Technological Hegemony

Chapter 109 Negotiations Break Down! Total war is on!


In front of An Ran and Li Moran, Luo Jia clicked the mouse and sent this e-mail with a mobilization order to 49 branches around the world.

Li Moran was still so quiet, he returned to his seat, picked up a cup of black tea, and took a sip.

An Ran was like a rambunctious rabbit, pacing back and forth in Luo Jia's office.

Now he finally knew what the third hole card Luo Jia and Li Moran had prepared, but he was not satisfied, instead his whole body trembled with excitement.

"I thought you were going to eat up the operating system, but I didn't expect you to destroy Android enough to crush Google's stronghold!" An Ran said excitedly, "Search engines are the lifeblood of Google!"

Luo Jia said lightly, "I didn't intend to use this big killer, but just in case, after all, the power behind Google is very powerful. If you cut Google's lifeblood, everyone will fight with us."

An Ran nodded. With his smart brain, he immediately thought of a series of scary names. Last time they touched the photoresist in the hardware department, it turned out that it was the world's seventeen largest giant companies.

It was a brutal battle. If Luo Jia hadn't come up with a modified full-synthetic solution at the last moment, and the four domestic companies had fully cooperated with Xingchen Technology, they would have failed.

The war facing the software department today is undoubtedly more difficult and dangerous than the photoresist war.

"Then what should we do now?" An Ran asked curiously.

Luo Jia smiled and looked out the window, "I want to talk to Google to see if everyone wants to really fight to the death."

An Ran was taken aback, then nodded, "That makes sense, after all, war is just a means, if the goal can be achieved in a peaceful way, who would like bloodshed?"

"Leave this matter to me. I have many classmates and teachers who have a close relationship with Google. You can ask them to make an appointment."

"But then again, what if Google doesn't agree to end the war?"

Luo Jia said lightly, "If that's the case, I will personally send them on the road."

three days later.

The Hong Kong government welcomes a group of guests in a hurry. After they walked out of the airport, they boarded an eight-seater commercial vehicle that was waiting on the side of the road early.

Then go directly to the Peninsula Hotel where you are staying.

After eating something simple, I rested in the room for another two hours.

Luo Jia came to the meeting room on the fourth floor of the hotel according to the agreed time.

The moment the door was opened, Luo Jia was stunned, because the other party was far more numerous than himself.

In addition to the two founders of Google, there were more than a dozen business people in suits, and Luo Jia only had him, An Ran, a colleague from the legal department and a colleague from the administrative department.

Li Moran is responsible for staying in the company. At the same time, the entire software department is also on standby, waiting for the outcome of the negotiations between Luo Jia and Google.

Luo Jia has seen Larry Page and Sergey Brin many times in the news. He is not unfamiliar at the moment. He smiled, shook hands with them, and then exchanged greetings with them in fluent English.

Since becoming the successor of an extraterrestrial civilization, even Luo Jia's foreign language skills have improved, which is not a big surprise.

Those English words that I couldn't remember in the past are now written directly in the memory center of Luo Jia's brain like data written on a hard disk.

Luo Jia said with a smile, "The purpose of meeting the two of you this time is mainly to settle the dispute between us."

Sergey Brin tapped his fingers on the table and said angrily, "It's not a dispute, it's a war, a war started by you!"

Luo Jia turned to Sergey Brin, with a sharp light in his eyes, "Sorry, we have won the war!"

"Star System currently has a global market share of more than 60%. We don't need anyone to admit that we are now the biggest player in the world's operating system field!"

"From now on, we will not only keep the fruits of our victory, but also nibble away at your share step by step until we wipe you out!"

"So, we are not talking about the war now, but to talk about some of the disputes that arose after the war."

"am I right?"

"Mr. Sergey Brin."


An Ran and the other two colleagues were overwhelmed by Luo Jia's sudden burst of strength. For a moment, they felt that Luo Jia was like a lion without anger.

Recently, Luo Jia has been very quiet and speaks slowly.

That's because his current role is the commander of a war, and what a commander needs is calmness and wisdom, so Luo Jia has been suppressing his emotions.

However, depression does not mean no emotion.

Sergey Brin's face turned purple like a piece of pork liver.

The reason why Luo Jia proposed to negotiate is very simple. If you lose, you lose. Don't get frustrated, come and engage our partners.

Larry Page, a smart and cunning Jewish descendant, acted as a peacemaker, patted his partner on the shoulder, and said to Luo Jia, "You are right, the crown of the world's number one mobile phone operating system, It's already yours."

"But we still have to negotiate, which shows that there is still a basis for cooperation between us."

Larry Page beckoned, and even a middle-aged man in a dark suit and tie opened the briefcase and took out a contract-like thing from it.

Larry Page took over the contract and pushed it to Luo Jia, "This is our sincerity."

Luo Jia opened the contract and looked at it. The first page was a cumbersome legal explanation, and then scrolling down, Luo Jia's face gradually changed.


Larry Page nodded, "To be precise, it's a lot of money. Star System and Android are separated from their parent companies to establish a new joint venture company. The headquarters is still located in Huaxia. In terms of shareholding ratio, you account for 100% Fifty-one, we account for forty-nine percent, and you are still the controlling shareholder."

"But in order to compensate for your loss, we are willing to pay 20 billion U.S. dollars in cash!"

Luo Jia was restless and kept the contract on the table, which was impossible for him to accept.

Because the star system includes several core modules that must not be seen by outsiders.

For example, if someone unpacks the package of Little Star, which is a weakened primary artificial intelligence, they will immediately find that this program is not a product of earth technology at all!

So so far, Luo Jia has not sold even one share to anyone, not now, and never will.

"Impossible." Luo Jia said resolutely, "Other conditions can be negotiated, but shares and technology cannot be discussed."

Larry Page smiled. He proposed that the shares could be less and the price could be higher, but both parties must cooperate in technology.

To put it simply, they have a great interest in the technology used at the bottom of the star system.

As long as Luo Jia is willing to disclose some of these technologies, they will not only terminate the 337 investigation, but also give Xingchen Technology a huge amount of money in return, exchanging US dollars for Luo Jia's technology.

This touched Luo Jia's bottom line. He stood up and said with grace, "Let's not waste each other's precious time."

"It's a pleasure meeting you two."

Under the astonished eyes of the other party, Luo Jia shook hands with the two founders of Google, turned and left the meeting room

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, Luo Jia suddenly heard Sergey Brin roaring so angry that he was almost hysterical.

"What did he say?" Luo Jia asked with a frown.

"I don't understand, it sounds like Russian, that guy is a descendant of the former Soviet Union." An Ran shrugged his shoulders and said, "Probably cursing us that we will regret it, they want to use the 337 investigation to kill the Big Four or something like that. "

Oh okay

Without saying anything, Luo Jia took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, opened the mail system, checked the email that had been prepared, and then pressed the send button.

A few seconds later, Star Technology's headquarters and 49 branches around the world received the system launch order at the same time.

The second year of entrepreneurship, March 3rd.

The negotiations between Star Technology and Google have officially broken down.

So far, the battle for hegemony in the field of mobile phone operating systems.

Has been upgraded to, total war!

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