Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 33 Director's Choice

Chen Mubai was used to this kind of thing in the entertainment industry in his previous life, so he wasn't unhappy at all. He was also amused to see those few fans comforting him. Didn't expect there to be so many fans?

Compared with the reports that the media people downplayed him, he is happier to be able to gain a few fans, which proves that his efforts are not in vain. Even in a difficult environment, he can still infect his performance. Others, as long as they can show themselves, it is not a failure.

Chen Mubai comforted a few fans who were fighting for him, told them not to vent, and told them that they hoped to support him again in the next episode.

The "Dream Singer" program only broadcasts the auditions and qualifiers in the form of recordings, and the finals of the qualifiers and the finals are all broadcast live.

For recording and broadcasting, the editing of the program group is the most important. It can keep the good pictures and delete the bad ones directly.

But the live broadcast is different. Everything may have unexpected situations, so the live broadcast is very difficult, and the performance at that time is directly facing the national audience, which is especially important.

As for Chen Mubai, he only needs to wait for the qualifier final one month later. He has to prove himself to the audience again in the final, and also announce to the media that even if he is not reported, he can still return as king!

At this time, Chen Mubai received a text message from Lu Fang. Lu Fang already knew about the media reports and Zhang Yaohui's handwriting. He could only comfort Chen Mubai not to be discouraged, keep working hard, and prepare for the finals of the qualifiers.

Chen Mubai suddenly received a call from the director of the singer program group, he answered the phone, and the director's voice came over there.

"Chen Mubai, have you offended Zhang Yaohui?" the director asked Chen Mubai.

The director saw that the mainstream self-media news on WeChat and various entertainment media newspapers focused on what happened last night, and the program group also received a lot of attention.

But he was keenly aware that these media only reported outstanding players, especially Li Qunfan but ignored the dark horse player Chen Mubai. He felt something was wrong, so he hurriedly called to ask.

The director himself has a good impression of Chen Mubai. He is a capable and good-looking person. He treats others with a humble and kind attitude. He does not have a sense of pride like Li Qunfan, as if he is superior to others. He does not like this kind of person very much. He prefers Chen Mubai is a boy with a sunny temperament.

Chen Mubai's explosive ratings and rising quality of the singer program are inseparable from Chen Mubai. The release of a high-quality song has brought the program's quality and ratings to a height that cannot be ignored. He can be said to be the number one contributor to the program.

However, this most important hero has not been reported in the media, which shows that something happened behind the scenes.

Otherwise, according to the normal urgency of these media, Chen Mubai's background would have been uncovered long ago. This was the most important contestant last night!

The director realized that the matter was not simple, so he thought about the method of Xingcheng last night.

Although on the surface it is to promote Li Qunfan's position, this point is in the past, but it seems to be more to force their program crew not to let Chen Mubai have too many scenes, and even cut his scenes to prevent his performance from appearing in the public within sight!

Otherwise, based on Starway's news, they should have had inside information long ago. Li Qunfan might not be a dark horse, but he didn't communicate with the program team earlier. At that time, they can completely exchange resources with the program team, which is the unspoken rule Let Li Qunfan take over.

Instead, Starway exerted temporary pressure after Li Qunfan's performance, and only wanted the show crew to compromise. They took advantage of the emphasis that Shanghai Satellite TV placed on singer shows.

If the program group compromises and Chen Mubai's scenes are deleted, then the matter can be resolved quickly and easily, and it will not become a thrilling rhythm after wave after wave.

The director appreciates and likes Chen Mubai as a candidate, and last night he also cooperated with the program team to repel Starway's conspiracy.

So, after the director knew about the incident reported by the media, he hurriedly called Chen Mubai to inquire.

"Yes, I used to be a trainee of Starway Entertainment, and I was banned by Zhang Yaohui for seven years." Chen Mubai pondered for a while, and decided to tell the director about it.

First of all, the director is very close to him at present. The cooperation last night allowed them to smash Starway's conspiracy, and Modu Satellite TV also offended Starway to some extent, and they are also enemies.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and the reason why the director offended Xingcheng was because he wanted to ensure the quality of the program. Chen Mubai is an excellent person and a key figure in promoting the quality of the program. He will not give up easily.

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" The director frowned.

After the director confirmed the facts from Chen Mubai, things became difficult.

This is to let him choose one of the two. He appreciates Chen Mubai, but he can't give up the popularity of the show for his own selfish desire.

Chen Mubai's situation will definitely be targeted by Zhang Yaohui all the time. He is afraid that the influence and attention of the program will also drop because of this. The media always does not report on Chen Mubai. If Chen Mubai gets a high ranking again, the outside public will also have doubts about the quality of the program. .

The director also doesn't know if Chen Mubai will have other songs similar to "Old Boy" in the follow-up competition. If not, it will be difficult to turn over with just relying on strength. The original effect and the impact caused by the cover are still very different of.

But he still chose to ask more questions to see if he could find a solution. He was unwilling to give up so easily.

"There's nothing that can't be said. He will definitely continue to pour dirty water on me in a rhythmic manner. Let me tell you in advance." Chen Mubai thought for a while and decided to tell the whole thing.

Since Zhang Yaohui has made a move, he will not stop, so reducing his popularity now is the first step. If he can still attract attention and popularity like last night, once his popularity cannot be suppressed, then he can be at his highest level. Splash dirty water when he is young, let his heat become a weapon, and the whole people crusade against him.

This kind of method is very normal. Many celebrities die on black material. Although Chen Mubai did nothing wrong, Zhang Yaohui can buy off the media and let the media spread rumors and cause trouble. There will be no media to justify his name. He can't explain it with a single mouth. Clearly, at this time, the whole people are Zhang Yaohui's weapon, and the enthusiasm is also his burial place.

Instead of passively accepting it at that time, it is better to take the initiative to clarify the matter with the director now, and take a look at the director's attitude. Those black materials can be the "weapon" to kill him or the weapon in his hands, it depends on how he uses it up.

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