Swallow the Earth System

Two hundred and fifty-two. Dark shadow

hero! !

In the eyes of countless soldiers, Tian Mengmeng's heroic figure is a beacon to guide the way forward.

On the boundless sea of ​​despair and endlessness, the shadow is like the light of a beacon that guides the way home, making people's hearts calm down and rise up to attack.

Humanity once again resisted the attack of the corpse tide.

The name "Valkyrie" spread among the crowd.


This series of actions caused the wrath of the corpse king.

An incomparably dull sound came from a distance, the world became more gloomy and gloomy, and the black mist released a special power.


In the darkness, the speed of the black fog reached its limit. It was not running, but was flying rapidly in the air.

What is this? ?

It can actually float and fly. Could it be that this corpse king was made by some giant bird? ?

In the blink of an eye, the black fog had already floated above Tian Mengmeng, and it was about to shoot at the humans who were in the way.

Gu Feng's eyes were piercing, and the corpse king was the one who couldn't help it at first. He immediately jumped off the city wall and turned into an afterimage and rushed to the battlefield. People could almost only feel a gust of wind blowing by.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the black fog, the palms composed of black shadows stretched infinitely, and they wrapped around Tian Mengmeng's body. The seemingly weak and powerless shadow actually contained terrifying power.

Bang, bang, bang!

The distorted sound of steel almost pierced people's eardrums. Tian Mengmeng's steel body actually had sunken handprints one after another. It was hard to imagine how strong the shadow was, breaking through Tian Mengmeng's defense! !

Squeak, squeak, squeak! !

Tian Mengmeng's body of steel was entangled with black shadows. They wanted to strangle Tian Mengmeng directly, strangling his body like a python, causing the steel to emit a distorted sound.

What? ?

This corpse king, he wants to break Tian Mengmeng's body of steel! !

How powerful is this to do it, what is the black phantom, it looks like an arm but it has no entity.

Tian Mengmeng was injured.

But she didn't care, because her man had come to her side, and he was preparing to give the corpse king a fatal blow.


Gu Feng's whole body erupted with strong demonic killing intent, and he punched the palm of the dark shadow in the sky...

The shadows wrapped around Tian Mengmeng were all blown up.

More than a dozen black shadow arms burst in mid-air, and the infinitely elongated phantom arm broke off, but it did not shed any blood, and disappeared in the air like a burst of bubbles.

In the eyes of outsiders, I might think that Gu Feng severely injured the enemy with one punch, but only he himself knew that the corpse king was not hurt at all.


Gu Feng's fist was as if it was hitting soft cotton, and it didn't bear any force at all.

And those black phantoms are like air, without any substantial flesh and blood support! !

The invisible hand!

These black phantoms are all like invisible hands composed of Shen Mengting's spiritual power, and they are all virtual things.

The black mist in the air trembled.

In the black fog, another black shadow illusory arm stretched out, and then the second, third, fourth...

Countless illusory black hands danced, and the monsters in the black mist were like monsters with thousands of arms. They were floating in the air like seaweed, twisting and destroying everything wherever they went.

The zombies standing in front of Gu Feng were all twisted into mashed pork.

It seemed to be a little angry, and countless phantom black hands wrapped around Gu Feng's body in all directions. In an emergency, Gu Feng immediately activated his defense ability.

Gaia Black Armor!

A layer of pure black armor appeared on Gu Feng's body, and the shocking energy of the earth continued to flow through the armor, making Gu Feng's power endless!

clack clack...

The illusory black palm slapped on Gaia's black armor, and the dull knocking sound rubbed large sparks, and its destructive power was extremely full.

Soon another shocking thing happened to Gu Feng. The almost invincible defensive power of Gaia's black armor was matched with shattered traces.

The defense is broken!

As expected of a [King] level enemy, the attack power of the phantom black hand is indeed tyrannical and unpredictable.

The black armor kept shattering.

Gu Feng's skin was exposed to the air, and the illusory black hand slid across Gu Feng's skin, immediately leaving a section of cracks on it, leaving dark red blood plasma.

This is the first time that Gu Feng has been really hurt since he became the king of ghouls.

Those wriggling black palms are everywhere, they twisted around Gu Feng's body, and the broken Gaia black armor cracked a bigger gap. Does the corpse king want to twist Gu Feng into a twist?

"do not underestimate me!!"

"Ah, ah, 7 times the power of demonization!!" Gu Feng burst out with a strong force between life and death, breaking free from the phantom shadows, and his killing intent shot straight into the sky with an evil and cruel smile. He punched the shadows around him and walked away.

The shadows exploded one after another.


These attacks do not hurt it at all, and the phantom shadow will regenerate even if it is disconnected, and it is an infinitely stretched growth.


Attacking these shadows would have no effect at all.

In that case, let you taste my blood shadow needle! !

The blood shadow needle condensed at the fingertips, and it quickly turned jet black, containing a terrible voodoo.

The stronger the enemy, the more obvious the effect of this toxin. As long as he is hit, it means that Gu Feng has won, and then he just needs to wait.

Whoosh! !

The blood shadow needle shot into the black fog, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea.

A drop of black blood dripped down, Gu Feng fixed his eyes and saw that it was the appearance of his own blood shadow needle melting, this blood shadow was completely ineffective against it.

How could this be?

What kind of monster is this! !

"It has no entity!!"

"Gu Feng, it has no entity, but its real body is attached to the dense fog."

"Find a way to blow up this dense fog." Shen Mengting, who was standing on the distant city wall, shouted, she had been observing the battle between Gu Feng and the mysterious enemy.

Those black phantoms are not composed of real substances, but are similar to phantoms condensed by spiritual power, and then mixed with other substances to condense.

Shen Mengting's eyes of God finally saw some clues.

That monster is hidden in the black mist, and its truth depends on these unknown black mists!

"Depending on the black mist..."

"Then I will blow this black mist away!!"

Gu Feng took a deep breath, and he jumped high with his feet on the ground, his entire body stretched to the limit like a big bow, consuming the demonic energy in his body to release a ferocious punch again.

Demonization---Ten times the power!

The arm muscles tensed and swelled to the limit, and the intense burning pain came in bursts, but Gu Feng didn't care.

The way of exerting force of ancient martial arts has been integrated into one punch and one kick.

At the moment when this terrifying punch was thrown, the strong wind also exploded in the air, and the punch smashed into the thick black fog like an air cannonball, blowing the mysterious thick fog into pieces.



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