Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 43 The car overturned again!

"Impossible, you won't win, I'm number one..." Li Qunfan stared at the vote count on the big screen with red eyes, and said in his mouth.

50,000 votes...

Forty thousand votes...

Thirty thousand votes...

Li Qunfan watched the number of votes approaching little by little, and his heart became colder and colder. When the gap reached 10,000 votes, his heart also sank to the bottom.

But at this time, the rate of increase in the number of votes has been very slow, not as fast as before. Each mobile phone number can only cast one vote, and cannot cast more.

This gap of 10,000 votes is very difficult to overcome, much larger than the previous gap of 100,000 votes, because those who should vote have already voted, and those who vote later will be those who have not voted, so the number of votes will be more difficult to increase.

Li Qunfan watched Chen Mubai's votes beating slowly, no longer as fast as before, and a touch of hope emerged in his heart.

The gap of 10,000 votes may seem small, but it takes 1 million votes to catch up!

With more than 30 million people voting, it is extremely difficult to get the 1 million votes.


When "Dream Singer" was aired today, it also caused a lot of commotion on WeChat, and even made it to the hot search list again.

The movement of the finale of the previous audition and the discussion and quality of the program made the hot search list that night was dominated by "Dream Singer", and many people noticed this program created by Shanghai Satellite TV.

Many people usually go to work early and leave work late, and their entertainment activities are to scan WeChat and WeChat, and sometimes they don’t even have time to watch TV and movies.

I usually see the program poster of "Dream Singer" on the way to and from get off work. If I watch it more often, I will have some impressions, even if I haven't watched this program.

And the last time the hot search chart dominated the screen, all they saw was the news of this show, plus the posters they usually saw, so they naturally clicked in to watch the clips of the show.

They also had some curiosity about the show, seeing many outstanding contestants and nice songs, they thought the show was good, so they remembered the time when it would start next time, and would watch it when they had time.

Today, they once again habitually took out their mobile phones to scan WeChat and WeChat during work breaks or after get off work, to see the life of their friends or the dynamics of their favorite stars, anime, etc.

When they saw someone posting a video of singing alone in the circle of friends, the high-quality song that they had never heard before, the singer's handsome and nice voice, and the lung-piercing emotion of the song, they were shocked!

At the same time, on WeChat, many people clicked on the hot search on Shanghai Satellite TV and saw the videos posted by various netizens, all of which were songs sung by contestants, playing karaoke tickets for their idols.

Among them, the video of Chen Mubai's singing is the most popular. Many netizens left messages under the video.

These people clicked into the video, listened to Chen Mubai's songs and sad feelings, they felt the same, and the suppressed emotions that had nowhere to release burst out, crying out of pain.

As programmers and Internet workers, they look very beautiful on the surface, with high wages and good treatment. They are white-collar workers in the city, and others are very envious.

But only they themselves know these pains. Years of fatigue and overtime work can easily lead to various diseases, their hair is getting less and less, their hairlines are getting higher and higher, they don’t even have time to talk to girlfriends, and the working environment doesn’t even have female compatriots.

They can only obey the blind dates arranged by their parents when they are older. Faced with all kinds of high-demanding women, they try their best to meet all the requirements in order to get married.

But they have little contact with women, they don't have much experience, they don't know how to be romantic, and they are also honest people in the eyes of the public.

They devote themselves wholeheartedly to their girlfriends, but what they get in return is endless pain. Their girlfriends are becoming more and more presumptuous towards them while their love is becoming more and more humble.

Many times those women even just treat them as spare tires,

Come and go when you call, just use them as cash machines.

The feelings of the honest and honest programmers are hurt by those scum girls, and they will be ridiculed by them for being cowardly and incompetent.

They are a very kind and simple group of people, but they have not met a woman who cherishes them. When they hear Chen Mubai's song and think of their past, they can't help but feel depressed and tears fall down.

After listening to the song, they also remembered this person named Chen Mubai. It is impossible to write this kind of song without empathizing with this kind of emotion.

Even though Chen Mubai is so handsome and talented, he is still the same as them, and he will inevitably be hurt by the scum girl. They have a higher degree of recognition for Chen Mubai in their hearts, which is a strong recognition from honest people.

Turning to the bottom of the video again, many people are leaving messages, some men and women tell their emotions, many people will encounter scumbags in relationships, and the ones who are often hurt are kind people.

At the bottom of the comments on the video, countless people sent messages to the top again. They petitioned for Chen Mubai, and they hoped that Chen Mubai could get the first place!

Many people clicked on the link and saw that Chen Mubai had the second most votes, and the first place was still a small fresh meat. They snorted coldly, is this kind of person worthy of being compared with Chen Mubai?

They hurriedly voted for their idols, and mobilized their relatives and friends to canvass for votes. They must let this partner (Chen Mubai) win the first place. Let those scumbags and scumbags hear how ruthless they are!

Li Qunfan saw that Chen Mubai's vote count stumbled to 315,641 votes, and the growth rate was very slow. If it took a long time, he might surpass him, but the voting time was about to close, and there was basically no possibility for Chen Mubai to surpass him!

"After all, I won."

When Li Qunfan's heart settled down and a triumphant smile appeared on his face, suddenly his face changed drastically, and his hands and feet were icy cold!

On the big screen, Chen Mubai's votes rolled up again. Although not as violent as before, it was far faster than before!

In the blink of an eye, the number of votes was tied, and then... surpassed!

Chen Mubai's name jumped to the top on the big screen, and it continued to grow!



Chen Mubai's votes were still rising, and the rate of increase was not too slow. When the speed was about to slow down again, the voting time had already expired.

Li Qunfan's mood is like riding a roller coaster, it's so exciting to get up and down, just thought he was about to win and was overtaken in a blink of an eye!

He stared blankly at Chen Mubai's number of votes surpassing his own, and then opened the distance, getting bigger and bigger, and finally Chen Mubai's number of votes stopped at 443526 votes!

Not only did Chen Mubai overtake at the last moment, he even widened the gap in the number of votes between the two to more than 100,000!

In other words, Chen Mubai got a total of about 40 million off-site votes!

Chen Mubai had more than 10 million more votes than Li Qunfan, the little fresh meat that Starway has been cultivating with all its strength!

Even if Li Qunfan is not a popular little fresh meat, he has obtained countless resources to cultivate a traffic star who is ready to become famous through this show, while Chen Mubai is an amateur, and the attention and fans of both parties are incomparable.

Chen Mubai won the love and recognition of more than 40 million viewers for one song, which is something that even ordinary famous stars can hardly do, let alone as an amateur!

At this moment, Chen Mubai's ability and his own traffic have attracted the attention of countless people in the industry!

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