Swallow the Earth System

Two hundred and forty-five. The Great Flood


precious resource.

Although Dr. Mo has become Gu Feng's number one enemy, the experimental results he left behind have become the future accumulation of the war fortress.

Although using them is somewhat evil and dirty, I don’t know how many people have to sacrifice to complete an experiment and turn into ugly, twisted and ferocious monsters, but if you don’t make good use of these scientific research results, in the eyes of the upper management... no matter what What filthy powers can be used!

However, the reason why Gu Feng stayed in this experimental base for two full days was not the precious information on those evolutionary medicines.

But something completely unrelated to science.

Shen Mengting kept collecting some information. She classified the files recovered by the hackers into a sum, and found that Dr. Mo was researching a very mysterious thing.

They are all old historical documents.

Many of them appear in the scriptures of various religions, as if at some point they really experienced something about "God" and "Destruction".

"There are so many things that science can't explain."

"In ancient times, people attributed things they couldn't understand to the gods, and when they saw thunder and lightning, they imagined that the god of thunder was angry..."

"This tradition has continued to this day, and to this day we still call many things that science cannot explain - miracles!"


I used to watch popular science channels, and there were often eight miracles, ten miracles, and seven legends.

In Gu Feng's eyes, most of them are strange and chaotic, and there are very few things with scientific basis.

However, in Dr. Mo's computer secret files, there are many strange things hidden, recording the anger of the gods and the destruction of the world.

Tian Mengmeng, who was beside Gu Feng, was also interested. She rummaged through many documents and said to Shen Mengting a little unhappy: "Hmph, quickly uncover the mystery, we know you are very knowledgeable, tell us the conclusion quickly!"

Shen Mengting is indeed very knowledgeable. Although she is not a monster like Dr. Mo, she is also a superb genius, otherwise she would not have awakened such a powerful spiritual force.

The members of the alien team also showed curious eyes.

They all want to know what kind of world-shaking secrets that crazy and twisted Dr. Mo is hiding. Is the end of the world happening now really related to the gods?

Shen Mengting rubbed her tired eyebrows.

She picked up a document and slowly said three words: "The Great Flood."

big flood?

what is that?

These three words are very familiar to people, and it seems to have appeared in some holy book!

Ling Xue's eyes lit up, she had been exposed to noble education since she was a child, she naturally knew where the Great Flood came from, she said slowly: "I know that the Great Flood came from the records of the "Bible Genesis", the God who created all things saw the world So full of sin, he wanted to destroy the whole world with a flood."

Shen Mengting nodded: "That's right, but God favored Noah's family and told him the disaster of the great flood in advance, and asked Noah to make an ark out of gopher wood, bringing his wife, children, family, and others. Breeding birds and beasts and raising livestock, one male and one male."

"When the flood came, it was Noah's 600th birthday. On that day, the earth cracked, the sky was opened, the heavy rain did not stop for 40 days and nights, and the whole world was flooded."

"But Noah's family relied on Noah's Ark to survive."

When the story was told, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that she was talking about the story of Noah's Ark. Although most people don't know what it is, the name of Noah's Ark is basically known to everyone.

Tian Mengmeng tilted her head and thought for a while: "What does this have to do with us in the end times, does it mean that there will be another major flood in the future??"

Shen Mengting shook her head and continued: "It's not as simple as you think, you see this is another document."

As she spoke, she took out another historical document.

"The boat of Manu."

"A piece of historical document from the Mahabharata Forest,

Also very famous. "

"Manu was an outstanding ascetic monk. One day he was practicing in the Ganges River, and he found a small fish begging for help. He saved its life out of sympathy and fed it well. As time passed, the small fish became more and more As it grows bigger, the original Ganges can no longer fit its huge body."

"Manu put this fish into the sea. In order to repay Manu, the fish finally told him that a great flood was about to come, and the flood would destroy all living things!"

"This big fish asked Manu to build a big boat in advance, prepare the seeds of various plants, and then load a few immortals to wait for it on the boat."

"At last the great flood came, and the big fish dragged the boat for many years to reach the final safe place, and finally the big fish became the incarnation of Brahma, the incarnation of Vishnu."

"In the future, the entire world will be created by Manu, and the big fish will disappear after saying this..."

This rather mythical legend originated in India.

Shen Mengting spoke vividly and vividly, and everyone gradually became fascinated by it. They were reminded of the story of Noah's Ark just now. The two myths have similarities.

Is it a coincidence that the same flood, the same boat was created?

Shen Mengting put down the information on the Boat of Manu and took out another document.

"Deucalion and Pyrrhu."

"From the legend of "Greek Mythology"."

"At the end of the Iron Age of Greek mythology, humans were rude, greedy, and impious."

"The king of human beings, Lykaon, tried to kill the gods and entertained the guests with human flesh. This completely angered the gods and attracted the wrath of the god Zeus. The great flood will surely wipe out this generation of human beings."

"Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, was warned by his father in advance that he built a large ship, and when the flood came he boarded it with his wife Pyrrha."

"The kind-hearted couple who survived later came to the altar of the goddess Themis and prayed for her to help the world be reborn."

"The goddess told them how to put on a veil and take off their belts, then pick up a basket of stones and don't turn back, throwing stones backwards as they walked, the stone thrown by the husband became a man, and the stone thrown by the wife became a woman. In the end, more and more human beings were able to reproduce.”

After listening to Niuniu, she clapped her hands. Children like to listen to fairy tales the most.


"This couple is almost like the story of Nuwa pinching people that my mother told me before. It's amazing!"

Everyone listened to it, but unexpectedly another myth and legend appeared, which also described the Great Flood.

You must know that the areas where these myths are located are all over the world, and there was no Internet at that time, let alone "plagiarism".

Why did they all talk about the Flood at the same time?


PS: All the literature and various comments represent only personal opinions, and do not mean that I confirm or agree with their descriptions.

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