Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 615: Into Yangzhou Weak River

Ling Tian joined Qin Mingyue and Zhang Kaifeng and others at the north gate of Yunzhou City, and urged the mount to head north.

They also bring cloud boats, but they still want to appreciate the lakes and mountains along the way, so most of the time, they use mounts to travel.

In fact, as the center of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Zhongzhou is not the largest in area, but it borders the eight states. This leads to the north from Yunzhou. The closer it is to Zhongzhou, the closer it is to the east and west Yangyong states.

Moreover, Zhongzhou Bafang is surrounded by a water system, and anyone who wants to enter Zhongzhou must cross this water system. And this water system is called a weak river.

Of course, Ling Tian was slightly surprised when he learned the name of this water system.

He is certainly not unfamiliar with the name of Weak Water.

On the earth, there are legends about this weak water.

Fenglinzhou is in the center of the West Sea, 1,500 miles away, and weak water surrounds it. The feathers do not float and cannot be crossed.

The ancient weak water also surrounds the land on all sides, but it is Fenglinzhou, and the radius is only more than a thousand miles, and it is not the same place as the Zhongzhou that this world said.

The weak water here is not that the feathers do not float, but that there are no air restrictions on it. No one or cloud boat can cross over the weak water, and can only sail on the surface of the water.

Moreover, this weak water is also called evil water, which is full of fierce beasts in the water, and ordinary ships cannot pass safely.

The waterway ships from each state to Zhongzhou are also specially made. Although they are not fast and cannot fly, they are unusually strong. They are controlled by the Houfu of each state. All warriors and business travelers who want to go to Zhongzhou naturally have to Through the Hou Mansion.

When Ling Tian and the others walked northward for a month, they finally arrived near the Weak River in Yunzhou.

But when everyone went to Wangbei City on the bank of the weak water, they didn't find the scene of the busy traffic.

On the official road, there are only scattered warriors, and more, after leaving the city, they rushed east.

"My God, it's a little trouble..."

First, go to see Qin Shaoyang and Zhang Kaifeng, who rented ships in Beicheng, and patted the horse back.

"What's the trouble?" Ling Tian frowned.

Qin Shaoyang pursed his lips, "I clearly remember that today was a day when weak water was passing through, but I just inquired about it, but I found that Yunhou Mansion had moved forward by three days, and now the river is closed..."

"Fenghe? How many days have it been sealed?"

"Half a month..."

"Half a month? What is he kidding about, how many people are going to Zhongzhou in half a month?" Ye Fan frowned, "It was sealed three days ago. It was really timely for him to seal Yunhou Mansion!"

"This has to add to us, Yunhou Mansion is so powerful!" Ji Wuyan said with air.

"I'm afraid they won't succeed, the weak water river is so long, he said that we can't seal us? We have found a boat ourselves!" Mu Tie grunted boldly.

"No, that's not a wise move. Anyway, Yunhou Mansion's guarding of the weak water river represents the royal court. We trespassed into Zhongzhou without permission. That would be a big crime. If we did that, we would be caught in their tricks." Qin Mingyue shook her head.

Everyone frowned, "What should I do?"

Qin Mingyue smiled and said: "Hehe, it's not just that Yunzhou has the right to pass. It's not too far from the nearest port in Yangzhou. We cross the river from there."

"In that case, let's hurry up and get on the road." Ling Tian also agreed.

As a result, the group of people galloped at full speed along the weak water to the east of Yangzhou.

It wasn't too far away. On the second day, everyone went to Linjiang City in Yangzhou on the bank of the weak water.

Linjiang City is more prosperous than Wang Beicheng.

As a big state on the East China Sea, Yangzhou is stronger than Yunzhou in terms of martial arts heritage and commercial development.

It can be seen from the small scale on such a weak river bank.

And this has also made Yangzhou warriors look down on Yunzhou warriors, and it has been around for a long time.

There are a lot of warriors in Linjiang City. Although there are not many warriors with golden body, they are not a few. Even with the occasional breath of Fa-element, Ling Tian also vaguely noticed that there were a few.

But the city didn't attract them at all, and when they stepped into the city, they went straight to the pier.

Although Linjiang City has no spiritual veins, because of the existence of weak water river ferry, it also attracted many sects to gather around. After all, there are many warriors, and more trading is a lot of income, which is enough to ensure that the average is medium. Zongmen use.

The ferry terminal is controlled by the Yanghou Mansion, and the surrounding shops are mostly the properties of the Yanghou Mansion.


In the weak river, the evil beasts are fierce, so every time you must have the army generals of the Yang Hou Mansion lead the fleet to escort, in order to avoid accidents in the fleet.

The ferry terminal is right by the river. In front of it is a huge square, covering a huge area with a radius of tens of miles. At this moment, soldiers of the Yanghou Mansion are maintaining order.

On both sides of the river, there are the warships of the Hou Mansion. Above the flagship of the warships, the atmosphere of the realm of Dharma is permeated. They are the generals of the **** fleet.

The warriors in the square waiting to cross the river all converged, and even when they talked, they kept their voices low, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

They all lined up in the shop on the side of the pier to rent boats dedicated to crossing the river. According to the number of people, the rented boats are also divided into different sizes, but the rent is expensive, and the larger the boat, the safer it is, so there are many casual martial artists. Most of them are bought in groups, which is not only cheaper, but also safer.

Ling Tian and the others lined up outside the shop where the warship was rented. At this time, there were already nearly a thousand warriors in line, and it seemed that they were mostly business travelers.

The cultivation base is not high, and most of them are Yangzhou martial artists, and they don't know the marks on their clothes.

But these have nothing to do with Ling Tian and others.

Calm down, everyone converged, and the team moved forward slowly.

About half an hour later, it was the turn of the group of warriors in front of him to rent, and the headed person was beaming, and came forward with a group of young and old companions behind him, and was about to pay the rent to lease the boat.

But at this moment, there was a sneer from far away, echoing here endlessly.

"Treasurer Chen, get us some boats first, we are in a hurry."

"Be swift, the head is anxious to let us pass!"

The voice hissed a bit arrogantly, before it fell down, the young masters and young ladies in the Chinese clothes squeezed away the group of people and stood at the forefront.

The person who spoke first, sensing from his aura, was a golden buddhist who was not very old, and behind him was also followed by a group of men and women, all of Chinese ethnicity, with good temperament.

"Yeah, it turned out to be General Helan Mountain. We have only a few ships left in our shop today, and I will give you all."

Upon seeing this, the shopkeeper swept the ship on the counter and handed it to the man.

"My friend, we came first..."

The elder of the group of people who had been in line suddenly sank when he saw it, said.

The boat is all gone, what do they do?

"What are you? So what comes first?"

Unexpectedly, the people who jumped in the line heard the words, their faces suddenly turned aside, and they looked cross-eyed, showing arrogance.

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