his shoulders and withdrew the local recruitment team.

If you don't die, you won't die. Ukraine was originally the granary of Europe. With its natural endowment, it will never fall to where it is today. It has become the poorest country in Europe. Not too strong.

When Luo Jia went to Ukraine to enroll students, he felt pity for them. With their own education system, they are no longer capable of educating geniuses. It is the misfortune of those geniuses to be born in Ukraine.

But Ukraine is determined to be North America's dog leg. First, it had a quarrel with its powerful neighbor Russia, and now it is doing this again, asking Xingchen Technology to hand over its core technology, and they want to test it.

Luo Jia was not angry, but just found it funny, since they want to go further and further on the road to death, then you can continue.

In short, Star University's global enrollment plan encountered great resistance, but this was not beyond Luo Jia's expectations. A fool can also see his thoughtfulness. He only recruits young students and brings them to China since childhood. Cultivate and train them into talents useful to China.

In this regard, the enemy's attitude is that he would rather let the genius rot in his own pot than give it to Huaxia.

Therefore, the global admissions team of Star University turned to countries that were poorer or less hostile, such as South American countries, Southeast Asian countries, Africa and other places.

This is also good, the children of the poor will be in charge of the family early, bring these talented poor children to China, and give them a little living expenses for their families, they will be grateful.

What Xingchen Technology does is related to the future of mankind. There is no need to ask anyone. If we don’t want us to recruit Ukrainian students, then we will not recruit them. Among the scientists who will change history in the future, there will be no Ukrainian scientists. Just don’t regret it .

Another important recruiting group is overseas Chinese. Take Brazil in South America as an example, where there are millions of overseas Chinese.

When Star University started enrolling students in the local area, the Chinese community was completely boiling. They brought their children and came from all over the country. When a teenager was admitted, they beat gongs and drums to celebrate. Many parents shed tears of excitement.

The same situation also appeared in Malaysia, in almost all places with a large number of Chinese.

In fact, no matter where you are or what nationality you hold, these are not important, as long as you remember where your roots are, Luo Jia is very willing to bring their children back and raise them well.

The contradictions have accumulated too much, Luo Jia's three arrows are more ruthless than the other, and once the contradictions accumulate to a certain level, they are like an irrepressible volcano, which will erupt sooner or later.

And this experiment in the East China Sea may become the fuse for the outbreak of all these contradictions.

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