Stones of different shapes and sizes rolled down from the hillside, smashing flowers, plants and trees into fragments. After shaking for tens of seconds, the mountain remained static. Then, the entire magic crystal veins glowed with a long light. Several kilometers long.

The goblin leader who had a bad feeling in his heart, his face was sad and said: "Damn it, get into trouble."

The rest of the goblins were panting and panting, looking at the burning mine, their eyes were frightened, and they whispered.

"What to do, if they know that we collapsed the mine, it will definitely kill us."

"Don't admit it to death."

"We can't say that we did it if we killed it."


In the magic crystal vein, in the cave, the huge portal has absorbed the energy in the magic crystal mine and opened a space door. Inside the door, there is a dim world. Red and black are the main theme here.

In the gloomy world, a barren world, a few red plants, exuding a fascinating atmosphere, a five-meter-high rock monster emitting black smoke, is slaughtering a group of humanoid demons in scales, and the skeleton monsters are braving blue. Guang "quack" smiled.

When a space gate appeared in this gloomy world, all the monsters being killed were taken aback. Feeling the breath of life from the other side of the space gate, all the dark creatures cheered.

The Bat Monster Lord exulted: "Tens of thousands of years, the space door has finally opened again, little ones, go out and prey on humans as much as you like."

The Rock Monster Lord Urn shouted: "Enter the space gate, the outside world is waiting for us to rule."

The skeleton lord used soul fluctuations to transmit his voice: "Make the outside world brittle to the Skeleton King institution".


The tyrannical dark creatures all swarmed toward the space gate, swarmed out, from the demon domain to the magical world, the dark breath enveloped in the cave of the magic crystal mine, the collapsed magic crystal mine, trapped the dark creatures in the cave .

The rock monster moved in one direction and used its rock arm to forcibly dig a channel. An army of countless monsters followed behind the huge rock monster. When the channel was dug through, the dazzling sunlight made the monsters extremely excited.




The tyrannical roar of the dark creatures alarmed all the beasts within a radius of more than ten kilometers. The strong dark aura was madly released, forming a black plume of smoke that rose up and blackened the clouds in the sky.

The goblins hiding on the wide flat ground were all hairy and panicked.

"What is going on, there is a sense of anxiety."

"Damn it, why does it always feel like something is going to happen".

"I really want to leave here."


In the base of Warcraft Forest, everyone felt the depressive breath in the air. The adventurers who felt uneasy, believed in this feeling, and left here, only the greedy merchants were reluctant to own their own industries, and they all stayed.

In the sugar water store, Zhang Yue, who has perfectly inherited Zhang Yu's enormous spiritual power, clearly felt the crisis, jumped into Angela's arms in fright, and shivered: "Mom, let's run, it's dangerous here."

Angela didn't believe a child's weird words, thinking that Yueyue just wanted Zhang Yu, so she soothed: "It's okay, there is a mother, and her mother will protect you."

"Ok". Zhang Yue didn't understand, and thought Angela could protect her, so she felt relieved.

Next to the Demon Crystal Mine, the dark creatures of the Demon Domain surrounded the entire Demon Crystal Mine. Lords of the dark creatures were digging in the Demon Crystal Mine and headed towards the bottom Demon Crystal Mine, the bottom Demon Crystal Mine. in.

Nine people surrounded a monster. They were all solidified by the magic crystal. When the magic crystal mine changed, the nine people solidified in the magic crystal and one monster revived at the same time. The immobile monster roared in ecstasy. Tao.

"Haha, my people are here, you are dead.

An old man who surrounded the monster said with a serious face: "Devil God, even if you go out, we can seal you again."

The Demon God screamed: "It's up to you, if it wasn't because I was fooled by you, do you think you can seal me? When I go out, you will wait to be killed by me one by one, haha".

The goddess of life exudes a holy light, saying: "For the safety of all lives, even if we die together, we will kill you."

"Yes". The other gods resolutely said.

The devil said with disdain: "If you want to die with me, you have a dream."

The nine gods also knew that the idea of ​​dying together was unrealistic, but the demon gods were about to get out of their traps, and the Magic Continent would wipe out the creatures. The nine gods made their final efforts to explode the artifacts stored in their holy grounds.

Suddenly, the top powers of the entire continent were all startled by the explosion of the artifact. The elders at the Magic Guild headquarters muttered to themselves with white faces: "The artifact is broken, the devil appears, it turns out that this is not a legend, it is true." .

In the pastor's church, the pope didn't dare to believe in it: "The artifact has blew up, how could this be possible? Is it true that the legend is true? Is the devil really going to reproduce?

"The artifact blew up." The other top forces were all panicked.

In the deep sea, the artifacts of the Sea Clan have also exposed themselves. In the holy land of the Dragon Clan, the dragon guarding the sacred object of the Dragon Clan discovered that the artifact had exploded. The report was shocked to the elder, and the elder left Long Island with a face of earth.

On Mars, the tree roof in the Star-Moon Institution City, the magic wand of the Queen of Nature's Elf suddenly blew up, scaring her soul out of her body and said: "It's over, the artifact was broken by me, I am the sinner of the elves."

Soon, the natural elf queen remembered how the artifact could be broken, which is impossible. When she searched the ancient elf books, she discovered that something was going to happen to the magic continent. When she closed the book, the elf queen felt relieved.

"Fortunately, the elves don't live in the magic continent anymore. It's really lucky."

In the simple greenhouse on the outskirts, the elder of the dragon clan found the Dragon King and shouted: "It's not good, the artifact has exploded, and something big is going to happen to the Magic Continent."

Upon hearing this, the Dragon King eagerly ordered: "Hurry up and let all the dragon races move here to take refuge."

"Yes". The elder replied, and then he remembered that even if something happened to the Magic Continent, it wouldn't be affected here, an excellent place of refuge.

In the base of Magic Continent, Zhang Yu, who came here, felt a dangerous aura, a strong sense of crisis, and Zhang Yu became anxious, and hurriedly searched for the trail of Angela.

Through the tracking system of the smart wristband, Zhang Yu came to the Tangshui shop and saw the figure of his wife and daughter. Zhang Yu, with an anxious face, stepped forward and picked up his daughter with one hand, took Angela’s hand and turned around and left. Did not say.

The playful Angela shouted: "Don't hold me, I won't go."

Zhang Yu, who forced Angela to leave, said: "Go back and talk about it, it's dangerous here."

"Don't want to lie to me, there is no danger, I don't want to go back with you". Angelanu said.

The feeling of danger became stronger and stronger. Zhang Yu had to force the struggling Angela to hug her with one hand, and let her lean in his arms. The slender heel could not be struggling without touching the ground, and the power of thought gushed out. Flew to the location of the portal.

Angela in the air was helpless, so she had to hug Zhang Yu tightly so as not to fall, and she kept saying, "Don't think that I will forgive you in this way, at least apologize well."

"Hey". Zhang Yue, who was in Zhang Yu's arms, rolled her eyes when she saw that her mother had fallen so quickly.

"coming". Zhang Yu shouted sternly.

"What's coming?" Angela was puzzled, and looked around, only to find out that I didn’t know when, huge batmen appeared in the sky, and they had a cold breath all over, making Angela feel that her skin would be frozen. Up.

Zhang Yue buried her little head in Zhang Yu's arms with a face of horror, and said fearfully: "Dad, there are monsters."

"Guru". Angela swallowed, her face full of horror and said: "My husband, run away."

"I think too, but they have found us." Zhang Yu frowned.

The two sides faced each other for a while. The bat monster with a human body, covered with black hair, bat wings and head, stared at Zhang Yu and the three with blood-red eyes, the canine teeth glowed white, and the bat monster with saliva from the corners of the mouth swarmed towards Zhang Yu.


The bat monster who stirred its wings and made a whistling sound flew towards Zhang Yu from all directions.

"Going to run away, hold me tight." Zhang Yu told his daughter and wife.

"Ok". Angela and Yueyue immediately hugged Zhang Yu and said.

Mind force swarmed out, supporting Zhang Yu and the three people, flying towards the ground at a low altitude. The bat monsters followed Zhang Yu and three people in hot pursuit. After diving shortly, Zhang Yu saw the portal not far in front.

Mind power wrapped his wife and daughter and sent them into the portal. Zhang Yu turned around, leaning against the portal, and facing the flying bat monsters, he launched a mind power attack, trying to block the bat monsters.

"Read the needle."

Massive thought power formed a transparent needle. Under Zhang Yu’s control, the needle whizzed out and enveloped all the bat monsters in the attack range. The sharp and strong needle instantly beat the group of bat monsters into Hedgehog.




After a round of attacks, dense holes appeared on the bat monsters, blood spattered from the small holes, and the bat monsters whose internal organs were pierced by the needle, died instantly, and fell from the sky.

"Boom boom boom".

The corpse of the bat monster hit the ground with a loud noise. The hard ground caused the corpse of the bat monster to suffer secondary damage.

The huge group of bat monsters was indifferent to the dead companions, and continued to fly towards Zhang Yu, attacking without fear of death. Zhang Yu had no choice but to create a mind shield around the portal to block the bat monsters behind.

Zhang Yu, who entered the portal, told Zhinao Xiaowen: "Hurry up and close the portal."

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

After the portal was closed, Angela ran over and hugged Zhang Yu and said to herself: "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in danger. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 925 Attacked), and you can read it next time you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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