Sweetest Top Actress in My Home

Chapter 292 Tsk tsk, I'm putting sex over friends now!

"Brother Nan is right. At eleven o'clock last night, a group of guests left the hotel. From eleven o'clock to six o'clock, a group of guests disappeared. Now we have to find the missing guests. Common points, or suspicious points, the most important thing for us now is to collect information." Jiang Yuning said to everyone.

At this moment, the director team sitting behind the screen was showing a complacent look.

This time the reminder was made very covertly, and they didn't believe that Jiang Yuning could still solve it.


Ten guests gathered all the guests in the lobby, and began to register the information of the missing guests.

Finally, Xu Beisheng handed the registered information book to Jiang Yuning: "You all have a look, do you have any inspiration?"

"8 people are missing. They are of different ages. There is no male-to-female ratio. Most of them are children, but there are also adults. It doesn't matter in terms of surname, height, weight, etc." Jiang Yuning calmly came to a conclusion after reading it.

"Could it be random?" After reading it, the golden boy couldn't help but say, "Perhaps, these people just happened to strike?"

Jiang Yuning glanced at Jin Mingcheng meaningfully, and then said, "There must be a hint."

"Let me see." Xiao Chennan took the information book over, "The most useful information in it is this." Xiao Chennan circled the ages of everyone with a pen.

Because it is a pure number, under normal circumstances, the number is a reminder.

"5/9/7/8/20/5/5/14, any thoughts?"

Jin Mingcheng got the string of numbers and announced directly: "Oh NO! I'm dizzy, don't be so cruel to a child who only scored 8 in mathematics in the college entrance examination..."

Jiang Yuning couldn't help but patted the golden child on the head: "I apologize to the audience in front of the TV."

"Ah, why?"

"You're still proud of getting an eighth in the exam? You're leading the kids badly."

"Yes, director, please subtract that part just now." Jin Mingcheng hastily said loudly to the hotel's camera.

"Is there any reference? Or is there any correspondence?" Xu Beisheng couldn't help guessing, "Everyone think about it."

"Show us too." The guests in the hotel couldn't help but want to contribute their own strength.

Xu Beisheng handed out the information book, and everyone circulated it, but it was useless to add, subtract, multiply and divide these numbers.

"Could it be that these numbers refer to something else?"

A key point of the question was brought up by a guest.

"What kind of things correspond to the most intuitive prompts?"

"I got it, I got it, Xinhua Dictionary!" Golden Child replied again.

Everyone: "..."

Xu Beisheng immediately went into a rage: "According to what you said, the complete collection of idioms is also OK, is the periodic table of chemical elements also OK?"

Jin Mingcheng immediately made an OK gesture, and took the initiative to zip his mouth.

However, because of Jin Mingcheng's Xinhua dictionary, Jiang Yuning thought of something else.

And when Xu Beisheng saw Jiang Yuning's expression, he immediately knew that something was going on...

"What did you think of?"

Jiang Yuning took the information book back, tore off a clean page, and arranged twenty-six English letters on it.

"What does 5 correspond to?"

"E." Xu Beisheng replied.

"What about 9?"


"Combine the rest of the numbers accordingly?"

"Eighteen, eighteen!" Xu Beisheng replied excitedly.

"So smart..."

"This girl is really smart."

The guests praised each other.

"Good job!"

"Great!" Qi Mo and the others also gave Jiang Yuning a thumbs up.

In fact, this is entirely due to the reminder from the Golden Child Xinhua Dictionary just now. It must be too difficult for Chinese characters, but it is very easy to correspond to letters.

"What does eighteen refer to?" Vera asked a new question, "Is it a clue to the password, or a clue to the next level?"

Jiang Yuning looked up at the hotel, and finally said to everyone: "Well, Bei Sheng, you and Brother Qi take other people and continue to think about other possibilities. Vera and Brother Nan go up to the 18th floor to see if there is any relationship. orifice."

Jiang Yuning's intention was obviously to make Xu Beisheng look at Jin Mingcheng.

"That's the decision." Xu Beisheng came to his senses immediately.

"Then let's go. It's just that the hotel's voltage is unstable now. We'll still take the stairs. It will be troublesome if we get trapped in the elevator." Xiao Chennan looked at Jiang Yuning and reminded them.

"Okay, take the stairs."

When Vera looked at the eighteenth floor, she suddenly felt a little weak in her legs.

The three headed towards the stairs, and at this moment, Jiang Yuning immediately said to Xiao Chennan: "Vera is for you, I'll go up first."

"Beware of other traps."

Jiang Yuning nodded, and went upstairs first, keeping a hearing distance from the two downstairs.

Afterwards, Xiao Chennan stretched out his hand towards Vera: "Let's go."

Vera blushed, and shook her head: "I'm recording a show, isn't it the 18th floor? I can."

Xiao Chennan didn't say anything, but walked behind Vera silently, which was a kind of silent protection.

At this moment, Vera began to sigh with emotion, how high is Uncle Ning's EQ, and how many opportunities he has silently created for her and Xiao Yingdi, but she must also restrain herself. Fans knew that the affair between her and Xiao Chennan, oh my god, she couldn't imagine the consequences.

She was dazed by the ambiguity last night, and from now on, she must stay awake.

So, Vera insisted on climbing to the eighteenth floor, and followed Jiang Yuning very hard.

However, when she and Xiao Yingdi walked up the aisle on the 18th floor, they found Jiang Yuning stopped at the door of a room, thoughtful.

"what have you found?"

"Look." Jiang Yuning pointed to the advertising box in front of the door of Room 18 on the 18th floor, "There is an X drawn on it, no entry is allowed, but we know that the answer must be inside."

"I'll go in, and you two will stand guard outside." Xiao Chennan pushed the two girls away.

"Brother Nan..."

Without hesitation, Xiao Chennan tore off the seal and pushed the door open, but after others entered, the door was closed, and it couldn't be opened no matter what.

"Brother Nan..." Vera suddenly became anxious, "Can you hear us?"

"Warning, warning! There is no air, no water, no light in the room, no entry!" The advertising box in front of Jiang Yuning made a harsh sound, and then jumped to a mysterious page.

"What does it mean?"

"Escape from the secret room." Jiang Yuning replied to Vera, "Don't worry, wait for me to sort out my thoughts."

"Hurry up, people are holding back inside."

Tsk tsk, now I'm putting more emphasis on sex than friends!

Jiang Yuning looked at the picture and thought seriously, but at this moment, the huge typhoon blew the glass crackling.

"Forget about the weather, let's talk about saving people."

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