Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 692: Was shot and shot

? It took a day to travel the factory in Handong City because of the distance.

Some are more than a hundred kilometers away from the city, and it takes time to go back and forth.

Eight thousand sets of pods and eight thousand sets of brand-new armors only completed half of the manufacturing quantity. However, Lu Chuan didn't do the rest by himself, but left it to Yi Ran to handle it.

The name used is still his own, and there is no purchasing company.

Obviously, the purchasing company and Lu Chuan have nothing to do with each other. Naturally, the purchasing company cannot come forward and place orders.

With Yiran's ability, this matter is very simple.

The next day.

Lu Chuan took the flight to the deep city, and then stayed at Man Yirou's villa, never showing up again. Those who were watching outside would only think that Lu Chuan had fallen into a gentle town.

This kind of stunner Man Yirou is simply a rare encounter in a century. Whoever gets it will naturally triumph every day.

In fact, Lu Chuan only stayed till night and then appeared in the end times.

In the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan had already manufactured and strengthened the ten corpse dragons ten times. They have been in the warehouse, waiting for Lu Chuan's appointment.

"EC3003 goes out."

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the third thousand and third corpse dragons were created and appeared in front of Lu Chuan after taking a few steps forward.

The huge body, without wings spread, is like a heavy truck. Once the flesh wings were unfolded, it was the size of a medium-sized airliner, absolutely terrifying.

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan returned to modern times with it.

Shilong, this is the first time Lu Chuan has brought it to the present. Although I don't know its modern form, Lu Chuan still judges from the law that it will be humanized.

Without this judgment, it is really rashly brought to modern times, in case it has a huge body, it will be troublesome. It can't be hidden, it can only be eliminated.

A corpse dragon, strengthened ten times, excluding fragments, the cost of a single one reached 11 million, which is extremely expensive.


The one who appeared in front of Lu Chuan was a woman of about 1.78 meters tall. Seeing it, it is difficult for you to connect with the corpse dragon, because the other party looks charming, and the relationship is absolutely model-level.

When choosing a corpse dragon, Lu Chuan originally wanted to choose a male corpse dragon, but thought that it was his own mount. As a man, sitting on a man’s back and flying everywhere, thinking about Lu Chuan felt a deep feeling. Of malice.

Decisively, Lu Chuan chose a female corpse dragon.

The issue is……

"Sister, produced by the biochemical factory, are women the best?" Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, and the corpse dragon in front of him was also a big beauty. The style is somewhat biased towards the Victorian Secrets. Just think about it, it makes people feel hot.

However, Lu Chuan did not dwell on this issue too much, and decisively unlocked the functions in its five pretender systems.

Yang Jingxiang: China's top model, once refused the call of Victoria's Secret.

Simple introduction, but extraordinary pre-life. The woman who can be seen by Victoria's Secret is indeed not an ordinary woman, at least this height, wearing flat shoes, Lu Chuan feels that he does not want to stand next to it.

"After putting on high heels..."

Lu Chuan didn't want to think about it anymore, as long as the women's high heels were worn, wouldn't they go straight to 1.8 meters? I am only 1.5 meters, seven meters, six meters, how to play?


Under Lu Chuan's instructions, Yang Jingxiang immediately turned into a golden eagle in the twist.

"It really is." Lu Chuan smiled when he saw the golden eagle. The bloodthirsty claws were small and the phantom was a sparrow. And the corpse dragon is huge, naturally it can't be a sparrow anymore, and it's not surprising that it is a golden eagle.

From this speculation, Lu Chuan affirmed that the radar reflection area of ​​the golden eagle should be at the level of a bird.

This level cannot be compared with the level of insects, but this level will also not be noticed by people, and will even be ignored by radar.

Lu Chuan snapped a finger, and Yang Jingxiang came back from the phantom and recovered himself again.

"Come with me."

Lu Chuan didn't hesitate anymore, and said to Yang Jingxiang that people had already left.

Wanting to get rid of the person who is watching him is very simple. With Lu Chuan's skill and zombies as the perceptual periphery, before they knew it, Lu Chuan had already left the villa with Yang Jingxiang.

Outside, in an open-air parking lot outside the villa complex, an unremarkable car was parked here.

Lu Chuan opened it with the remote control key, took Yang Jingxiang into the car, and drove out of here.

Going straight to the beach, Lu Chuan bought a beach property long ago and parked his car directly in the garage of the property.

This small villa was built on the beach, with a small dock, docked with a small speedboat, undulating under the waves.

Boarding the small speedboat, Lu Chuan started, and then rushed overseas with Yang Jingxiang.

Lu Chuan stopped when he was far away from the sea, where there was almost no sight of the sea.


Lu Chuan issued an order, but Yang Jingxiang jumped up suddenly, and then turned into a huge corpse dragon, suddenly opening its fleshy wings, and in the shortest time, he flapped the fleshy wings and hovered over the sea.

To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would definitely not believe how such a top beauty turned into a hideous corpse dragon in a blink of an eye.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Yang Jingxiang's corpse dragon's claws, but the other hand retracted the speedboat into the storage space, and then he used his hand to climb a few times, and it was already on Yang Jingxiang's back.

Quickly took out the dragon saddle specially made for the corpse dragon, stuck it on its back, and fixed the dragon saddle, Lu Chuan sat on it.

"Let's go."

Lu Chuan issued a command, and Yang Jingxiang flapped her fleshy wings hard, quickly lifted into the air, and then flew towards the distance.

With the corpse dragon, naturally you can no longer use bloodthirsty claws.

The speed of Bloodthirsty Talon is at most 500 kilometers per hour, which is similar to the speed of a helicopter. But the speed of the corpse dragon, after ten times of strengthening, can exceed a thousand kilometers, which is not much worse than that of a passenger plane.

If you are flying by plane, you will inevitably leave traces.

But with this method, no one can know where he is. The other is the problem of air routes. To get to Somalia, you need to go through at least three transfers.

It's easy to be tracked down, and too much time is wasted.

Yang Jingxiang took the land to Chuan, but it took less than two minutes to accelerate to 900 kilometers per hour, and flew towards Somalia at an altitude of less than 50 meters next to the sea.


When Lu Chuan arrived at the manor, it was exactly morning in Somalia.

When they saw Xia Min, Xia Min and the others were not surprised, because they could sense the position of the boss and knew that the boss was moving towards them.

"I need to get enough TNT in your name." Lu Chuan's purpose this time is actually this one.

Xia Min nodded and said, "Here, as long as you have money, it is not difficult to get it."

"I want a large quantity, as much as possible, and unlimited quantity." Lu Chuan emphasized again.

"Boss, if you are in the country, it is impossible to get it. But here, there will be some misunderstandings. The warlords here are chaotic, and countless arms dealers are active here. Whoever gives the money, they sell their weapons to whomever they want. There are no taboos."

"Somalia will be like this, and it actually has a relationship with them."

"A peaceful country, how do arms dealers get rich? Only endless wars will make them rich. Even the tribes do not want peace, because this will greatly reduce their power."

"So here, in addition to the top equipment and nuclear weapons of various countries, as long as you can afford to pay, even submarines and warships, they can get them to sell you."

Xia Min is not too short in Somalia, and he can see it through.

Lu Chuan was stunned, he hadn't really thought of these things. After all, I have always lived in China, and I always think that these are taboos, and there are not many that can be bought.

Sure enough, preconceived, this kind of empiricism is not good.

With a wry smile, Lu Chuan said, "Okay, this matter is left to you. In the shortest possible time, I need as much as possible."

Xia Min thought for a while and said, "Boss, it will take a week at the earliest."

A week is already fast, after all, it is not an ordinary commodity.

Lu Chuan nodded, but changed the subject: "Report the recent times."

It was only a few days ago, but Lu Chuan knew that in terms of Xia Min's execution ability, he would never fail to act.

Xia Min said: "The U.S. military's warships have been very active here recently, but their aircraft carrier formation has not yet entered this sea area."

In the Gulf of Aden, there are 200 water ghosts, enough to block the area. Any ship entering or leaving here cannot escape the water ghosts, and the communication between the zombies can be directly transmitted.

Using this one, Xia Min can know for the first time any ship enters and arrives here.

Lu Chuan nodded, this is true.

The US military only deployed one aircraft carrier formation in this area. But the mystery of the Gulf of Aden made the US military dare not enter easily, but stayed in the Indian Sea.

The other two formations wanted to come, but could not reach here in just a few days. But think about it, it should be soon.

"Continue." Lu Chuan said.

Xia Min nodded and said: "In three days, we hijacked a total of seven American merchant ships and issued a total of 200 million U.S. dollars in ransom to the companies that these merchant ships belong to."

Lu Chuan frowned, but smiled bitterly in his heart.

Xia Min's instructions were indeed very thorough. The order he gave it was to make the water in the Gulf of Aden more muddy, and Xia Min did nothing wrong.

However, in three days, seven American transport ships were deducted. This is a good example. I am afraid that the Somali pirates were far behind when they were most brilliant.

Xia Min knows every ship entering the Gulf of To be honest, it is very simple to select American ships. You can even avoid the **** fleet and play mystery.

There are a lot of zombies in the base. They disguise themselves as pirates. All they need is a set of clothes and a face towel.

Thinking of seven transport ships in three days, Lu Chuan knew that the outside world must have turned the sky again. Somalia and the Gulf of Aden must have become the focus of countless people. Countless topics are all going on around the words Somali pirates and the Gulf of Aden.

I am afraid that the military departments of many countries are holding meetings to discuss possible action plans.

I had been tossing in the last days for a few days, and didn't pay much attention to these things. I didn't expect that Xia Min made such a big move.

Being stared at by the world once again pushed the Somali pirates to the top of the wave, Lu Chuan felt pitiful for the real Somali pirates. They definitely became scapegoats. They were already seldom active and were shot while wading.

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