Swallow the Earth System

Four hundred and forty-nine. Is it really you?

"Stop your plans!"

"I'm Tian Mengmeng, the alien team of Steel Base. I've been imprisoned in the endless tide of corpses these days. They already know the plan of human beings. If they don't stop, it will become another disaster!!"

Tian Mengmeng roared in Aurora's cage.

Others around were startled, this female tyrannosaurus was trapped in the endless tide of corpses?

Is it possible for a human being to survive after rushing into the endless tide of corpses!

The Beast King and Sea King looked at each other, they glanced at each other, they were so shocked that they wanted to leave here and tell the other leaders.

The old man Ji Guang raised his hand to stop them: "Did you believe this woman's words so easily? What if what she said is the danger of the enemy? What if this woman is a monster with human appearance and genes?" what to do?"

"She just fought one against two, but defeated you two kings with strength. Do you really think she is a human king?"

What Old Man Ji Guang said makes sense.

Why is a human king unknown in the steel base? Now that the steel base has been wiped out for so long, Tian Mengmeng suddenly reappeared. Isn't this arousing suspicion?


So what if what she said was true?

There was a sinister light in the eyes of the old man Aurora. What he just said was just asking to stabilize the morale of the army and stabilize the two leaders of Beast King and Sea King.

This member of the [Traveler], he actually already had some guesses in his heart. What Tian Mengmeng said is very likely to be true, but even if it is true, so what, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Regardless of whether this strategy against the endless corpse tide succeeds or fails, it must be carried out.


This is a great experiment! !

Tian Mengmeng's face was full of disappointment. I really didn't expect the human leaders to react like this? ?

She roared angrily: "You should believe me, otherwise you don't know how many innocent people will die!!"

innocent people?

The face of the old man Aurora gradually became gloomy: "We have sacrificed tens of millions of people just to attract the tide of corpses to this place. Now you tell me to stop the plan??"

"Endless tide of corpses..."

"Those stupid zombies, even if they guessed our plan, the billowing flood will submerge everything, and the hundreds of millions of corpses will be wiped out. Now you tell me the plan stops?"

"Then please tell me, the stupid zombies of the endless corpse tide, how are they going to deal with this flood?"

The old man Ji Guang's words made Tian Mengmeng speechless.

Obviously, they chose to doubt and distrust Tian Mengmeng. Perhaps in the eyes of these travelers, it doesn't matter whether what Tian Mengmeng said is true or not. Whether it is true or not, it must be...false! !


"You people are crazy!!" Tian Mengmeng gritted her teeth. These guys are not worried about the future of human beings at all. Since they can sacrifice tens of millions of remaining human beings in exchange for this battle, it shows that human beings are important to these people. Not even worthless.

The old man Aurora smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Just now you admitted that you came from the endless tide of corpses, and I have enough reasons to doubt your identity and motives, now you must cooperate with my investigation, come with me Bar!"

The cage created by Old Man Aurora, the flickering light almost condenses into substance.

However, at this moment, a pure darkness enveloped the aurora.

Killing intent.

With pure and incomparable killing intent and pain, the shadow demon's hand covered the cage formed by the aurora, tearing it hard to shatter all the light.

Tian Mengmeng was stunned.

Not because of how powerful this force is, nor because of how bizarre this method is.

It was because of the substantial killing intent that made her feel a familiarity, a familiarity that made the deepest soul in her heart tremble.

Tian Mengmeng turned around in disbelief.

A man in a cloak was standing not far from her.

Looking at that face, Tian Mengmeng felt her heart stopped suddenly, and the whole world seemed to pause at this second.

How can it be! !

How can this be?

The man she loves the most, the man she dreams of.

The man who made her cry alone at night, the man who made her only dare to curl up and hug herself in the middle of the night.

Gu Feng.

Her lover, Gu Feng.


"Am I dreaming??"

"Gu Feng, is that you, is it really you?"

Tian Mengmeng's palms trembled, she even thought that she had entered the attack of the enemy's fantasy, and thus had fantasies about her lover.

But even if it is a fantasy, Tian Mengmeng is willing.

Looking at Gu Feng again, his eyes are full of tenderness, although this man's heart is so cold and cruel, in the eyes of others he is completely a violent king in the dark, but even he has someone he loves.

Tian Mengmeng is one of them.

The gentle gaze seemed to melt Tian Mengmeng, and the shadow demon hand gently touched her body, Gu Feng opened his arms and hugged Tian Mengmeng in his arms like a princess.


A bloody monster appeared, which was Gu Feng's super healing ability, which melted into the wound on Tian Mengmeng's back and gradually restored her body.

"You are not dead..."

"You're still alive, is this my dream?" Tian Mengmeng didn't know what to do anymore, she muttered to herself in a psychedelic way, and she even forgot where she was, and the fierce scene just now fighting.

"never mind."

"It's all right now."

"With me here, no one can touch you."

"I'm still me, your most solid support, suffering these days."

Gu Feng's words were extremely gentle, his palm lightly brushed Tian Mengmeng's cheek, and then kissed softly on that forehead, everything was as before, the warmth in his embrace was so familiar.

There is nothing wrong with that.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

This gentleness that belongs to her, the warm feeling in her embrace, and the indescribable sense of security in her heart, all tell Tian Mengmeng that this is true.

This scene completely confused the people present.

What's going on here, what is God unfolding? ?

Old Man Aurora frowned: "Gu Feng, this woman's origin is unknown. She came from the endless tide of corpses. Maybe she has been transformed by the alien king inside."

Once these words were spoken, the scene suddenly became quiet.

A stronger killing intent immediately enveloped the old man Aurora.


Gu Feng was completely angry.

"Even if it is a different species, she is still my lover, and no one can hurt her."

"And what happened to the alien species?"

Gu Feng's words made people speechless, and the old man Ji Guang almost forgot that the man named Gu Feng in front of him really had a heterogeneous wife! !

Beautiful snake---Xiaolan.

Isn't she a complete alien? ?

"You did this injury, right?"

Gu Feng touched Tian Mengmeng's newly healed wound with distress, and the bloody smell in his words became more intense.



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