Swallow the Earth System

Four hundred and forty-two. Main dish...

"My body has a little problem."

The top killer L, she seems to be unable to restrain her feelings anymore.

Her winking eyes are like silk, and there is like an infinitely inflated desire balloon in her body, which has been filled to the limit at this time, and it will explode with just a touch.

The killer among travelers.

She is a pure genetically modified warrior, and there is no one in a million experimental subjects that is perfect, but even this perfect product has its own flaws...

L doesn't have any mood swings, no emotional color, but this is only on the surface. In fact, in the deepest part of his heart, the storm-like emotions show an increase of tens or hundreds of times. Once it erupts, it will be like a flood unloading the gate!

The last time I played against Gu Feng.

L is in a state of runaway emotional out-of-control, through hundreds of times the emotional outburst, in exchange for unparalleled terrifying power, but the price is quite obvious, the stain left by the out-of-control emotion...

Feelings, desires, longings.

A deep kiss, a kiss mixed with fighting breath and tainted blood, left a stain on L's emotional outburst heart, so that she returned to a cold and ruthless state, and was still unable to seal her desire for Gu Feng .

"I've been patient since I saw you."

"I can't bear it anymore, my heart will be pounding when I see you, and my whole body is hot and hot."

"My lower body... now it's like a flooded river... it's all wet..." L's words became more and more exaggerated, like a slut, and Gu Feng also felt shocked.

hum! !

L's finger slides lightly.

The silent blade of the weasel slashed across, and Gu Feng's pupils shrank extremely quickly, but even today there was still a shallow wound on his chest...

This perverted killer who lost control of his emotions was infinitely obsessed with Gu Feng, why did he suddenly attack him?


"This is your blood, how sweet!!" There were a few drops of blood on L's fingertips. She put her slender fingers into the mouth of the cherry, and carefully sucked every trace of blood on the sharp nails. The smell of Gu Feng's body made her Unable to extricate himself, the straight and slender thighs were clamped together and trembling at this moment, just this blood had pushed the desire to its peak!


This woman is really perverted to the extreme. This is the flaw of the perfect transformation. Although they are usually indifferent and perfect fighters, if there is a gap in their relationship, it will be out of control.

"It really makes me want to stop."

"The look in your eyes, your scent, the murderous intent that emanates from your body, and that strong masculine aura..."

"I really want to taste you, starting from your lips, let me suck the whole body with saliva little by little, let me touch every part of your body with my hands, let us have crazy sex in the sun and night... love ..."

L's feelings let out.

Her words, without the slightest occlusion, sounded so unrestrained.

That's not all.

L's sexy leather pants that tightly wrapped her legs seemed to have been soaked in water.

Her eyes became more and more psychedelic, and she opened her hands and whispered even more seductively: "Ah, ah, this is not enough, it is not enough to be entangled like crazy, I want to get you completely, I want to eat your flesh Meat, I want to drink your blood, I want to suck your bone marrow, I want to integrate you into my body bit by bit!!"

Desire reaches its limit.

Her longing for love has turned into a distorted morbidity. If the first half of the sentence makes people feel confused, then the second half of the sentence will make people tremble all over. It’s not enough for this woman to get you, she still wants to Eat you, digest you, melt into one! !

While emotions are volatile.

L's ability became stronger and stronger, her speed became faster and faster, and she rushed to Gu Feng in an instant, her sharp nails lightly touched Gu Feng's skin, and her moist breath echoed in her ears. She whispered, "Then let's start with your lips..."

Bullet time!

Repressed emotions erupt like a flood,

Hundreds of thousands of times of emotional thoughts distorted the surrounding space.

Time freezes at this moment, and is forcibly stopped by that powerful and terrifying mind force. This is L's killer skill, which he has seen in the laboratory last time.

Can't move.

Although the consciousness still exists, the fingers can't even do a simple trembling.

L can play with Gu Feng unscrupulously at this moment.

She tapped her toes, exhaled pandan, her lips blended together, her sweet tongue explored and sucked in everything from Gu Feng.

A trace of crystal clear liquid was drawn between the two lips.

L's eyes were fascinated, her sharp nails scratched lightly on Ye Hen's clothes, revealing the strong and perfect golden ratio muscles.

Like a slut.

L's scarlet lips left marks on every corner of Gu Feng's body, just like a wild beast left marks on its own territory.

To be honest... For Gu Feng, it was the first time he was forcibly molested like this.

And the other party is still as cold as ice, slim and graceful, with a fiery body and a top killer, but now that coldness has become hotter than molten lava.

L's finger continued to swipe downwards.

And her little fragrant tongue was also constantly wandering around Gu Feng's body, and it was always moving downward.

belly down...

If it continues, the scene will become more erotic, and Gu Feng will also "lose his virginity."

L paused for a while, and licked his scarlet lips with his little tongue: "It's time for the main course, Gu Feng, how does your place taste, I really can't wait..."

These words are really unbearable.

As long as he is a man, he will almost look forward to what will happen next. This is not a kind of torture, but a fairy-like enjoyment.


As a king, how could Gu Feng be willing to stay here and be forced to XXX by a perverted slut? ?

Even if this kind of thing is really going to happen, it should be centered on him! !

"Don't be too reckless!"

"Thousand times stronger willpower to forcibly freeze time. This ability is indeed very powerful, but you are not the only one who distorts your consciousness!!" Gu Feng's body suddenly moved, and a more distorted consciousness rushed out of his body.

Abyss of pain.

That was the power of Gu Feng's ultimate skill [Abyss of Pain].

This move is also a trick related to spiritual willpower, even reaching the height of the soul level.

Using the power of this move immediately counteracted and disintegrated many of L's restrictions, and the static effect of time on Gu Feng was also eliminated.

Boom! !

Ding! !

Gu Feng swung out his magic fist, and L's sharp nails blocked the punch immediately. The two made different sounds and separated again at a very fast speed.

Several consecutive jumps.

L has come a hundred meters away from Gu Feng in an instant.

"It's a pity that I didn't get your main course."


"But the desire in my heart has finally been suppressed. You are my drug addiction, and I can't stop it."



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