Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 720: Ultimate defense

The death of a corpse dragon does not affect the overall situation for Lu Chuan.


Lu Chuan guessed that the other party must be a little uneasy, because the four missiles were exchanged for a corpse dragon. According to this ratio, how many anti-aircraft missiles does he have available?

Anti-aircraft guns have little effect on armored corpse dragons. It is very difficult to kill a corpse dragon.

I am afraid that the other party would not have expected that the corpse dragon would have such a strong performance when using armor?

In Lu Chuan's view, this kind of perverted defense seems to be difficult to chew, but as long as there is a breakthrough, it is not difficult to eat it.

When attacking, he is no longer passively attacking from eight directions, he can concentrate on one point to break through. In this way, his huge, seemingly strong fortifications were really nothing in Lu Chuan's eyes.

It feels weird to Lu Chuan to spend so much on defense.

If this sum of funds were concentrated on the production of zombies such as corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws, if Lu Chuan were to fight with the other party, it might be a 50-50 result.

But now, from the death of a corpse dragon, it seems that many problems can be seen.

Lu Chuan believed that the other party was also in a daze.

Only at this point, it is impossible to say anything to stop and start over. Siege warfare, in the general context, is actually a life-and-death battle, and there will be no second way.

"Not bad."

Lu Chuan's mood became happy. He stared at this city and began to think about it.

This kind of discovery did not paralyze Lu Chuan. The siege seems to have no skill at all, but there are also some details of fighting wits and courage. For example, who knows if he is showing weakness and deceiving himself?

Everything is possible. The battlefield was originally a place full of strategies.

"Next, still try."

Lu Chuan issued an order and forty corpse dragons were selected. They did not fly to the city for the first time, but were assigned to four directions in the city, and then hovered at a safe distance.

These forty corpse dragons, in fact, they are the victims, in order to test the reality here.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with these forty corpse dragons, but there is a little trick in it.


Lu Chuan issued an instruction. These forty corpse dragons slapped their flesh wings violently at the same time, increasing their speed from static to 900 kilometers per hour, and in just about ten seconds, they increased their speed to the maximum.

They followed the instructions of Luchuan without fear in one direction.

Forty corpse dragons, divided into three directions, began to advance.

Only after entering the defensive circle of this city, I saw dozens of missiles lifted into the air at the same time below. Even in the daytime, this flaming missile still feels so spectacular.

Lu Chuan has been staring from a distance, constantly calculating.

The corpse dragon was still advancing, and was not affected by these missiles.

"It's now, hanging and separating and advancing."

Lu Chuan gave the order abruptly, and had a good grasp of the time. Before these missiles hit the corpse dragon, only one corpse dragon was seen, and the bloodthirsty claws attached to the corpse dragon were separated from the corpse dragon.

Each corpse dragon has six bloodthirsty claws hanging on its body.

At this moment of dispersal, the two hundred and forty bloodthirsty claws scattered. After they left the corpse dragon, they flapped their flesh wings to stabilize themselves, and then the missile hit the corpse dragon. , Burst into the city.

The previous missile only locked the corpse dragon. In the face of this kind of change, what it can do is actually continue to attack the corpse dragon.

The air defense missile below, after discovering a new target, must recalculate and lock, and then launch. This process requires at least three seconds.

In other words, using this one, Lu Chuan successfully deceived the opponent's air defense missile.

Two hundred and forty bloodthirsty claws spread out and burst into the city. They crossed the city wall, seeing everything below clearly.

Using this time, Lu Chuan closed his eyes, and then frantically switched between the bloodthirsty claws to observe the defensive measures on this city wall.

Within three seconds, hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles soared into the air, leaping towards the bloodthirsty claws.

The scene of hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles being launched at the same time, to be honest, was very shocking. It took the city wall as a starting point and flew out into the sky, and pounced on the bloodthirsty claws.

The bloodthirsty claws are both at level five, but they have no way to compare with the corpse dragons, they cannot be defense or speed. Only the bloodthirsty claws of helicopter speed, facing these missiles, there is no dodge ability.

The bloodthirsty claws were hit, and the power of a missile was enough to kill it.

Even if it did not die, the severe damage caused it to lose its ability to fly and fall downward.

"It's dying."

Lu Chuan said in a low voice, of course he was not talking about killing himself, but the other party. This kind of defensive method, to be honest, seems to be very good, the problem is that he has entered a misunderstanding of thinking.

If it is used to defend fighter planes, its defensive power is very strong, and the number of missiles can definitely cope with fighter planes. Take the countries of the world, even if the number of fighters in the United States, all add up, there are probably only more than 10,000.

The number of missiles deployed by this guy is definitely in the tens of thousands, and no one really dares to attack by force.

The problem is that there are already more than 30,000 corpse dragons in his hand, and there are more than 50,000 bloodthirsty claws. How can the opponent defend?

The opponent could not see what cards he had in his hand with his vision, but Lu Chuan could not determine whether the opponent had radar. With so many air-to-air missiles, Lu Chuan is sure that the opponent should have a complete radar network. With the scanning distance of the radar, the corpse dragon and bloodthirsty claws in the sky should not escape the radar's eyes.

It was discovered by radar that the anti-aircraft missile had long been aimed at the corpse dragon group, but the distance between him and him was more than 20 kilometers, and at this distance, the other party did not choose to launch the missile.

It should be said that medium- and long-range missiles are not something you can buy if you want. Even if you buy them, the quantity will not be large.

The missiles deployed in the city walls are more of short-range air defense missiles.

The bloodthirsty claws were shot down by missiles, and hundreds of missiles were launched at the same time, making them inevitable.

But Lu Chuan didn't mind anymore, because he had obtained everything he wanted. In Lu Chuan's eyes, this city that is so strong that there is nowhere to put it down is not indestructible.

There are countless outstanding generals on the earth, and they can't be wrong in one sentence.

The best defense is offense.

Passive defense will only be broken by people in the end. Take a look at how many famous lines of defense are there, each of which was eventually broken down?

And this time using forty bloodthirsty claws to break through, he also had the information that Lu Chuan needed. For example, the zombie class owned by the opponent, this one is very important.

Like the quantity, there is no way to confirm, because this kind of hurried glance, it is impossible to confirm.

"Scorpion dragon, bloodthirsty claws are for sure, there is no shortage of poisonous camels in the fifth level. Roshan, the other party also has it." Lu Chuan closed his eyes, digesting the information he had just received.

It is easy to confirm, because on the offensive route, each of these four streets is full of Roshan. The huge Roshan is blocking the street, almost blocking a street.

One or two is nothing. The problem is that there are heaps of cut Roshan on the street, densely packed one by one, like a line, more like a long dragon.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chuan was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, it's really a pervert." Lu Chuan has a sense of speechlessness. How can he play like this?

Think about it, a street leads straight to the other side’s biochemical factory, and then the other side has placed Roshan one by one along this route of several kilometers. If you want to break through, you can only face this. Kind of endless Roshan.

The cost of building Roshan is really not much, one is only 1.2 million, and a few thousand can be used to accomplish this terrible feat.

It doesn't seem to be a problem to defend the player's funds with this abnormality. Anyway, this kind of defense has been exerted to the extreme, and the other party will definitely do it.

Not only Roshan, but after getting close to the biochemical factory, the densely packed machine guns lined up on it, which made your scalp numb. All of this was beyond Lu Chuan's expectations.

How to put it, it's like a football game. All the eleven opponents are huddled in their backcourt and have no intention of attacking. This kind of iron barrel formation is the most difficult to break. No matter how strong the team is, it is possible that within 90 minutes, it will return without success and hit a tie.

"Iron Barrel Array is generally used when weak versus strong, and now I am considered strong?"

Lu Chuan laughed bitterly, just having fun in hardship.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chuan knew that whether the opponent was a hedgehog or not, he needed to go. The twenty-four hour clock makes him pale and feeble no matter how much he tries.


Lu Chuan issued the first command to this huge army of zombies. Lu Chuan was really afraid that the other party would have a wave of missile rain at the moment he appeared, so that he could at least disarm himself and suffer heavy losses.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the zombie army began to distribute.

Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly, and continuously issued instructions one by one, and then the huge army of zombies formed four huge squares, which were just spread out in this huge area.

It is very flat, but there are no traces of reclaiming.

Just now, when the bloodthirsty claws rushed in, Lu Chuan had a general understanding of this city. Among the many information, the help to Lu Chuan was very great, and the loss of the bloodthirsty claws was not a loss.

Lu Chuan smiled slightly at this time.

I saw the corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws in the sky. A small force broke away from the air zombie legion, and then landed directly on the ground.

This move can be known from the radar but it will not know why it fell to the ground. After changing to Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan couldn't guess.

And after these corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws landed, they were like dragonflies, and they flew back again, but they were flying at an ultra-low altitude, completely flying against the ground, and quickly swept back.

Their actions were actually made by Lu Chuan deliberately, not by doing useless work.

There is still time to deal with this kind of tortoise. You don't need to rush to attack, but to draw it out, and then give it a fatal blow, using the tactics of thunder to fight.

How to draw it out?

Anyone will have weaknesses. The understanding of biochemical factories made Lu Chuan very clear that human settlements that seem to have nothing to do with biochemical factories are definitely a weakness. The existence of settlements is naturally important. Basically, without them, it is almost impossible to earn huge amounts of funds.

Before the bloodthirsty claws, they rushed in, and there was no shadow of the human settlement, indicating that the settlement was not in the city. This was an opportunity for Lu Chuan.

As long as this settlement is besieged, the other party will definitely be unable to sit still, and as a result, zombies will inevitably be sent out.

The other party spent a lot of money on defense. In other words, the number of zombies he made would never be too many. In this respect, his own advantage is too obvious. Leaving this extreme defensive zone, he was not afraid of his zombie power at all.

If the opponent is indifferent and does not save himself, Lu Chuan will first destroy the opponent's settlement according to the plan, which is equivalent to destroying a mine of the opponent.

The powerful zombie army can completely flatten human settlements, and the destruction is not too big.

After he had destroyed the human settlements that the opponent was holding, Lu Chuan turned his head and launched a strong attack.

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