Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 381: Greedy

Lisbon at night is absolutely fascinating.

Lu Chuan was naked, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the sea view at night, and completely relaxed.

Level 5 genes have been strengthened, allowing Lu Chuan's muscles to reach the level of the golden ratio, coordinated and full of explosive power. Every muscle, I don’t know how many women fascinate.

In fact, Lu Chuan arrived in Lisbon in the afternoon.


Then he opened a presidential suite in this most famous hotel in Lisbon, rolling the sheets frantically.

Endless energy, a full three and a half hours, just swayed away.

Man Yirou leaned on the head of the bed and looked at the fascinating back. She was in a daze. She didn't even know what happened today. Why did she just slept with a completely stranger? Without knowing the name of the other party.

I have to say that the energy and endurance of this man really gave her unprecedented satisfaction.


Man Yirou's brows became a ball. She knew that she had made a big mistake. She just hoped that this mistake would not be known to the person behind it. Otherwise, not only the man in front of her, but also her own destiny. It will be a dead body.

At this point, it was useless to be afraid. She only blamed herself for having followed a strange man.

The kind of satisfaction just now was unprecedented, which made her feel no regret.

"Didn't you say that you are afraid?" Man Yirou said softly, full of that kind of fascination that made people so scared. She was not only the temptation of the feminine body, but also the voice. .

Lu Chuan turned around, not caring that he was naked and naked: "Fearing doesn't mean that you can't do it."

"You will regret it." Man Yirou chuckled.

"No, I never regret doing things." Lu Chuan walked up to Man Yirou domineeringly, but looked straight at her: "Remember, from this moment on, you are my woman. Nothing is allowed. The man touches you, do you understand?"

Man Yirou smiled, this man was really not afraid to flash his tongue.

Lu Chuan's energy was so abundant that he didn't wait for Man Yirou's answer at all, but he copied her in his hand, and the powerful arm framed her whole, and a new round of war began.

Speaking of regret or regret, Lu Chuan really has no regrets.

Maybe it's the brain of the worm, or Man Yirou is too feminine, everything happens naturally. This situation is actually beyond Lu Chuan's plan.

But since it has been done, there is no regret.

After venting his energy, Lu Chuan felt that he was refreshed. He seemed to be right. Men just can't hold back for too long, and occasional indulgence is still needed.

As a normal man, everyone has some ideas.

Lu Chuan's behavior is actually carrying steel in his softness. It seems easy to say, but it is extremely domineering. No matter whose woman this woman is, she will only belong to herself from this moment on, and Lu Chuan doesn't care who is behind her.

"Boss, nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Early in the morning, Xia Min's call arrived.

Lu Chuan got up, put on his clothes, glanced at the still-tempting body, and walked out of the room: "Yes, I will rush over now."

After the phone call, Lu Chuan turned back to the room.

Since this is his own woman, Lu Chuan naturally wouldn't want another man to touch her, saying that it was domineering or xinxing. He took a note, wrote his name and a sentence on it, and put it on her phone by the bed.

She is not like herself, with Level 5 genetic enhancement, one night is nothing at all, but she has been tossed miserably.

As long as she sees her name, she will know what it means.

"Remember, you are my Lu Chuan woman."

Leaving this note, Lu Chuan briefly scrubbed it before leaving the hotel.

It was about half an hour later that Man Yirou woke up, looking at the sun shining in. Although the sea outside was shining, she was not in the mood to appreciate it.

Finding the note pressed on her phone, Man Yirou took it.

"Lu Chuan?"

This name made Man Yirou seem extremely familiar. When she thought about it, she immediately remembered something. She burst into a surprised look. How could she not expect that it would be Lu Chuan?

The richest Chinese in the world, this name is really popular.

Now, Man Yirou knew why the other party knew that his origin was not simple, but he still dared to have a relationship with him. It turned out to be confident.

Especially Lu Chuan's overbearing remark made Man Yirou laugh.

Really a domineering man.


After several flights, Lu Chuan stopped his rush after arriving in Sochi.

This time, Lu Chuan came single-handedly, but Lu Chuan had nothing to fear. He could not simply say that he was alone.

Trading, here, there is absolutely no risk.

However, for the issue of responsibility, Russia will certainly not trade on the surface, but secretly.

Of course, Lu Chuan had to make some preparations. He didn't need to rent a car. He found a place where no one was there. In the end of the world, he found three cars, and then pulled off the license plates. There will be cars in Hyundai.

Lu Chuan now has a wealth of money, so he got ten lickers out, and after loading the pretender system, he had ten men.

After finishing these preparations, the next step is to wait.

In a restaurant, Lu Chuan was sitting by the window, and the ten lickers under his hand, who looked human but stayed in a car, did not need to go to the restaurant to brush up on their presence.

In WeChat, there is a new friend added.

Lu Chuan glanced at his head, and he passed, it was Man Yirou.

After the passage, the two did not chat, as if they were strangers. In fact, Lu Chuan's position for her is actually just his lover, and she doesn't have any emotional foundation with her, and it should be a physical need.

Lu Chuan didn't know whether it was because of his failure to learn or the reason for holding back for too long. Maybe in this way, he can be a man.

Man Yirou should know it too, so she was very smart and said nothing.

"The Port of Sochi."

On the mobile phone Lu Chuan used for this operation, he received a message with an unfamiliar number. Lu Chuan smiled, left the restaurant, and drove there immediately.

The port of Sochi is very large, and there are many ships going there. Lu Chuan did not expect that they would choose to trade here.

When I got here, I quickly connected my head.

Not too complicated or thrilling, a young fighter national with obvious military aura brought Lu Chuan to a docked transport ship.

There are many people here, just like this young man. When they see Lu Chuan, they all stare at him.

Now Lu Chuan has pretended that no one will be associated with the newly promoted richest Chinese in the world. They would never expect that such a rich person would come to trade in person.

However, the lickers that Lu Chuan brought, under the pretender system, exude an explosive sense of power, which makes people feel very dangerous and not easy to annoy.

The trader was a middle-aged man who was also taken off by a soldier. He had the characteristics of a Russian. When he met Lu Chuan, he spoke a bunch of words in Russian.

Lu Chuan can't listen, but can't stand the translation software, so Lu Chuan can easily figure out what the other party is saying.

Here, the Russian side is actually just following a situation. Even if the US side knows it, it dare not break into Sochi to stop it, but choose to go elsewhere, such as ships leaving the port.

"I want to see the goods."

As Lu Chuan said, the other party made an OK gesture.

The transport ship was not too small, and entered its cargo warehouse. The weapons inside made Lu Chuan's saliva flow out. With uniformly heavy firepower, such as the grenade launcher AGS-17, which has been equipped with Russian weapons for 75 years, Russia will of course readily agree to sell them.

Of course, these old weapons are still playing their role.

In addition to these, there are a lot of heavy machine guns and so on.

"This ship is almost all." The middle-aged man in charge of the delivery said, and was translated by the software to Lu Chuan.

A ship of munitions is jaw-dropping to think about.

If the war situation in Syria hadn't gotten worse, Russia would never have provided weapons on such a large scale.

On the Russian side, everything went smoothly.

Count the quantity and then pay.

The total cost was five hundred and seven thousand US dollars. Lu Chuan bought even a ship, otherwise it would be troublesome to change the ship.

Five hundred and seven thousand US dollars is not a small order. This is after half the price. If it is purchased normally, the ship’s weapons will not be less than one billion.

One billion seems to be very expensive, but when you think about the original purchase of a certain type of aircraft from the US, one was worth one billion.

Thinking about it this way, this ammunition is really cheap.

After the delivery was completed, these Russian personnel who took off their military uniforms left directly. The order they received was only to guarantee delivery, and everything left to the other party.

"Good luck to you." When leaving, the middle-aged man and Lu Chuan shook and then left.

This ship is a civilian ship, and the crew is still there, enough to ensure that this ship can move normally.

And this ship does not belong to Russia. It seems that the other party is really vigilant, and any problems that arise will have nothing to do with them. Even if the weapons are of Russian standard, many of the weapons here are from the Soviet era, but they have been used to this day. Who has stipulated that they must be from Russia?

It seems that none of these big countries are fuel-efficient lamps.

In fact, people had already thoroughly analyzed their own routines, but the only thing they didn't expect was that they were a bug-like existence, and would not make them think of their true purpose.

"set sail."

Lu Chuan communicated with the captain, and the transport ship left Sochi.

There is no purpose at all, anyway, just keep going overseas.

This kind of strange request, the old captain did not even ask, it was executed.

For the first time, Lu Chuan arrived in the warehouse and asked his zombies to check every place one by one.

Not to mention, I really found a lot of cameras. It seems that Russia is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They are also scrupulous about helmet mercenaries, or they are curious.

After dismantling these cameras one by one and confirming that there was no equipment, Lu Chuan began to move the weapons one by one into the storage space.

After going back and forth several times, the weapons of the ship were finally emptied.

The size of the storage space is large, but it can't be filled. Many weapons are thrown into the warehouse of the biochemical plant.

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