Sweetest Top Actress in My Home

Chapter 728 He must be very lonely

But soon, Gong Xinhai calmed down, and answered on the phone: "My assistant handles all the procedures. If you want to know, I will ask him for you some other day."

Then, he quickly changed the subject.

Seeing Gong Xinhai's hypocrisy, the children in the public relations department almost rolled their eyes to the sky.

Although in the circle, they have seen many celebrity character designs, but this is the first one that is so greasy and hypocritical.

After watching the live broadcast for ten minutes, they almost vomited out the food they had last night, and commented from the bottom of their hearts: "What a slut."

Gong Xinhai used the kitten to taste the sweetness, and wanted to take the kitten out to make appointments with magazines.

At this time, the editor of "Sports Men's Chronicle" also brought the staff to the door, and went to Yu Shaowei's house according to the address.

It's just that they didn't expect that Yu Shaowei, a male star, actually lived on the first floor.

Yu Shaowei is now taking the high-cold and mysterious route, so his home is likely to be decorated in that frigid style.

Several staff members arrived at the door of Yu Shaowei's house carrying the equipment. At this time, Luo Hangyi came out to pick them up.

"I'm sorry, Shaowei's house may be messy, I hope you don't mind."

Once a celebrity talks about chaos, it's just to be polite, it's not really chaos.

In fact, after a few people went in, the picture they saw was really not chaotic, but...

Yu Shaowei's home is neither luxurious nor indifferent, but minimalist, because there are many cat climbing frames in his house, some tall and short, and some walking on the wall. In the various lockers, there are all kinds of canned food neatly piled up, as well as staple food for cats and dogs.

This home was probably attacked by pets, and 80% of the building area was occupied by fur children, and Yu Shaowei's own space was only one bedroom.

"Does Shaowei have cats and dogs?"

The editor in charge of the interview asked Luo Hangyi very puzzled.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't ask you if you are allergic to cats and dogs before you came in."

"It's okay, we don't have allergies." Several people quickly waved their hands, "However, what about Shaowei people?"

"It's in the backyard. The weather is fine today. I'm giving the dog a bath." Luo Hang pointed to the back and said.

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Several people got up together and walked to Yu Shaowei's garden on the first floor.

In order not to affect others, and also for privacy, Yu Shaowei surrounded the garden, and asked his aunt to plant luxuriant climbing vines. After a few years, this place has become a world for him and cats and dogs.

At this time, several cats were lazily basking in the sun in the garden, while the two dogs were wet, and obediently let Yu Shaowei wipe them with water.

Several people walked to the steps and saw this scene, they were actually very surprised.

It stands to reason that when celebrities keep pets, they will choose well-behaved ones. For example, in the past few days, whoever has red ears because of Xiao Zhe.

However, Yu Shaowei's pets here, let alone their appearance, among them, the orange cat is missing a piece of its tail.

"The orange cat was rescued by Shaowei under a car three years ago. Its tail was broken and it was dying. He took it to the hospital and spent money to cure it. Originally, he wanted to find a cat for it. Master, but after waiting for a month, the hospital couldn't find a suitable candidate, so in the end, he was brought back."

"The three-colored cat next to it is a stray cat. I don't know what it was chasing. It couldn't come down after climbing up the tree. It was also this person who borrowed a ladder to climb up and fish it out."

"And the black cat he picked up from the ditch..."

"He rented a house before, but in order to take care of these children, he bought this first floor. It was dark, damp and haunted, but he was not afraid. The landlord saw that he was sincere and saved a lot of money."

Luo Hangyi slowly explained to several people.

"There are also two dogs, one is thrown down by the residents on the third floor, and the other is a retired military dog."

Maybe he smelled a strange smell. At this time, the two dogs started barking. Yu Shaowei turned his head and found that the people from the magazine had arrived, so he said to Luo Hang: "Take them to my room, I will come right away .”

Several people were taken away from the yard by Luo Hangyi and entered Yu Shaowei's bedroom.

In fact, it is said to be a private space, and it is full of photos of fur children, as well as various certificates of his rescue animals, and there are every year.

Unexpectedly, a boy as young as Yu Shaowei would be completely occupied by animals in his life.

Stubbornly raising so many fur kids, he must be very lonely.

This was also something Jiang Yuning dug out of him. He actually hid it very deeply, and the deeper he went, the more lonely he felt.

A few minutes later, Yu Shaowei returned to the bedroom with the three-colored cat in his arms. At this time, the hairy boy saw a stranger, so he kept crawling into Yu Shaowei's arms.

"Sorry for wasting your time."

As soon as Yu Shaowei put the cat on the ground, it immediately got under the bed and observed secretly.

"You have so many cats and dogs at home, how do you take care of them on weekdays?" The editor of the magazine couldn't help asking him, if he was filming, he would be gone for a few months, what would these children do?

"I hired an aunt from the rescue station. She is more careful and will come to take care of me every day."

"In that case, why don't you send them away?"

Hearing this question, Yu Shaowei pulled the corners of his mouth lightly: "They are not breed cats, and they are not even good-looking. I have also sent them out, but not long after, it ran back by itself with injuries everywhere. I am willing to raise it. There are a lot of people, but there are very few people who are willing to treat you well, so slowly, I got used to it."

Hearing this, the other party felt bitter and sad.

"Besides, isn't this house haunted? With them around, I'm not afraid of anything. So, rather than saying that they need my care, it's better to say that I need their company."

"Can we help you with something?" Several editors also felt deep sympathy for these hairy children.

"Let's do today's work first, and your time is precious." On this matter, Yu Shaowei didn't seem to want too much media attention.

Or maybe, he is afraid that people will say that he is hype.

Several people started to do interviews in the room, and during the period, several cats would appear in the sight range of several people from time to time, among them, the orange cat with a broken tail ignored the editor's photographer and went directly to Yu Shaowei's body Jump, and then occupy his thigh with peace of mind.

The interview was not long, and after that, the team asked a lot about the stories about those photos.

Yu Shaowei shared some of them. As for the public welfare, he didn't talk much about it, but it is something he has been doing all the time.

However, those certificates were all taken away by photographers.

Everyone thought that behind Yu Shaowei's back, a high-cold boy wanted to play with high-level and mysterious things, or cool and exciting things, but they didn't expect that he actually hid his soft heart so deeply.

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