"Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", the classicism of this song completely crushed Dong Chou's "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold".

Not to mention Dong Chou's "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold", even if it is Dong Chou's most popular song, "Sunny Day", "Nocturne" and "Qili Xiang", it may not be able to beat Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart".

It is said that Su Youpeng once said in an interview that in that era, not only did their Little Tigers release records to avoid Wang Jie, but even many other music giants had to avoid Wang Jie's records as much as possible, because Wang Yujie at that time was so invincible, he was simply a bright star of the times.

In the late 80s of the last century, since Xu Guanjie withdrew from the music scene, the music world has become the world of Tan Yonglin and Zhang Guorong, and later the two withdrew from the music scene one after another, opening the era of a hundred flowers competing in the music world.

At that time, Wang Jie launched an album, and with "A Game, a Dream", the popularity of the music industry for a while, and his wealth after becoming famous is also very amazing, he once said: I can get 45 yuan for a record, I sold 80 million copies of a record, how much money do you calculate how much money I have? It's not that I said, the four of them (the four heavenly kings "Nine Nine Three") together are not as much as half of my wealth.

Family reasons make his personality very withdrawn, he doesn't like to interact with people, and he doesn't like the company's various packaging for him, so his relationship with the company is very bad.

He debuted in the Wanwan area at the beginning, and then he came to Xiangjiang to develop, and Xiangjiang immediately began to support the Four Heavenly Kings to fight against Wang Jie, but even the Four Heavenly Kings had no way to suppress Wang Jie, until he was put something in the water, which directly led to the destruction of his throat, which made him completely fall off the altar.

Wang Jie has always been very crazy, and has publicly commented on the singer Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun, and he doesn't look down on these two people very much, and feels that the status of these two people is too high, and their names are exaggerated.

Because of this, he was attacked and abused by many fans of Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun, thinking that he was a sour and grandiose clown, what qualifications did he have to say this about Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun?

But in fact, people who know Wang Jie's past and know how awesome he was at his peak understand that he is really qualified to say this about Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun, even if he is face-to-face, even if he criticizes Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun for how they can't, Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun can only accept it with an open mind.

One of the biggest reasons is that Wang Yujie is a singer-songwriter, and his songs are all written by himself, "Unromantic Crime", "A Game, A Dream", "Do I Really Have Nothing", "Heroic Tears", "Sad 1999", ......

From this level, he is indeed qualified to disdain Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun, because the combined talent of these two people is less than one-tenth of his.

Also, when it comes to voice and singing skills.

When Wang Jie's voice was not poisoned, his timbre was really invincible, and his singing skills were also a few awesome.

I remember that there was a show, and the host asked Wang Yujie and Qi Yuqin to sing each other's songs to compare, and Qi Yuqin at that time was also super popular.

However, in this comparison, Wang Jie's singing voice simply hung Qi Qin and beat him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was publicly executed.

At that time, Wang Yujie was able to compete with Anita Mui and Zhang Guorong on the same stage, and he really didn't pay much attention to other singers later.

At his peak, Wang Jie's timbre was really invincible, and it was no wonder that he looked down on the singers Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun.

The song "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart" is also very popular today, and is regarded by many people as the most classic song in their minds, and there is no one.


"Wow, this... The opponent Zhou met this time seems to be a bit perverted, right?"

PDD was shocked and a little Bengbu.

Why was he so unlucky in 2010, even Dong Chou's "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold" was sacrificed, but I met Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", which is a bit difficult.

"It's not just a pervert, this is a violation! It's even more illegal than the god of song's "Li Xianglan"!"

"Yes, grass, this song, the god of song's "Li Xianglan" is coming, you have to kneel, who can beat "Who Ming Prodigal Heart"?"

"Grass, my Nima cries so loudly, why is it so difficult to win once in 10 years?"

"Damn, what kind of monsters were they in 1990, after the song god Zhang Xueyou, there was another Wang Jie?"

"I feel like this game is gone, send it! Dong Chou can't save the 2010 losing streak when he comes!"

"Don't it, if you lose again, it's eight consecutive kneeling, it's super ghostly, woo woo woo woo ......"

The audience in 2010 cried, really cried, bullied, bullied in 1990.

Nima's, the last song was "Li Xianglan" by the god of songs, and this time it is Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", one is more invincible than the other, is this special, the Chinese music scene in 2010 took the head to fight?

Even if Dong Chou himself comes, he has to kneel in the face of Wang Jie's song "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", and it is impossible for any song to beat it.

"For this round, if I had to evaluate it, I don't think I need to compare......"

Lin Junjie smiled helplessly, what is this compared to, the gap is too big, 10 "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold" can't beat a song "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart".

"Wow, it's horrible, it's horrible...... This song, I thought about it, in the top 100 of the peak decade of the Chinese music scene from 2000 to 2009, there are no more than five songs that can play with it, and it may not be the kind that can win!"

Deng Ziqi said solemnly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She stretched out one hand and five fingers, among the 100 strongest songs in the Chinese music scene at her peak, only five songs were qualified to fight with "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", and most of them couldn't beat it.

She was really shocked when this song came out, because in her mind this song carries a lot of weight.

"Yes, it's too strong, it's too strong, it's really who comes and who kneels!"

Lin Junjie shook his head and sighed, he couldn't fight, no one could fight...........

It's not that Jay Chou's "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold" is not strong enough, but Wang Yujie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart" is too invincible. []

"Hey, it's the first time I've seen the two of you make such a high evaluation of a song!"

PDD was shocked, even the previous "When I Wake Up" and the singer's "Li Xianglan", Lin Junjie and Deng Ziqi did not give such a high evaluation.

"I don't think I can't win, I definitely want to vote for Jay Chou, and just now many viewers said that they want to vote for Jay Chou, it's hard to say the outcome of this game, right?"

Sister Zhou said that she thought Lin Junjie and Deng Ziqi were overestimating Wang Junjie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart".

This song is certainly a classic in the 90s, but in 2010, it was Dong Chou, a god-like man in the Chinese music scene.

"Yes, how terrifying is Dong Chou's appeal, and he has a lot of fans in the live broadcast room, so if you vote, you have a high probability of winning, right?"

The little sister also said.

Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart" is a classic, but it is too far away from us, most of us are singing in our youth, and the vote must be for Dong Chou, why can't we win?

Sister Zhou nodded again and again, yes, yes, there were still a lot of barrages just now that it was Dong Chou's ten-year-old fans, how could she lose?

"This statement is also true, in terms of the number of fans, Jay will definitely crush the ...... of "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart"

Deng Ziqi thought about it for a while, and felt that Sister Zhou and Dumb Little Sister's words were very reasonable, and it was really difficult to say who would lose and who would win in this PK.

However, when she glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, her expression immediately became strange.

"I'm sorry Jay Chou, although I am your ten-year old fan, I am also a twenty-year old fan of Wang Jie, and I can't give you 5.3 in this vote!"

"Dong Chou, I grew up listening to your songs, but my parents grew up listening to Wang Jie's songs and gave birth to me, I'm sorry!"

"I'm a fan of Jie, the jie of Wang Jie, hehehehe......"

"Forgive me Dong Chou, your "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold" is indeed not as good as Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart", I will definitely vote for you next time!"

"Dong Chou, please forgive me, "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart" was my favorite song, and it is impossible for me not to support it. "

"Chou Dong is sorry......"

"Please forgive me Chou Dong......"

At this time, in the PDD live broadcast room, the barrage was all begging for Chou Dong's forgiveness.

Those who originally swore that they would vote for Dong Chou, but now they all defected to Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Prodigal Heart".

Good guy, Lin Junjie called him a good guy, it turned out that Jay Chou's fans were so unreliable, he defected so easily, he laughed and cried.

", you traitors......"

Sister Zhou is stupid, Nima coins, you said yes to vote for Dong Chou, why do you all throw knives at Dong Chou?


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