Technological Hegemony

Chapter 113: The General Attack Begins! Evolved Star Search!


Google Labs.

Larry Page, with his head down, came to his good partner Sergey Brin and patted him on the shoulder with his hand.

Sergey is wearing headphones, testing the built-in audio decoder of the Star System.

He took off his earphones and turned around.

Larry Page saw that his partner's eyes were bloodshot, and he probably didn't close his eyes for another night.

Since the mobile operating system war broke out on February 1, Google has been researching its opponents day and night. Unfortunately, all the software of Star Technology uses special packages, which cannot be cracked.

"Is there any progress?" Larry Page asked.

Sergey shook his head and said with a wry smile, "There is no progress. No matter from which point of view, the star system is currently the best in the world. Under the same hardware conditions, the running speed is 30% faster than ours. .”

"I'm doing their audio test, and even the audio codec they use is better than ours."

"Where are you?" Sergey asked.

The two of them worked together in a division of labor, Sergey was in charge of studying the star system, and Page was in charge of researching the star search.

"You'd better take a look with me, there's a big problem." Page said seriously.

So Sergey hurriedly dropped his work and went to another laboratory.

On the screen of the monitor, Sergey saw a scene he would never forget. He widened his eyes and shouted in an incredible voice, "No way, star search is evolving!"

Page nodded with difficulty, and compared the results displayed by the star search a few days ago with the current results.

It can be clearly seen that the results of the same search for a keyword have changed a lot.

Sergey Brin tried typing his name, then hit enter.

The first place in the search results is his recent photo, the second is his biography, the third is his extramarital affair with the young office girl Amanda, and the fourth is that he and his high school girlfriend got drunk at the prom. Xiao Lace, who was detained by the police for smashing someone else's car glass, fifth is his latest action schedule.

Sergey continued to flip down, feeling more and more frightened.

Because of all the search results, none of them are repeated, and the order of arrangement is extremely satisfactory.

Page muttered, "If I were an ordinary netizen and wanted to know more about you, I could follow the search results one by one without even getting bored."

"Can you believe it, this search engine made your persona!"

Sergey's eyes were dull, as if struck by lightning.

Yes, this is his personality. When he saw himself and his high school girlfriend taking a photo at the prom, Sergey even had the urge to burst into tears.

Suddenly, he remembered that the Scottish red-haired girl named Fanny, she was wearing braces, making people uncomfortable when kissing, but she liked herself so much.

That was really the best memory in life, they skipped class together to feed squirrels in the park, the sky was so blue, and the two of them were so innocent.

God knows, how did this damn search engine find that photo?

If it wasn't for Star Search, Sergey would have even forgotten that the two of them had embraced and took a photo together on the steps of the high school that day...

"Keep watching!"

Page excitedly entered multiple keywords in succession. It seemed that there was little difference between the results of Star Search and Google Search, but the focus was on the details.

The first page of search results will always contain one or two pieces of interesting but not widely known information.

For example, when you search for NBA star Kobe Bryant, Star Search will tell you that Kobe means Kobe city in the neon country. His father Joe is crazy about Kobe beef, so he gave him such a name.

The name of the big star Kobe, originally meant Kobe beef, Ben, Bryant!

If it wasn't for Star Search to tell you, would you dare to believe it! ?

When you search for python,

Star Search will tell you that pythons actually have feet! It's just that it has degenerated and turned into an inconspicuous little claw, which can only be found by careful observation.

When you search for canned oranges, Star Search will tell you that it is best not to eat this kind of canned oranges, because the oranges are not peeled, but soaked in hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution!

When you search for rocket propulsion, Xingchen Search will tell you that solid fuel propulsion technology originated in Caltech in 1939, a secret organization called Rocket Team. Among the five members of the organization, one of them is Qian Xuesen...

Sergey felt himself trembling.

As Larry Page continued to use the stars to search and display the results for various keywords, Sergey finally understood what a terrifying opponent he had encountered.

Star Search is constantly evolving, becoming more accurate and smarter.

Soon after, Sergey and Page sat side by side, transfixed.

"How on earth did they do it?"

"I don't know, Sergey, I think we are finished." Page said seriously.

"Since they have such terrifying technology, why haven't they launched a general attack yet?"

"I don't know, Sergey, I think if they launch a general attack, we will be finished." Paige muttered again.


If Larry Page and Sergey Brin knew why Roja hadn't launched a general attack, they would be surprised.

Firstly, the engine has not been tuned to the optimal condition, and secondly, Luo Jia has no money in hand...

What he does is a long-term business, such as Star Optics. This branch can contribute about 2.5 billion yuan in net profit to the headquarters every month, excluding taxes and labor.

If Luo Jia is willing to sell the factory and technology of Xingchen Optics, of course, he can easily obtain hundreds of billions of dollars in cash.

But he doesn't like to do this, because Xingchen Optics still has great potential, except for mobile phone cameras, cameras, and video cameras.

Optical research can also be applied to medical devices and even the chip industry.

The lenses used in ASML lithography machines are provided by famous German optical companies, Leica and Zeiss.

If Luo Jia wants to build a super space telescope in the future, optical technology is also essential, so keeping the star optics is very important for his future development.

Optical, display, electrical, chemical, the four major branches contribute more than 20 billion yuan in cash flow to the headquarters every month.

The Baoshan headquarters is basically a pure money-burning institution, raising three thousand steel straight men, doing various expensive scientific experiments, and spending money like water.

This afternoon, Li Moran strode into Luo Jia's office with an excited expression on his face.

"A few minutes ago, all branches have completed the engine upgrade. In this version, we will completely surpass Google!" Li Moran said in a deep voice.

Luo Jia nodded, he stood up from the chair, and walked to the software center with Li Moran.

It's not that Luo Jia doesn't attack, but he's used to not fighting unprepared battles.

Overseas is different from China. The farthest branch is in Buenos Aires. It takes at least two days for colleagues from the company to arrive by plane.

After colleagues arrive, they need to familiarize themselves with the situation and debug the search engine over and over again, which will take time.

You know, since Star Search went online on March 3rd, and now only a dozen days have passed, Star Search has been upgraded to the fifth version!

On average, major technological upgrades are made every three days, what a terrifying speed!

When Luo Jia arrived at the software center, the technical team of 300 people staying in the company was already on standby.

And the forty-nine branches around the world are also anxiously waiting for orders from the headquarters.

"Let's get started." Luo Jia glanced at those excited colleagues, nodded at Li Moran, and said in a deep voice.

March 20th.

After Star Search replaced Baidu and became the overlord of China's search engines, it officially began to attack all Google's branches around the world, as well as the North American headquarters.

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