Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 930: Suppress the demons

Yanyan suddenly appeared in Zhang Yu's spiritual world, and both the heart demon and Zhang Yu were shocked. Zhang Yu's master character, who had recovered, hurriedly came to Yanyan, guarding against the heart demon attacking Yanyan. Revenge yourself.

Upon seeing this, the demon understood the purpose of the master's doing this, and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't hurt her. After all, she is also my wife. When I take over your body, they will all be mine. ".

"You dream". Zhang Yu resolutely said.

Yanyan looked at the evil spirit demon all over her body, and said with surprise and doubt: "Husband, what is that?"

"It's my demon, he wants to rob the master and receive my body." Zhang Yu explained depressedly.

"Then I will help you destroy it." Yan Yan said angrily.

"Don't be kidding, you go out quickly, I will deal with it myself". Zhang Yu, who had no chance of winning in his heart, scolded, trying to drive her away so as not to have an accident.

"No, I will protect myself, and I have already evolved, I am a Level 3 evolutionary, not a burden." Yanyan refused.

"obedient". Zhang Yu frowned.

"Do not". Yanyan replied firmly.

The two suddenly became arguing and turned a blind eye to the demons on the side as they were transparent.

The demon who was left out in the cold, remembered the feeling of loneliness on the edge of the spiritual world, it was a bitter torture, and said furiously: "You treat me as if I don't exist, so you can see what despair is. ".

"Hidden". Zhang Yu immediately pulled Yanyan behind him to protect her.

"---". Yanyan pursed her lips and walked to Zhang Yu again, indicating that she wanted to advance and retreat with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu, who had no way to quarrel with Yanyan anymore, stared at the heart demon, because it moved, and saw the darkness at the edge of the spiritual world was triggered into a tornado, surrounding the heart demon, forming a huge The dark tornado is coming.

The buildings that were turned out on the ground were all sucked into the tornado, shattered into mental power, and became the nutrients of the spiritual world. Zhang Yu, who spent more spiritual power to rebuild the city, was temporarily unable to interrupt the attack of the inner demon.

At this moment, Yanyan, the third-level telepathic evolver, used her own psychic power to transform into a dark cloud in the sky. The thunder and lightning flashed in the dark cloud. Zhang Yu and the heart demon raised their heads in disbelief and looked at the dark clouds. .

Yan Yan Jiao shouted: "Lou Lei".

"Rumble rumbling."

In an instant, a powerful thunderstorm shot down the heart demon in the tornado. The power of the heart was not the same as Zhang Yu. The damage to the heart demon reached the maximum value. In an instant, the heart demon was electrocuted into coke.

"Huhuhu". The huge tornado stopped, and the coke-shaped heart demon absorbed the dark spiritual power at the edge of the spiritual world, and was reborn, but the body still had sequelae and was temporarily unable to move.

The heart demon who couldn't believe it exclaimed: "How did you become so strong? In the memory of the master, you are just a vase."

"What, I'm not a vase, die for me, you". After Yanyan heard the words, her face flushed, and she suddenly furious.




The powerful psychic power, Yanyan who was embarrassed and turned into anger, turned countless kinds of thunder and lightning, and attacked the demons to dodge fearfully, but they still couldn't dodge all of them. The original black and beautiful hair became brittle and upright.

The clothes turned out of the body were all burned to ashes, and even the body was seriously damaged, and most of the desires were consumed. The ability of the inner demon suddenly became the same as before, and it was almost like Zhang Yu's master.

The frightened heart demon dodged while begging for mercy: "I was wrong, I didn't mean that."

"watch out". The furious Yanyan attacked the inner demon regardless, and the pungent appearance shocked Zhang Yu's master character.

Under Yanyan’s attack, the heart demon has no ability to counterattack, and can only be passively beaten, over and over again, being wiped out by Yanyan, reborn, and eliminated again, falling into a painful reincarnation. The heart demon feels that he is going crazy. .

"---". Zhang Yu, who couldn't get his hands at all, had peasy eyes, stunned.

Yanyan, who turned out countless missiles, raged in the spiritual world, the explosion sound mixed with dense smoke, so that everything in the spiritual world was affected, how to look at it, Yanyan was the devil.

Without restraint, Yanyan can transform into a variety of weapons, and Yanyan is an evolutionary at the same level as Zhang Yu, and her spiritual ability is her strong point. A bewildered heart demon is given by Yanyan. Fight violently.

Yanyan, who turned her body into a giant shape, clenched her huge fist, hit the body of the heart demon with a punch, and knocked the heart demon flying out, hitting hundreds of houses directly, and then Yanyan rushed up again. Punch after punch hit the body of the inner demon.




The weakly struggling heart demon was beaten to pieces by heavy punches. After rebirth, he continued to be punched and kicked, and his mentality was about to burst. The heart demon furiously said: "I am a heart demon, how dare you do this to me".

As soon as the voice fell, the heart demon who forcibly replenished a large amount of desire and mental power also turned into a giant of the same size. Upon seeing Zhang Yu, he immediately used his own mental power to form a gravity field, oppressing the heart demon and could not move.

Yanyan stepped on the huge body of the inner demon madly regardless, and shouted, "Die you".




The heart demon who was kicked violently again, his eyes cracked and roared: "I won't die."

"I do not believe". Said the domineering Yanyan while kicking her heart demon.

"Then take a good look." The heart demon became even more furious, absorbing more desire and mental power. Suddenly, the body of the heart demon became larger, far beyond the giant body that Yanyan transformed into.

The black spiritual power surged over her body, and the heart demon became extremely huge. Yanyan had to raise her head to see the upper body of the heart demon. The heart demon who was beaten so madly must step on Yanyan when she lifted her huge foot.

When the heart demon's feet were about to fall, Yanyan sneered: "Is that right? It's too pediatric, let's see how I beat you."

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Yan also added her spiritual power to her body. The rapidly growing body caught the feet of the heart demon and knocked it to the ground, while the body was still getting bigger, and finally became bigger than the heart demon. It stopped after twice.

Yanyan, who looked down at the heart demon, raised her foot and trampled the heart demon again, disdainfully said: "You remembered it for me, I am not a vase."




The huge soles of feet trampled on the heart demon, making a loud noise, and the air was shaken.

The unwilling heart demon roared: "Bigger."

Upon seeing this, Yanyan sneered and said, "Then I will become bigger too."

The heart demon and Yanyan kept getting bigger, but every time, the heart demon was suppressed by Yanyan. Zhang Yu, who was watching the battle, was completely stunned, and his mouth opened into a round shape. Not agree.

After being beaten continuously for a long time, the desperate heart demon was suppressed by a mountain that was transformed by Yan Yan, and Yan Yan said triumphantly: "Well, dare you to come out and make trouble?"

"Don't dare anymore." The heart demon replied with fear, and felt that it was good to live on the edge of the spiritual world, at least without being beaten up, and would not encounter the violent woman Yanyan.

After the demons conceded, Yanyan kicked her and shouted, "Then go back to your marginal world."


Under the collision, there was a loud noise, and the heart demon was kicked out by Yanyan along with the mountain that was pressing on it, and he flew out of the transformed city, returning to the place where the heart demon once stayed.

Yanyan dissipated her spiritual power, her body changed back to its original shape, and she jumped to the side of the bewildered Zhang Yu, holding Zhang Yu's arm triumphantly and said: "My husband, I'll help you deal with the demons. Thank me".

Zhang Yu shook his body, and the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "You can do anything you want, don't use violence in the future."

"What? People are not like violence." Yanyan replied shyly.

"That's it." Zhang Yu murmured in his heart, and quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go out first and talk about it."

"Ok". Yanyan suddenly thought of the outside, Su Mei and others were still asleep, and immediately responded.

When Zhang Yu and Yanyan disappeared into the spiritual world, the demons in the dark area on the edge of the city said bitterly: "Finally gone, great."

I thought I could finally take over Zhang Yu's body, but people are not as good as the sky. Yanyan comes in, thinking that Yanyan is just a vase. Who knows that women are fickle, and instantly beat herself into a dog. humiliation.

In the real world, Zhang Yu who regained consciousness found that Yanyan was pressing on him. Zhang Yu looked at Yanyan with pity and waited for her to wake up. A few seconds later, Yanyan also woke up and saw Zhang Yu's pity. Look.

Although she wanted to stay warm with Zhang Yu, Yanyan thought of Su Mei and other women, and immediately gave up, and said to Zhang Yu: "Husband, sister Mei and they are still sleeping, I want to wake them up quickly".

"Go ahead, be careful". Zhang Yu, who knew he couldn't help, exhorted.

"Ok". Yanyan nodded.

After taking a break, Yanyan who had recovered her spiritual power, dived into Su Mei’s dream. When Yanyan saw Su Mei who became the queen, and Zhang Yu who only loved Su Mei alone, she was speechless. What are some dreams.

Su Mei also found Yanyan and said in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"I came to wake you up, but you didn't realize that you were dreaming." Yan Yan said uncomfortably.

"Dreaming, you are dreaming, this is reality, Zhang Yu only loves me, you are nothing." Su Mei sneered.

Yanyan, who became increasingly uncomfortable, directly used violence, because sometimes violence was more effective than reason. No, when the dream was shattered by Yanyan, Su Mei was normal and regained her consciousness.

After receiving the dream memory, Su Mei looked at Yanyan smirking, pretending to be silly and laughing all the time: "Haha".

"Too lazy to care about you, I want to wake up others." Yanyan rolled her eyes and said. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 930 Suppressing Heart Demon) reading record, and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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