Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 228 The Dark Cave

Chapter 228 The Dark Cave

After a while, Director Lin Xiao heard Harry's voice, he said, "I'm going too!"

Both Lin Xiao and Director Lin were a little surprised, especially Director Lin.

From the beginning, his goal was to let Lin Xiao go. He knew too well how much a person would change if he could come out of that place. Among the two of them, as long as one of them is willing to go, the winning rate will greatly increase for the several directors they will face in the future.

So from the very beginning, he wanted to convince Lin Xiao, but he didn't have much hope for Harry himself.

After all, Harry's weaknesses were too obvious, and Harry's weaknesses affected him more obviously. Such people are especially afraid to face their dark side.

So, when Harry said the answer, he was really surprised.

Lin Xiao knew Harry's mentality better, he didn't even hope Harry could go.

He said to Harry, "You don't have to force yourself, it's enough for one of us to go."

Harry shook his head, "It's because I know that... his influence on me, so I need to face it more. These weaknesses of mine will have to be faced sooner or later. It's better to uproot them now. up."5

Harry looked at Lin Xiao and Director Lin firmly, "This is one thing I have to do, so don't stop me.

Lin Xiao knew very well how difficult it was for Harry to make this decision. So without further persuasion, he patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Okay, then we'll go together. Don't worry, we won't get caught in it.

Harry nodded.

Lin Xiao and Harry looked at Director Lin and asked, "Director Lin, we have all made a decision. Where is the place you mentioned?"

Director Lin looked at them, "You go back to the office with me first, I will show you my records first, it will help you to go there. Also, I need to prepare some things for you, once you go there, if you go there, if If you don't come out by yourself, no one will be able to go in and help you. So, you have to be mentally prepared.々.

The two nodded.

The two followed Director Lin and returned to Director Lin's office.

"Wait for me here." Director Lin said to them, then walked behind his desk and took out a thick notebook from the safe.

Director Lin looked at the notebook, wondering what he was thinking. After a while, Director Lin raised his head and gave the notebook to Lin Xiao and Harry.

"It records all my unknown secrets. You can just sit here and read. I hope you understand that I don't want this thing to be able to leave this office."

Lin Xiao and Harry nodded, they both knew that Director Lin must have made a great determination to come up with this thing. Except for him, no one should be willing to put their dark side in front of others like this.

Director Lin said, "Let's see first! I'm going to help you prepare some things that may be of use. Maybe those things can help you at a critical moment.

Lin Xiao and Harry said, "Thank you! Director Lin."

Director Lin smiled at them, and then walked out of the office.

Lin Xiao and Harry turned to the first page of the note, and when they saw the contents, their hearts trembled a lot.

On the first page of the notes, there is a picture. To be exact, it is a horror painting.

On the painting, there is a boy with scars all over his body, and the scars have all kinds of strange shapes, but they all look terrifying. Looking a little further away, it looks like a man with all kinds of shapes piecing together.

The boy has only half of his head, and the other half seems to have been gouged out by something. The boy's eyes are bleeding, but he has no eyeballs, and a part of his nose has been gouged out. He has no teeth or tongue in his mouth. It was plucked in half alive.

On the boy's body, the wounds caused by various torture tools, some of them seem to be wounds from a long time ago, while some are new wounds, because those wounds are still bleeding.

I don't know what kind of sadness and hatred it is to treat someone like this. Lin Xiao thought to himself.

As for the boy in the picture, it seemed that he had an imagination of Director Lin, or half of his face had an imagination of Director Lin.

Lin Xiao and Harry, took a deep breath, then turned back.

On the second page, words appeared.

The two of them watched silently, and for a while, apart from the sound of their breathing and the sound of turning pages, no other sound could be heard in the room.

In this notebook, it clearly recorded every minute and every second that Director Lin spent in the dark cave.

It's like there's a camera recording the whole thing.

After Director Lin entered the dark cave, within ten seconds, the boy on the first page appeared in front of him. The previous one said that it was Director Lin when he was 6 years old.

Director Lin was born in a very feudal village. The village was feudal, so boys should be majestic and fierce. A young man with a handsome face like Director Lin, even some boys and girls, will be regarded as unknown by the village, and will bring disaster to his family and even the whole village.

Therefore, Director Lin has been living in a dark cage since he can remember. Every day, different people use different tools to beat him.

He never knew what he had done wrong, as if he should have suffered these pains since he was born.

Until one day, a boy the same age as Director Lin came to beat him. That was the first time he saw his peers. Before that, he always thought that teenagers of their age lived the same life as him.

On that day, the boy cut his nose with a knife, and it was on that day that he knew that it was because of his appearance that he suffered all this.

Later, he saw more and more people his age, and more and more people even younger than him. In his heart, hatred kept pouring out.

He doesn't understand why he's going through all this, what did he do wrong? (Very good)

Perhaps because of this hatred, the magical bloodline in his body began to awaken, and finally one day, after he was sentenced, a few teenagers as old as him came to him to vent their anger because they were scolded by their parents.

He finally couldn't help it and attacked the teenagers with magic. For the first time, he got out of the cage that he had been in since he was conscious.

For the first time, I felt the sunlight outside, and I saw various colors of green and red.

He dragged the scars all over his body and came to the village, wanting to avenge himself.

In that dark cave, Director Lin went through the torture again with his own eyes.

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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