Because the mansion was destroyed, Hawk and Laxe recently had to live in a separate house that was temporarily purchased.

But even ordinary homes bought on a temporary basis are astounding in size and luxury.

In fact, before this house was traded to Hawke, it was once the house of the nobles in Carlworth.

Theoretically speaking, the status of businessmen is far lower than that of nobles. Even if they have more money, it is difficult to buy the house that the other party originally used to live from the nobles. But there is no way. Hawke gave too much money. The original owner of the mansion could not refuse, and the Klein Chamber of Commerce and the royal family and the superhero academy had a good relationship, so after receiving the money, the nobleman moved out of the mansion without a word, it is said that the whole family now lives in the hotel in the city In.

Not to mention the nobleman who bowed his head to the merchant because of the gold coins, Hawk returned to his temporary home after a day of work, and then found Lax in a daze in the yard.

"Baby girl, do you think this yard is a little stuffy? Actually, I think so too, it's too small here."

In front of his daughter, Hawk always inadvertently revealed his pampering. For example, now he wants to move immediately and let his daughter live in a better place.

It is a pity that this mansion is already one of the mansions in Carlworth City. It can surpass the residence here, and maybe only the city mansion.

Fortunately, Hawk hasn't lost his mind, and he never dare to fight against the idea of ​​the city's main government.

"You're wronged, our new home has begun construction, at most one month, we can live in a good house."

After hearing that, she shook her head.

She wasn't so precious, she was angry about the house.

In fact, although she has lived under the care of Hawke since she was a child, she has not developed an arrogant attitude, especially after joining the Superhero Academy, Laxie is more reckless.

Although she does not deliberately make herself suffer, it does not mean that she is incapable of suffering.

I said again, the environment here is good enough, at least a hundred times better than her meals and sleeps during her training.

"I'm just thinking about one thing."

"If you have any troubles, just say, I'll help you out."

"Jie Hewei is about to graduate soon, and the teacher is planning to prepare them for the graduation ceremony."

毕业 "Graduation?" Hawk's ears suddenly rose, apparently extremely sensitive to the two words.

"Yes, in fact, the teacher also told me that after this training, anyone who wants to graduate can apply and rob them to participate in the graduation ceremony together."

Hawk froze for two seconds, and finally reacted, but what he didn't understand was why Lax just showed that look.

"Graduation is a good thing, how do you not feel like opening?"

"I'm very happy, but I'm thinking about what to do after graduation." Laks answered seriously.

If it was before, Lax naturally felt that after graduating, he would join his father's chamber of commerce, and then gradually take over the family industry from his father. This is also the result that Hawk has been hoping for. After all, the entire Klein family has only her one heir.

最近 But recently, Rax's mind suddenly raised a different kind of thought, the reason is still out of the calamity.

不 I haven't seen it for more than half a year, and Lace's change surprised her a little.

Have a clear goal, and then work hard.

Luan's body now seemed to be shrouded in light, which made him dazzle with radiance.

霍 Under Hawker's questioning, Laxie said everything in his heart. For a moment, Hawker didn't know what to say.

From a perceptual point of view, Hawke naturally hopes that Laksis will be the father-in-law and run the Klein Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the Kline Chamber of Commerce is the hard work of Hawke's life, and in his opinion, this is also the smoothest way that Lax can go.

But Hawk also knew that Lax was no longer the little-looking girl who had been trapped in the yard.

After several years of studies, not only did she become an outstanding magician, but she also liberated her personality.

The former Laxie was distressingly obedient, but the current Lax Hawk also loves the same, so Hawke does not intend to kill the free nature of Lax.

Although the family industry is important, in Hawke's eyes, nothing is more important than his daughter.



"If you can inherit your family business after graduation, I am naturally very happy, but I don't want to make your future life unhappy because of this." Hawke's complexion at this moment is unusually soft, and his right hand can not help but stretch out and caress Lax Cheek: "I respect your decision. If you want to find what you want to do like robbers, your father will definitely support you."

"What about that chamber of commerce?"

"Isn't this still me? Big deal, I'll retire later." Hock laughed indifferently.

Naturally, Laxce knew that Hawke's words were completely sincere, and that it was not easy for her father to do this.

The Chamber of Commerce has grown to this scale, and many things are no longer possible for Hawke to say.

For example, heir.

Even if Hawk is physically fit and able to dare it for decades, it is impossible for the family's stewards to leave the heir for too long.

After all, this is a continent of swords and magic. Even the supreme emperor cannot guarantee that he will not be surprised.

A great chamber of commerce wants a healthy and stable development, and heirs are indispensable.

别 "Don't worry, the chamber of commerce is the chamber of our Klein family. Your father and I can still live there." Hawke seemed to realize the concern in Laxie's heart and laughed.

Paulas believes this.

His father created such a large family business from scratch, and prestige is naturally no better than the average chamber of commerce.

But she also knows that even if Hawk can use his prestige to suppress the affairs below, these people will inevitably have a suspicion with Hawk, which is also not good for the long-term development of the family.


When Lax was hesitant, a guard's voice came from outside.

"whats the matter?"

"Someone is looking for Miss Lax."

"Look for me? Let someone come in."

Soon, the guard brought him in, and was an adventurer.

冒险 The condition of this adventurer looks rather bad. The torn armor is covered with tiny wounds. Although it has been simply bandaged with cloth, blood can still be seen.

How could Laks not be surprised that an injured adventurer didn't go to the guild for help, but ran to his house to find himself?

"Who are you?" Hawk asked.

"I am an adventurer in Carlworth, entrusted by Isere to make a special trip to Miss Laks."

"I'm Lax, why did you ask me to come to me?"

The injured adventurer was stunned, and then the little yellow hair in Lax's mouth was referring to Isereel, and he immediately said, "I originally completed the guild commission outside the city, and met a half and a half on the way The monster of human and half beast, Mr. Isereel saved me, and then let me go back to the city to ask for help. "

"Half-human half-beast?" Hawk's brows frowned at once. The adventurer's words reminded him of the monster that had broken into his mansion before.

But the two bodies lost by the guard have been found. Now they are kept in the guard's morgue. They are kept under strict custody. Why do similar monsters appear outside the city?

"I don't know the specifics. I just recounted what Mr. Isereel asked me to bring to Miss Lax, and I will have to return to the guild immediately after the matter here is over."

既然 "So, did Xiao Huangmao tell you, where do I go to find him?"

"This Iserel didn't say so clearly, just let me tell you, you know how to find him when you go."

Looking at the adventurer's departure, Hawk's heart was a little disturbed, and he said to Laks: "This thing is very weird, Laks, you must be careful."

"Things are indeed weird, but since Xiao Huang Mao asked me for help, it means that he is in trouble now, and I can't leave him alone."

"That being said, how do you know that the person is not telling lies?"

"It is possible, but the same thing, what he said may be true, I must go to where he said, after that, I have a way to judge the truth of this matter."

Aside from what the adventurer said, Laks also felt that Xiao Huangmao must be involved in some troublesome things.

The two of them apparently returned to the city of Karlworth, but at the gate of the city, Xiao Huangmao rushed to find the missing body of the police, and Lax wanted to go home first, so the two were here. separate.

Tong Mingming had already scheduled the time and place to meet the next day, but Xiao Huangmao didn't show up for a long time, and there was no news for several days. To say that Xiaomao Mao had no trouble, Laks didn't believe it.

However, as Hawke said, this matter is strange.

Why did Xiao Xiaomao appear outside the city? Why did he find an irrelevant adventurer to come and tell me what the half-human and half-beast monster that appeared was not related to the corpse lost by the security team?

Asking questions one after another made Laks very confused.

She did not intend to abandon her classmates, but out of prudence, she felt that she still told the news to her teacher.

When Hawke heard it, he immediately sent Lax to Lawrence's house.

拉 When Lax arrived, Wang Jun was just going to go out. When Lax showed his intentions, he suddenly lost a few minutes.

"Jiawen just contacted me and asked me to go to the imperial capital, but Xiao Huangmao's affairs couldn't be ignored, so, Lax, Jie, Wei, the three of you first went to the place where the adventurer said, looking for little Huang Mao's trail, please contact me whenever you have any news. "

In fact, Wang Jun was also very concerned about what happened to Xiao Huangmao, but since Jiawen used the military's contact method, it means that the capital has also undergone a major change, otherwise Jiawen would not be so anxious to ask him to go back.

Therefore, Wang Jun decided to divide his army in two ways.

Lax, Jie, Wei, although the establishment is not satisfied with a five-man squad, but now they are all diamond powerhouses, and with the tacit cooperation developed over the years, even if they meet the master powerhouse, they can work together for a while or two. If you can find Xiao Huangmao, the strength of the four people will be stronger.

As for himself, he went back to the imperial capital first, and once he resolved the trouble on Jiawen's side, he would use the teleportation skills to return to the students.

"Remember, be careful."

If the half-human half-beast and the two corpses lying on the guard team that exist outside the city are the same kind of existence, it represents that this matter is likely to involve the former national division of the Turin Kingdom.

This is the object of Wang Jun's headache. He doesn't want his students to be surprised.

"In any case, first ensure your own safety, as for other things, do what you can do, and immediately notify me if there is danger."

"is teacher!"

After separating from Wang Jun, the three immediately left the city, and according to the injured adventurer, they searched for Huang Huangmao all the way, and eventually found Xiao Huangmao in the deep forest outside the city of Carlworth. Mark-a rune engraved on the stone, rune that little yellow hair wears on the hand.

没 "Yes, this is the message that Xiao Huangmao left for us."

符 This rune is no stranger to the students who are plagiarizing. After all, Xiao Huangmao will show off his previous experience in front of the classmates ~ ~ and the rune worn on his arm.

But for people outside the academy, the meaning of this rune mark is unknown.

"Xiao Huangmao left this mark, it is clear that we are going to catch up in the direction of the mark."

Everyone looked in the direction marked by the mark, and frowned.

的 The place pointed in this direction is very familiar to the people of Karlworth City. After all, a few years ago, there was a quasi-king level Warcraft in that place, and the entire Carlworth City was almost destroyed.

Lax at the time participated in the crusade against Warcraft, and it was naturally more impressive.

"The place where the quasi-king Warcraft appeared was originally the magic point of the eruption of the element tide. After Warcraft was crusked, the surrounding magic was still in a disordered state, and the surrounding forest was once a restricted area of ​​Warcraft. Where to go? "

Wu Wei didn't understand either, but she knew a little, that was, after clearing Xiao Huangmao's movements, she couldn't sit idly by.

"What happened, you will know when you find the little yellow hair."

Robber didn't speak, but from his complexion, he can see that he agreed with Wei.

The three of them set off again, but they were much more cautious than before.

Because after stepping into the area where the quasi-king Warcraft was destroyed, the surrounding magic is obviously different from the outside world, so that their perception of the surroundings has been greatly reduced.

I fortunately left a lot of marks on Xiao Huang Mao along the way so that the three would not get lost in the forest.

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