Survivorship Bias

Chapter 20: estate division

    "You know how to untie the handcuffs?" Shen Ti said suspiciously, ordinary people don't have such skills.

    Wu You nodded and looked at An Wujiu, "Do you understand?"

    An Wujiu thought for a while, "If we don't solve it, one of us will always commit a foul tonight."


    "Untie it." Shen Ti shrugged, "My wrist hurts, I'm still thinking about what to do at night."

    Wu You didn't say much, grabbing An Wu Jiu's wrist to observe the style of handcuffs on his hands. Then I took a paper clip from the cuff of my coat, straightened the bent end, inserted it into the keyhole, and bent the end that had gone in with my thumb, trying to turn it around.

    Not long after, An Wu Jiu heard a slight clicking sound, the sound of the metal card slot bouncing.

    "Fortunately, it's not double insurance." Wu You pulled the ratchet and released the handcuffs.

    So skilled?

    "Where's mine?" Shen Ti also put his hand close, as if he was afraid that he wouldn't get it.

    Wu You whispered that he understood, then untied it for Shen Ti, and then handed the handcuffs back to An Wujiu, "If you exchanged this, you can open the panel and put it in to your own acceptance threshold."

    "Thank you." An Wujiu put away the handcuffs and prepared to leave. Wu You grabbed his sleeve first, "I still have something to tell you alone."

    Shen Ti glanced at Wu You's hand, then pretended to be tired and yawned, "I'll go back to the lounge to catch up."

    It was not until his back was hidden at the entrance of the corridor that An Wu Jiu opened the door of the piano room again and brought Wu You in.

    "You've changed back." Wu You said softly.

    Wu You hadn't noticed yet on the round table, but when he just released the handcuffs, An Wu Jiu didn't hide his current state.


    "Remember our plan?"

    An Wujiu nodded and said lightly, "Of course, I remember everything I did." After he finished speaking, he lowered his eyes and asked Wu You, "The duel between you and Liu Chengwei, what is the specific situation? What's it like?"

    Wu You said it truthfully, omitting a lot of details, "I initiated the first round, and my current blood count is already higher than his, but Yang Ming still asked Ueno to go up too, Liu Chengwei had almost no room to fight back, and it was over soon. The second round was the same, the third round was initiated by Ueno, and I left."

    An Wujiu frowned slightly, "Ueno took the initiative?"

    "Well." Wu You explained, "Because Liu Chengwei suddenly asked to activate his skills at the end of the second round, and took all the supplies of Ueno, and I don't know why."

    Hearing this, An Wu Jiu's brows slowly loosened and he stopped talking.

    The piano room was silent for a moment, and Wu You asked tentatively, "Then... do you want to continue?"

    He wasn't sure. Because An Wu Jiu, who had a plan with him, didn't have any bottom line, he didn't even want to win, he just wanted to play with people's hearts and take revenge.

    But now?

    At this moment, he seems to be the one who wanted everyone to live together.

    An Wujiu remained silent for a minute.

    Eventually he reached out and pressed a black key on the piano.


    "But...I've run out of supplies." Wu You whispered, "I've used them all up."

    He gently pressed another white key.

    "You will soon have."

    Shen Ti guessed the relationship between Wu You and An Wujiu along the way.

    He has witnessed Wu You taking the initiative to show his favor to Yang Ming, so now he is coming to An Wujiu for peace?

    It's already the third day, and no one on the court said that their red and black lines have been replaced. In such a situation, there are only two possibilities, either An Wu Jiu has taken a more secure approach and has not been in a hurry to use his skills yet, and wants to wait until he finds the person with the most favorable red and black lines before switching.

    Another possibility is that he has changed, and has reached an alliance with the person who changed lanes, so the other party will remain silent.

    Shen Ti fell into contemplation.

      Hostility will form.

    Only one person, in only one situation, is willing to change lines with An Wujiao as soon as possible.

    In other words, he hoped that An Wujiu could change lanes for him.

    That is Wu You who cursed Yang Ming.

    It must be exchanged on the first day, or you will die.

    In the dark corridor, Shen Ti, who was leaning against the wall, chuckled softly. The angel lamp emits a creamy yellow light, illuminating the road ahead.

    It turns out this double-sided.

    When returning to the lounge corridor, Shen Ti saw Yang Ming standing in front of Room 7 with his hands behind his back. He also heard Shen Ti's footsteps and turned his head.

    "What a coincidence, I was waiting for you."

    Shen Ti didn't answer, just raised his eyebrows, turned and walked to the reading room at the other end of the lounge porch.

    This is a kind of action language of "I would like to hear it", and Yang Ming also followed. The reading room was very quiet, Shen Ti sat on the sofa, "Do you want to cooperate with me?"

    "Sure enough, he is a smart person." Yang Ming sat opposite him, "Then I will make a long story short, as long as you agree to form an alliance, after this round is over, I will give you one third of the reward points. ."

    Shen Ti stared at him, with an incomprehensible smile on his face.

    Yang Ming guessed that he was too little, and immediately said: "One-half? How?"

    Hearing his words, Shen Ti chuckled softly, his tone was light, and he touched the red coral that was shaking slightly under his ear with one hand.

    "If I can't live to the end, let alone half, I won't get a penny."

    Obviously, this kind of simple bait doesn't work for Shen Ti.

    "I can promise you that I will get rid of the people with the highest points and make sure that you can enter the top four smoothly." It is probably the influence of work in reality, and it is easy to negotiate conditions, Yang Ming Handy, after all his job is to get money out of the client's pocket.

    But Shen Ti is different, Yang Ming also knows this.

    "Your best partner right now is only me."

    Shen Ti seemed to be interested all of a sudden, those charming green eyes twinkled, "Really?"

    Yang Ming got closer, his voice was low and hoarse, "If I'm not mistaken, your black line is safe."

    In this regard, Shen Ti's face did not show surprise, but raised his eyebrows, "Continue."

    Yang Ming is obviously extremely dissatisfied with his attitude. After all, his huge advantage has been maintained for two days, but one of the previous chips has become a traitor and still has a red line. Traitor, fortunately, there are only two points, and death is not a pity.

    He also needs a high health backup weapon.

    "I've never been able to guess your red and black lines, because you're so elusive. Even now, I don't know what tactics you are playing, whether you want to win or not. But there are only eight in total. Individuals, excluding can always get a rough range.”

    He said frankly: "I already know the black lines of Liu Chengwei, Ueno Dacheng and Wu You, they are Wu You, you, and Liu Chengwei, the rest... An Wujiu can't curse himself , of course I also know that I am not the one to curse him."

    " Lao Yu is too obvious, I'm afraid his red thread is An Wu Jiu, then the black thread will not be him, only you and Zhong Yirou, Zhong Yirou will even help An Wujiu stitch The wound, even if it is pretending to be a good person, should be revealed at this time."

    He said the result he deduced through intelligence, and then looked at Shen Ti.

    "That's right." Shen Ti was more straightforward than he thought.

    "My black line is indeed safe."

    Yang Ming smiled happily, "In this case, cooperation with me is the best choice. An Wujiu must die, otherwise you won't even get his four points."

    "Trust me, I will help you kill An Wujiu."

    "It makes sense." Shen Ti snapped his fingers, "I can cooperate, but I have a request."

    He smiled, "I don't need your point reward for this round. I want the last round, and it's all."

    "Anyway, your reward this round must be higher than the previous round, and you will not suffer."

    Yang Ming pondered for a moment, and finally agreed.

    Old Yu will not stand with him, and Zhong Yirou is even more impossible. Without Shen Ti as a weapon, he would definitely suffer in a duel, and he would not be able to contain others.

    They signed a contract, Yang Ming was very shrewd, it stated that Shen Ti must unconditionally obey his request in the duel, until the morning of the fifth day, the moment when the sacred music ended. At that time, the points will automatically fall to Shen Ti's name.

    After the negotiation, Shen Ti fell asleep directly on the sofa on the grounds of being drowsy, with a pair of long legs that had nowhere to rest on the armrest of the sofa, falling asleep quickly in a weird posture.

    Yang Ming had to leave alone.

    He walked to the living room and saw several other people dueling, not dueling, but discussing Liu Chengwei's body.

    "The energy bar above his head has turned gray." Wu You said.

    "What about the corpse?" Lao Yu glanced at the others, "Put it back in his lounge?"

    Zhong Yirou shook her head, and touched her arms with both hands, as if she had goosebumps, "No, I have to go back to sleep at night, it's too scary."

    An Wu Jiu leaned back against the wall, staring at Liu Chengwei's missing eye in the duel threshold, the scarlet light curtain made his death even more terrifying, but An Wu Jiu I always felt that this man would suddenly come to life, jumped up and insulted him, grabbed his collar, and spit in his face.

    But he died, in infighting.

    The Ueno who killed him was still shaking and in a trance.

    “Will his corpse disappear from the game?” An Wujiu asked.

    "Well..." Zhong Yirou thought for a while, "Generally not. In all the games I have participated in before, the dead are no different from those who die in reality. The process of decomposing the body is The same, it won't disappear out of thin air. That's why it's scary."

    Wu You whispered, "Aren't you a doctor?"

    "I'm just a little prosthetic doctor, I'm not a forensic doctor!"

    The argument could not go on, but they still left Liu Chengwei's body in the corner of the duel room. An Wu Jiu turned his head and saw Yang Ming standing at the door.

    He raised his chin slightly and said to everyone in the duel room, "It's not just a corpse."

    "How to divide the materials left by Liu Chengwei, can't we discuss it?"

    Yang Ming directly pierced the thoughts of everyone who wanted to say but couldn't say it, then turned around and walked towards the storage room. After Liu Chengwei died, all his materials were automatically placed in the storage room, including the ability to activate skills between duels , all the supplies looted from Ueno.

    Hearing the supplies, Ueno followed Yang Ming to the storage room like a conditioned reflex.

    On the top shelf where Liu Chengwei always stored, they did see supplies, bread, water and medicine. Liu Chengwei's skill is that he can directly plunder other people's materials, so that these things are labeled with him and automatically included in his storage point.

    "It's mine! He took mine!"

    He stretched out his hand suddenly, only to find that he could not pick up any of his supplies!

    Ueno Taisei sat down on the ground, his pale lips trembling slightly.

    He who has zero materials, what if he has the skills to copy materials?

    Copy is zero...

    Not true. Yang Ming frowned.

    According to the rules, the materials of the dead are public assets.

    Why can't I pick it up?

    He also reached out and tried it, but it didn't work.

    What happened?

    "Excuse me, borrow it."

    An Wujiu's voice came from behind Yang Ming, causing an inexplicable chill on his back.

    He watched An Wujiu stretch out his hand and take a piece of bread from the top of the cabinet.

    The label on the top of the bread - safe.

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