Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2601: Shelling

   "I have also fought on the battlefield."

   Zhu Zhanji vaguely criticized Zhang Fu's subconscious worry, and then ordered: "Get ready."

   "Ready to attack!"

  篾er held the hilt of the dagger and ordered.

   The battle was about to begin, and Melo felt a little trembling in his body.

   He smiled and said, "Which way? Is the whole army pressed?"

  篾ergan glanced at him and said, "We need time."

  Mello was puzzled, frowned and asked: "What do you mean? What do you want to say?"

   At this moment, the wheel of fate is about to start to rotate. King Hallie is just a tool in Merlot's eyes.

  篾ergan said: "We need to solve them quickly, understand?"

   A horse galloped up, and he reported back and forth: "King, it is the demon **** who is going, and he is bringing more than 20,000 people, 10,000 of which are cavalry."

   Melo's face became more icy, he lowered his head slightly, but his hooked nose looked even more gloomy.

   "What is on the flanks, King Halley, I need an explanation."

  篾er said dryly: "That's my business. Harleh is paying the price for everything, and has led away the Demon God and the three firearm guards. Are you not satisfied?"

  Mello's eyes flickered, and he said, "We have no chance of winning, so we must do our best."

  篾er said dryly and coldly: "Halie will be the first to bear the brunt of the Ming people’s army, so you don’t need to worry about this. What you should do more is to look after your people and obey orders."

  Mello nodded and said: "Okay, I'll wait and see."

  篾er frowned and looked at Merlot's chief guard, and said: "Harley and the meat fan are natural allies, so don't have too much suspicion, otherwise it will only make us fall apart."

  Mello nodded and said: "I know, and will stick to this creed."

  篾er stared at him dryly, Merlot nodded slightly, her expression firm.

   He laughed, and said with satisfaction: "The world is big. This is what the Taixi people said, and those merchants also said that this world is endless. So we have no conflict."

  Mello emphasized: "Yes, we are in the west."

  篾ergan stretched out and examined it: "We are in the east."

  篾er's hands are very big, and Merlot's hands are very small.

   but powerful!

   Both hands patted heavily under everyone's gaze.

  篾er pulled out the short sword and looked at the generals with cold eyes.

   "Today we will defeat Mingjin, for Harleh, for the meat fans, for the past victories and defeats, for...our future."

   All the generals bowed their heads slightly.

  篾ergan looked at the Ming army who was waiting in front of him, and said: "Today we will not take a step back, unless we die."

   Fight to the death!

  篾ergan shouted: "For Harley! For the meat fans! Let's attack! To capture the Emperor Ming and establish the merits of making the sun unable to suppress the light, we are here!"

   "Long live!"

   Numerous long knives were instantly unsheathed, and then raised high.

   The cheers are like a mountain abrupt and the ground is cracked.

   "For Harley!"

   "For meat lovers!"

   Countless people were cheering until a ten thousand chief rushed out of the array first.

   Countless people followed behind him, launching an impact frantically.

   "We will win."

  篾er did a confident way.

   The feeling of galloping horses makes people feel excited and expectant.


   Zhu Zhanji was feeling, and even closed his eyes.

   The emperor’s calmness made everyone relaxed, and Zhang Fu said: "Your Majesty, please forgive your rudeness."

   Zhu Zhanji nodded.

   Zhang Fu immediately shouted: "All ministries should respond to the flag!"

   The Chinese army began to wave the flag.

   "War is on, Fang Han, war is about to go!"

   Wang Nuo had forgotten that he should be called Master Tudou, and excitedly pulled him to see the direction of the Chinese army.

  Tudou looked sideways, and saw that the Chinese army came out with many messengers, and the flag was shaking, gradually spreading over.

   "Long live your majesty!"

   Cheers are also spreading.

   "All ministries are ready!"

   The soldiers quickly checked each department, and then rushed back to the PLA to report.

   "The artillery is ready!"

  Iron bullets and shotguns piled up on the trolley behind, and the gunners began to adjust the angle of the artillery.

   "Three rounds of iron bullets! I have to fire three rounds of iron bullets before the gun fires. When the gun fires finally, the fourth round must be together, shot bullets!"

   Shin Yao's voice echoed in the front.

   "Thunder Guard... ready."

   Countless gunners were looking ahead, and they kept saying the distance.

   Countless artillery lined up in front, and countless thick incense sticks were lit.

   The sound of horseshoes gradually shakes the heart, and the faces of those enemies become clearer and clearer.

   Zhu Zhanji is looking ahead.

  Tudou is also looking ahead.



   The sergeant who measured the distance waved his hand sharply.

  Shen Yao chopped down with a long knife.



   The incense stick lit the gunpowder, and the gunner squatted down in the smoke.

   "Boom boom boom boom boom!"

   Countless iron bullets flew out of the array, gradually rising, and gradually falling.

   "Reload! Reload now!"

   The gunner roared and began to clean the barrel.

   The loader is holding the medicine packet in preparation.

   Only then did the iron bullet rush to the front.


  The arrogant flesh is charming and conceited, so he rushed to the forefront.

   When the iron bullet rushed over, there was still someone brandishing a long knife to block it.

   The long knife was like a piece of paper and was knocked into the air. Before people had time to be astonished, the head was knocked out by an iron bullet.

   Countless limbs were flying in the air, **** arrows shrouded like a torrential rain over the coalition forces rushing into the formation.

   The passages cleared by the iron bullets were filled up instantly.

   No one retreated. The result of retreating in front of the general situation was to be hit by the horse behind and then trampled to death.

   That's why the cavalry rushing into the formation is called indomitable!

   I am invincible!

   The speed of the war horse was gradually increased to the fastest.


   "Boom boom boom boom boom!"

   The second round of shelling began.

   The iron bullet came again, this time everyone was on their horseback, praying that they would not touch the iron bullet.

   "Good fight!"

   Shen Yao saw the results of this shelling and roared: "Reload! Reload!"

   The grass was covered with flesh and blood, and the charming flesh began to be afraid.

   They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that their limbs will be destroyed by the iron bullet that cannot be avoided, and there is no room for resistance.

   The third round of shelling came as scheduled.

  Someone is screaming, someone is yelling...

   The Musketeers were ready. As newcomers, Qinglongwei and Baihuwei were arranged on the left and right wings of the Shenji Camp.

   He Lian’s cheeks were trembling. So far, he is more willing to turn all his subordinates into cavalry and fight with the enemy.

"first row……"

  Countless whistles were held in their mouths~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the long knife was slashed down, the sharp whistle sounded across the battlefield.

   "Beep beep!"

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Countless gunpowder smoke was spit out accompanied by the sound of gunshots.

  Tudou looked ahead blankly, seeing through the gunpowder the enemy forces as if they had encountered an invisible interception, countless people fell off their horses, countless horses hissed and fell down...

   Is this the battlefield?

  Tudou has been sluggish.

   "My lord! Is this a battle?"

   Wang Nuo is self-taught science, and then applied for martial arts exams, has never experienced a real battlefield.

  Tudou did the same, but he followed Fang Xing to the barracks countless times, and practiced with Jubaoshan Guard many times. Among his masters is the famous Xin Laoqi.

   "Beep beep!"

  The bombs are pouring forward, but the enemy force is brazenly not retreating.

   The corpses gradually began to pile up, and the left and right wings were obviously lower.

   "The firepower of Qinglongwei and Baihuwei is not intensive enough, and the rotation is not tight enough."

   The Tudou family is very knowledgeable, and he can see the problem at a glance.

   And Zhu Zhanji also saw this problem.

   "The Pikeman!"


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