Technological Hegemony

Chapter 135 Motorcycles are just the beginning!

Since it is a future transportation system, it must not be composed of only one product. If there are only radio bicycles, then it is not a transportation system, but a bicycle system.

So at the end of his speech, Boss Ma played a short CG video produced by Xingchen Technology to show the world, Xingchen Technology's vision for the future.

In the picture, airplanes and high-speed rails form the backbone of China's transportation network, connecting major cities across the country.

The airport and the high-speed rail station are connected to the urban rail system. The elevated light rail above the road and the subway hidden under the high-rise buildings form an urban transportation network.

When people walk out of the subway station, they go to the three-dimensional liftable parking lot to pick up their electric cars, or use their mobile phones to scan and drive a motorcycle to continue the next journey.

In Luo Jia's imagination, the future transportation should be like this. The national backbone network, urban transportation network, coupled with miniaturized personal transportation, enable people to reach any place in the country within a day, or even within a few hours. a location.

Of course, everyone understands that this video is a vision of the future, and it will take a long time to wait and prepare to truly achieve it.

But people are still excited about this crazy project, and they found a very amazing little thing from the video.

It is a white self-balancing scooter, which is different from the two-wheeled self-balancing scooter currently on the market. It is larger and driven by two wheels and two motors. The front is equipped with a windshield that can be lifted and lowered, and the top of the head is made of organic plastic. The roof can shelter from the scorching sun and wind and rain.

When in use, people stand on the balance bike and manipulate the front armrest, and under the armrest is a child seat. The semicircular basket in front has two functions, it can be used as an anti-collision buffer and can also be used to put Some vegetable sundries.

This scene lasted less than a minute, but it aroused great interest from netizens.

A pair of young parents stood on two balance scooters with wireless charging function. Their son and daughter sat at their feet, grabbed the small handrail under the support pole, and looked forward curiously.

In the basket of the balance car, there are milk for the children and fresh vegetables just purchased from the supermarket, and they drive along both sides of the road to their home not far away.

When there is a red light ahead, the self-balancing scooter will automatically brake. Obviously, it has some kind of intelligent traffic control system. When you want to turn, you must first turn on the turn signal, otherwise the self-balancing scooter will not start.

What really shocked everyone was far more than that.

When the young couple arrived home,

He picked up the child, took the ingredients in the basket, dropped the electric balance bike and stepped into the elevator.

And the two electric balance bikes turned on their idle lights, and slowly began to move. They came to the side of the road, entered the charging state, put down the tripod, and waited quietly for the next user.

Oh my god!

Netizens couldn't believe their eyes, the electric balance car actually has a self-moving function? is this real?

As we all know, the biggest flaw of shared bicycles is that they are parked randomly. When you really want to use them, you may not be able to find them.

The electric balance car will move to the parking spaces on both sides of the street after use, which is equivalent to intelligent management of the balance car!

When the night comes and the streets are empty, these electric self-balancing vehicles can also make overall adjustments, allowing the self-balancing vehicles parked in remote areas to slowly move towards the city center.

Netizens went crazy after watching this scene.

Because as the picture ends, a paragraph of text appears.

"The future has come, a new generation of personal transportation and electric vehicles will be officially launched on July 16, so stay tuned!"

This text brought the press conference to the climax, and the barrage and major websites began to discuss frantically.

"Electric cars are really coming!"

"July 16th, isn't that the next month?"

"As expected of China's speed, we will see electric balancing cars next month, long live!"

"Let me just say, these giants took out a whole 300 billion, 300 billion! If it's just for motorcycles, it won't cost so much money!"

"I really want to ride that kind of electric balance bike. The shape is so sci-fi, so beautiful, so exciting!"

"I'm so excited, the electric balance bike will definitely not cost one yuan for twenty minutes, I guess it will cost at least five yuan."

"Five yuan is worth it. Do you know how expensive it is to take a taxi in a big city?"

"The key is that during the rush hour, there is no taxi at all. Low-priced motorcycles and more expensive electric balance vehicles, plus light rail, subways, and taxis, this is the real future transportation system! Xingchen technology is powerful! "

"I'm studying in London. I don't want to talk about it. I'm full of tears. It costs at least ten or twenty yuan to go out by bus. I don't dare to go out at ordinary times."

"That can't be helped, come back after reading the book."

"I will definitely come back. I am studying in Tu'ao. Compared with China, this is a big rural area. After watching this video, I feel so homesick now."

In a very short period of time, the concept of the future transportation system swept the entire world like a hurricane.

Especially the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle defined as the future personal transportation system, Fan Xiang is so big that Luo Jia had to ask the administrative department to issue an announcement to explain.

Tell the people all over the country that the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles are not really launched on a large scale, but must first be tested in the first phase in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

After all, transportation is not a joke, so be careful.

Moreover, the city's traffic signal system, self-balancing vehicle positioning system, self-propelled deployment system, and central global control system all need to undergo a lot of testing to collect data for optimization and improvement.

Besides, electric balancing vehicles are expensive to build and charge, so it is impossible to promote them in all cities, and they will only be popularized in small areas in large cities.

At this stage, everyone should use motorcycles, which are convenient and cheap.

Despite this, people’s enthusiasm is still extremely high. After all, the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle has a strong sense of the future. Except in science fiction movies, who has seen such an advanced and interesting thing.

Looking at the whole earth, this is scorpion shit, the only one!

The people of Huaxia have already begun to look forward to what their hometown will look like when electric vehicles and electric self-balancing vehicles are launched next month.

And foreign netizens started to complain sourly.

"I live in New York. I used to think of myself as a metropolitan, but now, to be honest, I'm starting to be a little jealous of Chinese people."

"Don't complain about New York. It's really not easy for us people in Paris. We go on strike for one-third of the time every year. When there is no strike, the subway smells like urine!"

"As a citizen of the British Empire, I feel that Huaxia's future transportation system is very suitable for us. We should invite Huaxia people to build one for us."

"I think too much upstairs. The most powerful thing about Huaxia's system is not the transportation, but the energy network supported by tens of millions of charging piles! With this network, transportation can be replaced at any time, such as two-wheeled vehicles, unicycles, Even a hover car without wheels can run on this network."

"Correct answer. According to our North American efficiency, it will take at least a century to build such a huge network. By that time, even my grandson will be in his grave."

Through discussions among domestic and foreign netizens, people gradually discovered how powerful Huaxia's energy and transportation network really is.

Small countries such as Singapore, Switzerland, and Luxembourg may be able to dream about it, but places like North America, Tuao, etc., just look at it, they are impossible.

All in all, Luo Jia's first card has been played, and the focus is not on motorcycles, but on the construction of a future-oriented transportation system.

After the press conference, Boss Ma booked a private club in Huangpu District, where everyone had dinner together.

Luo Jia didn't say much, and kept swiping her phone, reading barrage and posts on various forums.

Unexpectedly, netizens are more interested in two-wheel balance vehicles than motorcycles. It is said that at this stage, motorcycles are obviously the best choice. It costs one yuan and twenty minutes, cheap and convenient.

As a result, the pressure on Luo Jia will be greater. The public test of the balance car next month will inevitably attract global spectators. If it is not done well, it will also affect the reputation of Xingchen Technology.

After listening to Luo Jia's worries, Boss Ma smiled and said, "It's normal. Even an unknown person will occasionally want something good. Your two-wheeled self-balancing scooter is just awesome and sci-fi. So there's bound to be a huge amount of attention, how? Is there a technical problem?"

Luo Jia shook his head and explained to everyone that the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle actually uses mature technology, and even the self-propelled system is just a weakened version of automatic driving.

Autonomous driving is very difficult. It needs to solve the central processing problem, the sensing problem of the traffic flow in the surrounding environment, the emergency feedback problem in case of an emergency, and so on.

However, the self-propelled two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle sticks to the curb and moves slowly at a speed of several kilometers per hour. No matter the speed or the range of movement, it cannot be compared with automatic driving, and the solution is not difficult.

"Next month, we will launch 10,000 vehicles for public testing, but I still value electric bicycles and electric motorcycles more than two-wheel balance vehicles." Luo Jia said.

People became interested and surrounded Luo Jia one after another, asking him to talk.

Luo Jia smiled, "Let's talk about the country first. Although the future transportation system is good, due to cost and efficiency issues, it is not suitable for decentralization to small and medium-sized cities at present, and the vast majority of the population in our country lives in small and medium-sized cities. The transportation needs of these people must also be met.”

"So in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas, there will be a transportation system dominated by electric vehicles and electric bicycles. At that time, everyone can choose according to their own economic capabilities. If you have enough funds, you can buy electric vehicles. If you don't have enough funds, you should buy one first. E-bike rides."

"The reason why I like electric bicycles and electric motorcycles is mainly because of foreign countries."

"If you have been to Southeast Asia, you will find that there are as many motorcycles as seawater, and almost everyone owns one. If we can win this market, it will create huge benefits and drive the rapid development of the entire industrial chain. And at the same time deal a serious blow to our competitors."

"Do you know? In fact, my country's electric bicycle manufacturers have already started to fight around the world. In recent years, Europe has continuously launched anti-dumping investigations on Chinese electric bicycle manufacturers because they are starting to feel scared."

"In Europe, the economy has been sluggish recently, the people don't have much money, the streets are narrow, and public transportation can't keep up, so there is a huge demand for electric bicycles and motorcycles."

"In the absence of wireless charging and high-endurance batteries, domestic electric bicycle companies have sold to the extent that Europeans are impatient and want to conduct anti-dumping investigations. If I give them wireless charging and supporting battery electronics, you Guess what happened?"

Boss Ma's eyes lit up suddenly, he stroked his chin and said, "Isn't that just crushing?"

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