Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 371: play off

In Zhongzhou City, on the side close to the stronghold, more than a dozen blocks were emptied of zombies.

This area is the occupied area of ​​the survivors. Here, after they retreat, they fall into these blocks to throw away the zombies. With these blocks that can be buffered, there is no need to exit the city, allowing flexibility in attacking and retreating.

As a group of retreating troops shrank here, the city gradually fell into silence again.

There was no sound, the life breath of the survivors was lost, and the restless zombies were restored to peace. The violent tide of corpses disintegrated and disappeared easily.

Mankind is naturally experienced in dealing with corpse tides.

Yi Zhanfei raised his hand. The watch in his hand is expensive in modern times, not to mention several million. But in the apocalypse, it's just for looking at time, there is no show off.

"Ten o'clock in the morning."

Looking at this time, Yi Zhanfei showed a smile.

This also means that in the remaining time, two more hunting operations can be launched, and the number of strangulation zombies will exceed 300,000. According to this efficiency, it only takes one month to win half of this city.

Now the efficiency is getting higher and higher, and the cooperation between them is getting better and better.

The ability to have this kind of efficiency is actually the growth of alienated new humans, and the second is the provision of weapons. Almost unlimited bullets allowed them to squander arbitrarily, and it made sense to kill zombies.

Gu Yang came to power and ruled the stronghold. There are disadvantages, but there are many advantages.

An iron-fisted method ruled over hundreds of thousands of people. Under the iron-blooded method, the price of tens of thousands of people turned the stronghold into one, and the explosive manufacturing power was beyond imagination.

Yi Zhanfei used to be one of the strongholds in the stronghold, but at this point, he was convinced that he had lost.

Mankind can no longer withstand the toss, and using this method to regain the city and restore human civilization is the most important. Sometimes, it takes a real strongman to appear.

Kindness does not support soldiers, in these last days, only the coldest and most ruthless people are qualified to have the last laugh and rule all living beings.

"Take a rest for an hour, and then continue the hunting mission."

As Yi Zhanfei spoke, he communicated instructions via radio.

The entire alienation new human force is under his command, and the exact number is more than 13,600. In Gu Yang's hands, he held an alienated new human force of 3,000 people.

The alienation rate of ten to one, after six years of continuous strengthening and evolution, the strength of these new humans continues to grow, and they have today.

After receiving the order, a group of troops that retreated began to enter the rest.

The zombies in this area have all been emptied, and a large number of houses are available, so don't worry about finding a place to rest.

After reporting their respective positions, the logistics cars were busy, and went to the rest of the troops to replenish their ammunition. Some injured people will be inspected for their injuries, if they are caused by zombies, they will be controlled, and other injuries will be treated.

The whole city became deadly silent.


Standing on a tall building, Lu Chuan could see clearly through the telescope.

The tactics of the survivors are still very useful. If they are allowed to execute it like this, it may really be possible to regain the city after paying a certain price.

Lu Chuan closed his eyes, but issued instructions one by one.

Along the streets, dozens of lickers that had been prepared for a long time rubbed their hind legs suddenly, rushed out, and then ran wildly on the streets, always in the direction of the survivors.

Just a licker, definitely not good, but what if after some preparation?

For example, a piece of fresh pork is tied to the body of some lickers. The smell of meat from these fresh pieces of pork is like a breath of life for zombies, enough to attract them. Crazy.

If this is not enough, good, Lu Chuan will add more excitement, such as sound.

The swifts, one by one, had been arranged long ago, and they followed the street to the area where the survivors were.

"Now, let the city lively."

Lu Chuan's orders were issued, and dozens of swifts received Lu Chuan's instructions, but they clumsily lit the firecrackers they had pushed in front of them.

A swift person is about one meter and seven meters tall. Although it is rotten all over, it can be seen that she should have been a female before his death. The height of one meter and seven meters is tall in the south, enough to cover a hundred ugliness. This big leg alone can play for years.

But now it, under Lu Chuan's instructions, awkwardly pressed the lighter. After several times, it finally set the fire on and reached into the fuze.

The fuze hits one point, but it does not leave, but stands foolishly.

Suddenly, the fuse ignited the firecrackers, and in this city, the violent sound of firecrackers rang.

The role of the swift is not only to carry explosives, but not to sacrifice them. Firecrackers can also achieve this effect.

In modern times, there are as many firecrackers as needed.

Not only firecrackers, but also a lot of fireworks, were brought here by Lu Chuan. It doesn't matter in the daytime, as long as there is a sound, just how do the zombies on the ground go, the flying zombies in the sky will naturally be there.

Boxes of fireworks were put down, and the swifts also lit them.


With a loud noise, fireworks rose into the sky and exploded high in the sky, emitting a charming light. Although it is daytime, the view is not very clear, but the view is still very beautiful and beautiful.

In the streets, firecrackers are sounding and fireworks are burning, making this area very lively.

The zombies, who had just calmed down, froze for a while under these sounds, but they became violent. They made a "woo-woo" sound, connecting into pieces, forming a palpitating sound.

The frenzied zombies became frantic under the stimulation of uninterrupted voices.


The order was given, and the licker carrying a large fan of pork ran wildly. Under their sway, the blood in the pork was thrown out, making the zombies chasing crazy.

Tens of thousands of zombies, under the influence of sound, attracted by this kind of meat, and under the double stimulation, they broke out.

The streets are all zombies running wildly, their number is increasing, like a flood without a dam, roaring forward on this street.

The fireworks that rushed up spread far away.

In the jungle-like city, a layer of dark clouds suddenly floated, first scattered, and then concentrated into a thick and thick dark cloud. Anyone with experience will know that these are flying zombies, with an astonishing number.

And in the sky, several flying zombies that were astonishingly large appeared, flapping their wings and pounced.


The location of the city near the center.

A forty-eight-story building is not conspicuous in this downtown area. It should be said that it is too ordinary.

I only saw the door of this building, but there was a huge opening. This opening was tens of meters high, and it seemed that something had been forced into it.

Even during the day, it looks dark from a distance.

Almost none of the zombies in this area dared to approach this building, they all bypassed far away. They are unconscious, but there is something in them that makes them feel afraid.

Lu Chuan straddled the corpse dragon and appeared on a taller building more than a kilometer away.

Using the telescope, Lu Chuan couldn't see the scene in the building, but this did not prevent Lu Chuan from knowing what kind of zombie existed here, and it would be no exaggeration to call it the top.

Now, I am here to bring it out.

Under the command of Lu Chuan, a swift man appeared below, mixed among the zombies, approaching the building little by little.

After walking a certain distance, there is no zombie here.

Lu Chuan didn't approach, but he felt the dangerous aura emanating from here.

Fortunately, the zombies produced by the biochemical factory, but regardless of these, everything is led by Lu Chuan's instructions. Therefore, under Lu Chuan's instructions, it did not stop, but after approaching, it ran wildly.

The manufacturing price of a swift man was nothing in Lu Chuan's eyes. Out of curiosity, Lu Chuan directly let the swift man rush into the building.

It belongs to the range of eight kilometers, so Lu Chuan can see clearly through the eyes of the zombies.

This hole, which is more than ten meters high, actually came out because the concrete cracked and some steel bars were torn off. At first glance, it was known that it was torn off by a huge force.


First, the sound of firecrackers, and then the sound of fireworks. They intersect together to form a noise-like sound.

But here, it was just an ordinary zombie commotion, but there was silence in this building.

"It's strange, the sound can't attract it?" Lu Chuan frowned. No wonder the survivors in the stronghold almost demolished half of the city, but it still didn't appear.

Of course, Lu Chuan had no way to know whether the sound couldn't attract it or it didn't exist anymore.


"Rush in." Lu Chuan gave instructions. The swift man who had already reached the entrance of the mansion rushed in according to the instructions.

The inside is very dim, and there is not much visibility under the light.

A huge building that used to be a large shopping mall.

Through the eyes of the swift man, what Lu Chuan saw was that the second and third floors were shattered, forming a huge space. Some of the items in the mall were shattered, and some were scattered on the ground on the first floor. There was a mess inside, like a doghouse.

The next moment, through the eyes of the swift man, Lu Chuan saw a figure of seven or eight tall, sitting inside.

If the tyrant is already a giant, then this one in front of you is the real giant. It is seven or eight meters tall when sitting. God knows how tall it will stand up? It is not like a zombie, but like a gorilla, but its skin and growing hair are white.

It has the facial features of a human, but its nose is beastly, like the nose of a wild beast.

The moment he saw this zombie even if it was far away, Lu Chuan still felt a palpitation. Lu Chuan didn't understand what kind of existence it was, and he couldn't walk through it.

The sound of firecrackers and fireworks made by the outside world is a little far away. The sound is heard, but it is far from the point where it is explosive.

"Go back and set off firecrackers."

Lu Chuan's instructions were given to this swift man again, and it retreated outside the building in accordance with the instructions.

He took the firecrackers off his shoulders, and then fired it several times, and finally ignited.


The firecrackers rang and echoed in the neighborhood.

The countless zombies around were all attracted and surrounded here. But they were close to a certain distance, but they didn't dare to move forward, seeming to have a kind of awe of this extremely tall zombie.

After a string of firecrackers were set off, the smoke was quickly dispersed in the breeze.

But what Lu Chuan didn't expect was that this zombie didn't appear at all, and the firecrackers close at hand were actually useless.

"No, isn't it that zombies are super sensitive to sounds? How can they be indifferent?"

No matter what kind of zombies, in the sound of this kind of firecrackers, they have already fallen into a frenzy. But the firecrackers close at hand did not make the unknown zombie inside have a trace of movement, which was really mysterious.

Lu Chuan was holding the binoculars and watching, but the result disappointed him a bit.

"Come and be cruel." Lu Chuan observed it, but gritted his teeth, isn't it hundreds of thousands, he can afford it. Under his instructions, this swift man rushed into the building like crazy.

Lu Chuan took out the remote control from the storage space, and after finding the serial number, he decisively pressed it to detonate. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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