The battle between the Bruno brothers and Suffolk is about to win.

In fact, from the beginning, Wang Jun was able to intervene in the fight, but on the one hand, Suffolk always regarded him as a rookie adventurer who could not fight, and intentionally maintained it. On the other hand, Wang Jun also wanted to see, Suffolk To what extent.

In Wang Jun's eyes, it is not difficult to see that Suffolk has reached the breakthrough bottleneck.

It's all that pressure can sometimes turn into a miracle. Wang Jun was so eager to see if Suffolk would break through his own bottleneck at the moment of life and death.

Therefore, under the premise that Suffolk did not risk his life, Wang Jun chose to wait and see.

But the miracle didn't seem to trigger so well.

Seeing that under the siege of the five Bruno brothers, Suffolk's vigor gradually ran out, and there was almost no room for resistance.

Wang Jun sighed, and then started to use his skills silently.

When a huge totem appeared in the cave, Suffolk's originally dry fighting spirit filled up instantly. Not only that, the whole person seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, so fierce!

The sudden changes made the five Bruno brothers caught a bit by surprise. The first person to react was the strongest boss. He intended to kill Suffolk as soon as possible to prevent accidents from happening again.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he took action, a figure he had always despised appeared around him, and then he felt like his body was getting old for decades, and his movement became extremely slow.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Suffolk's fisted right hand grow rapidly in his eyes, and then lost consciousness!


The boss's body hit the stone wall of the cave fiercely, and there were countless stone debris.

Fortunately, as a platinum strongman, he has a much stronger physique than the average Lightning Wolf, and was not hit in the head for the first time.

Rao is so, his current situation is also a bit horrible, at least for a short time he lost consciousness and was unable to fight.

Seeing that the elder brother was injured, the remaining four people also put aside their contempt while being angry.

I saw that they took a step back, and their eyes fell on Wang Jun.

"Who the **** are you?"

Whether Suffolk suddenly became stronger, or his elder brother's strange weakness, seemed to be inseparable from this humble weak chicken.

Not only him, Suffolk also found that something was wrong, and stared at Wang Jun with the same amazement.

"Sean, you ..."

"Cook these guys first, but didn't find out, are they delaying time?"

Suffolk froze and reacted.

No matter what method Wang Jun uses, the soaring strength cannot be maintained for long. Bruno's remaining four brothers are apparently exploring Wang Jun, but in fact they are delaying time until Suffolk becomes weak again. the goal of.

Suffolk was both ashamed and annoyed at the thought that his veteran adventurer was almost mistaken by the enemy on the edge of life and death.

Instead of wasting time, I rushed up with my fists.

The four Bruno brothers saw their careful thoughts penetrated and had to continue to fight.

In fact, even if Suffolk ’s strength skyrocketed, it was still impossible to be the opponents of the four brothers. However, after the previous incident, these four people have been distracted to guard against Wang Jun. I am afraid that they will miss each other just like their big brother. Trickery.

I have to say that their guess is correct.

Now that Wang Jun has started, it is impossible to continue to watch the show.

But what makes them sad is that even if they are careful, they can't help the other person's ghosts.

This guy, who was previously regarded as a rookie, seems to be in control of the space and can appear around them without warning.

If there is no threat from Suffolk, they can naturally respond to Wang Jun's ghost by back-to-back circle. But now, they have more than enough power.

The second unlucky is the fifth.

His original strength was the weakest, so Wang Jun's sneak attack was easier.

One flashed to his back, and Wang Jun's waving hand was an ignition.

The real injury caused by the ignition caused the fifth child to panic. In this case, even with the maintenance of his brothers, he could not escape the same end as his elder brother.

Suffolk punched him severely with a punch.

Then he died.

Killing Rings +2!

What Wang Jun never expected was that he actually became a Kobe!

It was also his outbreak of luck. Suffolk's punch failed to end the other's life, but he was burned to death by his lead.

Feeling a warm current, the magic in his body is stronger, and Wang Jun's mood is extremely happy.

You know, he sent the students back to the college, and then came to this old mountain alone. It was not a momentary brainstorm. He started from the beginning to stack the layers of killing rings.

Of course, his goal wasn't an adventurer in the forest at first. After all, he was not a murderer. For the sake of strength, he could slaughter humans for no reason.

His goal is World of Warcraft, but he did n’t gain much from it. After all, he has just entered the inside of Senri, and because of the many adventurers on the periphery, it has almost become a restricted area for World of Warcraft activities.

Although it is not to say that you cannot see it, there are many porridges and few monks. Often when Warcraft appears, it will be beaten to death by the adventurer next to it.

So now is the first step for Wang Jun to "get rich and become rich" after entering the forest.

Strength has grown, and Wang Jun's mouth has a hint of joy.

His expression was caught by the Bruno brothers who had been following him for the first time.

They felt that the expression on Wang Jun's face was exactly the same as when they had tortured other adventurers!

As infamous beings, they may enjoy the fun of slaughter, but when they become a hunted party, the situation is not so beautiful.

Some of the remaining three collapsed, which caused their defense formation to fall apart.

Where would Suffolk let go of this opportunity, the fist containing furious smashed the third, and at the same time, stunned the second.

After all this, Suffolk felt that his body was hollowed out, and he even had no strength to pull away.

The feeling was just now, the totem in the void disappeared, the buff of the war totem had completely disappeared, and Suffolk was immediately returned to its original shape.

The Bruno brothers suffered two deaths and two serious injuries. Although the remaining fourth child was still active, he seemed to be downhill. Even facing Suffolk who fell in front of him, he did not dare to start as a brother. They take revenge.

Obviously, he was afraid of Wang Jun.

Suffolk saw it, and used the only strength to laugh at the fourth child.

"Coward bug, aren't you trying to kill Lao Tzu? Come on!"

Although unable to move, Suffolk is much more arrogant than before.

But this can't blame him.

The situation that was supposed to die turned round and round. Although he has no fighting power now, Suffolk will not worry about it. After all, he cannot continue to think that Wang Jun is a rookie without a chicken.

Saying that Suffolk is a bit of a fox and a tiger, makes Wang Jun a little funny, and his smile makes the fourth child even more scared.

I saw the adventurer, who had a gold number two or so, was directly broken by the smile of Wang Jun, but turned around and wanted to leave his brothers and escape.

But I don't know if his luck is too bad, or if Wang Jun's resentment is too good.

The panicked fourth, who didn't see his feet at all, was tripped over by the fainted second child, and then hit the stone wall undeadly.


Listening to the dull impact echoing around the cave, Wang Jun can feel how strong the other's collision is.

When the fourth child's body fell, Suffolk, who was originally arrogant and laughing, froze.

Feeling so vulnerable to a golden powerhouse? You scared yourself?

Well, it's just dizzy, but in this case it's no different from death.

Although Suffolk didn't want the bloodthirsty and brutal killing of the Bruno brothers, he would never let those who killed his life continue to live.

what? Bring them back to town for the guild to deal with?

Well, this really allows them to get the punishment they deserve. The evidence shows that the guild cannot cover these prisoners, but the problem is, Suffolk won't take them to the guild hard.

After taking the person back, we have to face the tedious investigation of the guild. After all, it is not the person who takes the person back, the adventurer guild will handle it.

Although the Bruno brothers have a bad reputation, the guild is extremely cautious when it comes to offenses.

It is conceivable, but the investigation and evidence collection of the guild will take more than half a month, and during this period, Suffolk, the plaintiff, naturally cannot leave the guild to venture out!

Suffolk could make this happen?

After all, now is a great time to make money. Spending time on the guild's investigation means that he will lose a lot of gold coins. Although the guild will give him a certain amount of compensation and reward after the investigation is over, it is impossible to compare He hunted the Lightning Wolf much more.

Since he couldn't take each other back, let alone let them go, Suffolk could think of only one way to deal with the Bruno brothers, and that was to kill them all!

Of course, he wasn't killing people, and he didn't plan to destroy the dead.

After the hunt was over and he came out of the forest, Suffolk still intends to report to the guild and then accept the guild's investigation.

Don't get me wrong, he is not purely concerned about the rules of the guild, but he does not want to let go of the guild's rewards.

After all, when the hunt was over, he had planned to take a rest for a month or two. At that time, naturally he didn't need to leave the town, and some time was available to assist the guild's investigation.

Suffolk's abacus clanged, but the problem came.

How is he going to convince Wang Jun?

Not to mention this battle, most of the credit belongs to Wang Jun. If it is not for this "rookie", the guy who now considers how to rectify as a winner is the **** Bruno five brothers.

Therefore, in the handling of this matter, Wang Jun has more say than him.

Besides, Suffolk is now completely weak and needs time to recover. Even if he wants to kill, he is still weak.


While Suffolk was thinking about something, a strange noise came from his ears.

Turning around, Suffolk saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

He had seen too many ambitious novice adventurers, but many of them started to soften when they saw blood, let alone to kill.

Although Suffolk's cognition of Wang Jun has changed greatly after the battle just now, he still did not expect that Wang Jun was so decisive.

Before he could do ideological work, Wang Jun picked up the long sword on the ground, and then a sword pierced the boss's neck.

"What's wrong?" Wang Jun was a little puzzled when he saw the dumb-eyed Suffolk. "Is it possible, you want to let them go? Or, do you have other plans?"

"No, no ..."

Jokingly, Suffolk wanted the Bruno brothers to die, but he didn't expect that Wang Jun would be so decisive.

Isn't this guy a hidden killer?

Bruno saw Wang Jun heading to the fourth with a smile on his lips, and he was a little worried, for fear that Wang Jun could kill the moment and couldn't hold the knife, and cooked him by the way.

However, this worry in his mind did not happen in the end.

After ensuring that these five people were completely out of breath, Wang Jun started to relight the bonfire.

The previous bonfire was kicked by Suffolk, but the cave is too cold now ~ ~ The killed Lightning Wolf, plus the Bruno brothers' carry, naturally, Wang Jun no longer has to worry about supplies.

After the jerky was cleaned, he was put on the grill again, and Wang Jun said to Bruno, who had recovered a little, "What should these guys do?"

Although the Bruno brothers are dead, things are far from over.

Let ’s not say far, the **** smell of these five people may attract the wandering Warcraft around, that is, the heavy rain now slightly covers the breath, so Warcraft did not come to the door for a while.

According to Wang Jun's idea, the bodies of these five people were thrown into the distance as bait to attract the attention of Warcraft.

Don't blame him for being cold-blooded, after all, the five men had the same idea in advance, and Wang Jun was sure that if they won, this kind of thing could definitely be done, not just talking.

But Wang Jun saw that Suffolk seemed to have his own thoughts, which can be seen from his restless expression.

Suffolk was a little embarrassed to see through his mind, but these are Huang Chengcheng's gold coins. It is too wasteful to leave them alone.

So Suffolk expressed his thoughts.

"If I can, I plan to wait for my strength to recover, dig a pit and bury them first, and report to the Adventurers' Guild after I leave Senri."

Suffolk did not conceal his intention to exchange the Bruno Brothers for a bounty, and he did not intend to ignore Wang Jun's share.

"This time you worked hard. If you did n’t, do n’t mention the bounty. I may be out of it. Where can I live like this now? So, whether it ’s the trophy on the Bruno brothers or the bounty later, you should Take a big head, do you think we have three or seven points? "

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