Survivorship Bias

Chapter 25: calm time

    Facing Zhong Yirou's words, An Wujiu acted too calm.

    "We won't make a sound." His expression was endearingly upright.

    As soon as this answer came out, the other three were stunned at the same time, and then burst into laughter.

& nbsp; "Even this little brat can understand him."

     Being called, Wu You was a little embarrassed and cleared her throat, "I'm not a kid."

    An Wu Jiu was still a little cloudy, he turned his face and looked at Shen Ti. He did not laugh exaggeratedly, with one hand resting on his cheek, with an ambiguous smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, he also turned his eyes to An Wu Jiu.

    After looking at each other for a while, An Wujiu connected with the handcuffs incident in the bunker in the previous level, suddenly realized something, understood it all at once, then waved his hand to explain to Zhong Yirou: "We are not what you think that kind of relationship.”

    "Really?" Zhong Yirou held back her smile, bit the end of her chopsticks, and glanced at Shen Ti's face.

    Shen Ti held his chin and nodded in approval.

    After An Wujiu breathed a sigh of relief, he added another sentence.

    "Not currently."

    What a totally uncooperative guy.

    An Wujiu laughed dryly, "Let's eat."

    "How do you want people to eat this?" Wu You glanced at the dishes on the table, pursed her lips, and stood up by herself.

    "Why are you going?" Zhong Yirou turned her head and asked.

    Wu You picked up the apron from the back of Zhong Yirou's chair, put it on herself, "cook."

    "The kitchen is on the right, can you open fire?" Zhong Yirou was a little worried, even though she herself was the one who might blow up the kitchen, "Look at the dates for the ingredients in the refrigerator!"

    Wu You didn't reply, Zhong Yirou turned her head and muttered softly, "Nowadays kids can really pretend to be cool."

    Half an hour later, they saw the children bring four dishes and one soup, which looked a hundred times better than the dark dishes before.

    This hands-on ability really should not be underestimated.

    Shen Ti smiled and said, "Now adults are not as good at cooking as children."

    Being ridiculed, Zhong Yirou made a "kill you" wiping gesture to him.

     "Just make some, there's not much to eat in the refrigerator." Wu You took off his apron and sat back in his seat, "Eat it."

    "Whatever??" Zhong Yirou's eyes lit up and she sighed, "You are so amazing, kid."

    An Wujiu also took a sip, the taste was really good.

    He became curious about Wu You.

    Although he is still a minor child, he can complete the task without leakage throughout the game. When his emotions are exposed, they are exposed, and when they are hidden, they are hidden. The aircraft also seemed to have been assembled by himself, as if he lived independently.

    "Speaking of which," Zhong Yirou took a bite of the dish, looked at the other three, and said casually, "Aren't you all homeless?"

    This sentence seemed to hit the minefield of all the staff at once, and there was no sound at the dinner table for a while.

    In the end, An Wujiu said, "I originally lived in the school, but my mother fell ill and I dropped out of school. For the last time I can remember, I have been living in the hospital with my bed. ."

    Wu You thought of their private conversation in the game before, so she said, "Don't you have a sister?"

    "Yes..." An Wu Jiao frowned slightly, "But I remember that in the hospital, she had a fight with me, and I forgot the exact reason. All I know is that she finally ran away from home."

    "Running away from home..." Wu You repeated these words in a low voice, and then said casually: "Just like me."

    Probably because everyone knows that their free time these days is nothing more than halftime for a **** game. It is very likely that after this separation, we will not be able to meet next time, so everyone is more frank than in the game.

    "You too?" Zhong Yirou frowned, "Is it bad to stay at home at a young age?"

    Wu You lowered her head, took a few mouthfuls of rice, and answered vaguely, "I escaped."

    Then he stopped talking.

    The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy, Zhong Yirou knocked on the side of the bowl, "It doesn't matter, you can live here as you like!"

    After she finished speaking, she smiled, "Anyway, everyone is not a poor man without money!"

    After a peaceful lunch, An Wujiu sat on the waste energy tank and watched Zhong Yirou welding the fingers of the prosthesis, Wu You wiped his aircraft, Shen Ti leaned against the container and took a nap Son.

    Such a peaceful afternoon away from the hustle and bustle is more like a dream than the fight in the altar.


    I can't find the hospital where my mother is now, An Wu Jiu can't let go.

    Everything in Mingming Hospital is consistent with my memory, why is my mother not there? Is it because of insufficient treatment fees and hospitalization fees, they were transferred to other places?

    If the mother is still in Philadelphia, then one hospital after another may be able to find the answer, but it will take time and cost, and he may not be able to get real information.

    He glanced at the time, it was already two thirty in the afternoon.

    Zhong Yirou knew of his concerns, thought about it, and gave him a suggestion.

    "If you are looking for a patient, you can try to find someone from Martell for help." She pulled up a chair and sat next to An Wugui, "This is a biopharmaceutical monopoly in Philadelphia. Company. Now the medical system in Philadelphia is siloed, hospitals are closed to manage their user information, it is difficult to find even if you want to check. But almost every hospital uses Martell's drugs and medical equipment, and horses Thor has basically invested in every hospital, and every month's running water and reports will be submitted, and there will be some available information in it."


    "That's right." Zhong Yirou crossed Erlang's legs, "Nowadays hospitals are equivalent to small businesses, which have been commercialized into subsidiaries of the Martell Group. If you want to find them one by one, It is better to start directly from the upper layer.”

    She has a point.

    "But I don't have the connections."

    "It's really hard to find," Zhong Yirou scratched her hair and curled it with her fingers, "I knew one before, but now he owes a lot of debt and ran to the altar, and then Lost contact, probably dead."

    "The dead can be seen on the death list." Wu You walked over with the bucket, "It's the list that is published on the panel every two weeks. I have received it."

    Zhong Yirou shrugged, "I'll take a look next week, but even if he's still alive, he definitely doesn't have the authority of an employee of the Martol Group now."

    She patted An Wujiu on the shoulder, like a very reliable big sister, "Don't worry too much. You should take care of your injury for a long time. Tomorrow morning will enter the next round, you His hand can't be hurt any more."

    An Wu Jiu nodded slightly.

    In a way, he considers himself lucky to have met these people.

    "Do we need to go back to the pod ourselves?"

    Wu You nodded.

    "What if I don't arrive on time?" An Wujiu asked again.

    "It will die." Wu You told him directly.

    An Wujiu expected this to be the answer. If everyone who entered the altar was equipped with their special brain computer, then killing the participating players would be a piece of cake.

    "When will it end?"

    Zhong Yirou let out a long sigh of relief, "We don't know either, I heard that if one's desire is completely satisfied, one can leave the altar, but no one knows whether it is true or not."

    At night, the abandoned factory lights up. An Wu Jiu sat at the gate, looking at the gray-black sky outside, there was not a single star.

    Vaguely, a memory of his father appeared in his mind.

    He seemed to hold himself and look at the stars through the telescope.

    "Don't sleep?"

    An Wujiu heard Shen Ti's voice and turned his head. With a lollipop in his mouth, Shen Ti approached and looked down at him.

    "Are you eating sugar again?" he said kindly, "Too much synthetic saccharin is bad for your health."

    "I know." Shen Ti leaned against the edge of the door and said vaguely, "But I always want to put something in my mouth, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable."

    Like someone wants to smoke all the time? An Wujiu thought.

    Zhong Yirou, who was sitting in front of the workbench, listened to her ears and said aloud, "This is called the oral period, and it usually only occurs during infancy."

    “When you were a baby?” Shen Ti felt incredible, then suddenly heard a very light laugh, turned his face and lowered his head, only to find that An Wujiu smiled.

    It was the first time he saw An Wu Jiu being amused.

    This beautiful face is either so calm that she can't see any flaws, or she is terrifyingly insane. It has never shown a childish smile like it is now, like a thin flower made of paper. , giving birth to some full vitality at a certain moment.


    An Wujiu looked up and looked like a bully, even though he knew very well that he was a ruthless character who couldn't be bullied.

    This contrast seems to make him even more charming.

    "Go back." An Wu Jiu's voice was very soft, he stood up and picked up the small bench Zhong Yirou gave him in one hand. The space that Shen Ti left for him was very narrow, An Wu Jiu could only squeeze his shoulders.

    Shen Ti's body temperature is also colder than others.

    Simply tidy up and wash, and then they rest. The container that Zhong Yirou arranged for them was blue, and there was a hospital bed that was slightly wider than the single bed. At first, An Wugui considered sleeping on the ground, but there were many boxes of medical supplies piled up on the ground, and there were not many places to stay. .

    Shen Ti borrowed the bathroom to take a bath, An Wu Jiu went to bed first. He lay down on his side very obediently to make sure he only took up half the space, and closed his eyes.

    The container is not very soundproof, he can even hear the sound of water flowing, and the sound of Zhong Yirou slapping her face with skin care products.

    Maybe because of Zhong Yirou's occupation, there is a smell similar to a mixture of potions and metals, which makes him inexplicably familiar. Since waking up from the altar, An Wu Jiu has been in a state of nervousness for a long time, even though he did not show it.

    At this moment, this familiar feeling inexplicably makes An Wugui feel anxious.

    He couldn't sleep.

    Without the hypnotic gas, An Wu Jiu found that once he closed his eyes, he would inevitably have a strong sense of vigilance, and his heartbeat would start voluntarily for a few seconds again.

    Obviously, his pain perception is very slow, but at a certain moment, An Wu Jiu felt the severe pain in his heart again, as if he was tightly entangled by many thin threads, almost strangling in.

    His hands clenched the clothes on his chest, frowning.

    Even so, An Wujiu still didn't open his eyes, and tried to convince himself to fall asleep, after all, he might have to leave here tomorrow morning and go to another battlefield.

    Soon, there were footsteps outside, and then the sound of the container door opening.

    The footsteps approached and stopped.

     Immediately afterwards, An Wu Jiu felt the other half of the cold and hard bed collapse slightly, which was the body temperature and breath of another person.

    I can't tell if it's the smell of the shower gel or the smell of the other party. The air gradually filled with a faint scent of sandalwood.

    For a moment of dizziness, his shoulder was suddenly grabbed by a hand, as if trying to break it. An Wu Jiu immediately opened his eyes and looked at the person beside him with a vigilant expression.

      Water droplets, cat-like pupil color also appears soft in the dim space.

    "It's not the first time, why are you scared."

      He just moved lightly and pulled his tense body up a little bit until his back could lie flat on the bed.

    "Don't turn sideways, watch your hands."

    Volume 4 Warm-up: Birds in a Cage

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