Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 327: Three hundred million potions

The Kangyang issue could not be solved by Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan did not yet have the ability. ()

Send Kang Yang back to his house, park the car, and naturally a servant will come out to help him in. Lu Chuan didn't stay here much, he called a taxi outside and went back to the bar.

Xiao Yang and his group have already left. They were beaten up by Lu Chuan and must go to the hospital for treatment.

When something like this happens, calling the police and calling an ambulance will only make people laugh.

When Lu Chuan arrived here, he gave Ma Xifeng a position. After only ten minutes, Ma Xifeng arrived. It's not that Lu Chuan didn't want to drive, but the wine's strength of foreign wine came up, a little dizzy, there is no need to risk driving.

Back at the villa, Lu Chuan took a shower, checked WeChat, and replied a few words, feeling boring, so he quit WeChat.

Sometimes when I think about it, such an environment really makes people feel a sense of boredom.

The whole villa is full of people in disguise of zombies. They won't chat with you. They just have a catch phrase: "Boss."

What kind of circle I will find is nothing more than boring.

Now it seems that with the death of Kang Yang's father and the loss of his father, Kang Yang's identity has naturally fallen sharply. It is really not easy to get in this circle.

"Follow him, whoever provokes himself, beat him first."

Lu Chuan has this confidence. He wants people to have people, money and money, and power. With the rise of Baichuan Guihai Company, my original plan was to use it to push myself to the forefront.

Now it was almost the right opportunity, and it was time to stand in front of the world.


The beating of Xiao Yang had limited impact on Lu Chuan.

Woke up the next day, Lu Chuan had breakfast to go to the end of the world, but received a call from Yi Ran: "Boss, the gold and antiques are sold out, and 350 million yuan has been returned."

"Not bad."

Lu Chuan was in a good mood originally, but with this news, he became even more happy.

This also means that the funds available in his hands have exceeded 500 million.

"It's done well, and I will speed up the purchase." Lu Chuan nodded, leaving the purchase to Yi Ran. It is still rest assured, and it is also related to his next series of plans.

There is a lot of work in the last days, such as...conquest plan.

The prerequisite for starting the conquest plan is, of course, to make one's own strength reach a certain scale, and one of the cores is to strengthen oneself. After Level 3 enhancement, I have been thinking about it for more than half a year, but it has been stagnant, and it is time to improve.

Previously, Lu Chuan was not allowed to do so because of insufficient funds.

After eating breakfast, Lu Chuan reached the end of the world for the first time.

In the office of the owner of the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan leaned on the chair of the boss. Together, Lu Chuan's office was transformed into a shopping mall, with countless products in it appearing in front of Lu Chuan, like an information screen.

Level 4 genetic enhancement potion, price: 320 million capital.

Lu Chuan was looking for it.


Lu Chuan did not hesitate, his mind flashed, and 320 million funds were deducted, and then Lu Chuan felt a cold in his hands. This four-level genetic potion had already appeared in Lu Chuan's hands.

Lu Chuan has been longing for this four-level genetic potion for more than half a year, and now it is finally available for purchase, which is exciting.

Use the same way, just take it directly.

The terrible thing about genetically fortified potions is that when you come into contact with them, it can penetrate the skin and change your genes. Think about this apocalyptic infection. You only need to breathe and you will be infected. It shows how terrifying its spread and infection are.

Opening this 320 million pharmacy, Lu Chuan was bored with one mouthful.

"There is nothing strange about the taste of the Level 4 genetically enhanced potion." Lu Chuan smashed his mouth.

If someone showed off his wealth in front of him, Lu Chuan would laugh without saying a word and swallow 320 million in one bite. Do you dare? Show off wealth? In front of myself, it was a joke.

After taking the genetic enhancement potion, Lu Chuan sat back in the boss chair.

A tumbling sensation came from my stomach, and I felt cold and anesthetized.


Lu Chuan became a little nervous. This is a strengthening gene. Every cell changes. This pain is beyond imagination. Fortunately, the first step of genetic potion is to numb yourself.

Lying on the boss's chair, Lu Chuan felt that he could not move, even breathing became difficult.

In the next instant, severe pain came out, tearing Lu Chuan's soul.


Lu Chuan howled miserably.

Half an hour later, Lu Chuan was as if he had fished out of the water, his clothes soaked.

It is underground, but also a puddle of water.

Lu Chuan felt that he had finally regained control of his body. This kind of pain, even under anesthesia, was still unforgettable for a lifetime. The tearing pain seemed to penetrate the soul.


All the effort was worth it, and Lu Chuan felt the surging sense of power.

Lu Chuan's muscles have been modified once again, reaching the golden ratio of men. Even the skin becomes white and red, just like a baby.

"This feeling is cool."

Lu Chuan, who felt that a punch could blast the sky out of a hole, couldn't help shouting.

With 320 million funds, if you exchange yourself for permanent strength, this transaction is worth it.

The fourth level is 320 million funds, and the fifth level will rise to 640 million funds, a terrifying number. Lu Chuan was rich in wealth, and frowned. With 640 million funds asking for money everywhere, it is indeed a number that Lu Chuan needs to save for a while.

The sixth level will be raised to 1.28 billion, and the seventh...2.56 billion.

Lu Chuan shook his head, and it wasn't a problem to pour in the money just earned. However, the manufacturing and strengthening of zombies is like a bottomless pit, swallowing huge amounts of funds, it is really not easy to make up this sum.

For the first time, Lu Chuan arrived at the warehouse on the ground floor.

The zombies here are still busy, and all the items collected are still being sorted.

Earlier, Lu Chuan placed a strength tester here to test his strength.

Now that Level 4 genetic enhancement has been completed, Lu Chuan naturally needs to see how much his strength is.

Turning on the strength tester, Lu Chuan took a deep breath.


Lu Chuan threw a punch and exhausted all his strength.

I saw a group of numbers on the strength tester beating quickly, and in just three seconds, it stopped.

3500 kg.

This number made Lu Chuan feel dumbfounded.

3,500 kilograms, which is 3.5 tons, if it hits a person, it is enough to break the bones and the flesh and blood of the person. The effect of Level 4 genetic enhancement is indeed very powerful, and it has more than doubled.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan still gave the order, and a tyrant prototype appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

"Play as hard as you can."

Lu Chuan gave instructions with his mind. This tyrant did not hesitate. On the strength tester, he only saw it let out a hideous roar, and the alienated right arm was smashed out.


Unlike Lu Chuan's roar, it is dull and powerful, and makes people feel the beauty of that kind of violence.

The numbers were beating rapidly, and finally stopped at 5100 kg.

"Grass, cow."

The tyrant's initial test type is only a third-level zombie, but this punch is stronger than his own fourth-level genetic enhancement, not to mention twice as much, but also close to double.

Of course, there are also shortcomings of the tyrant's first trial type, which is speed.

It seems that speed was sacrificed in exchange for more powerful power.

With the current strength of Lu Chuan, it is not a problem to deal with the tyrant's initial test. Using speed, it can completely play it in the palm of his hand. As long as it avoids its power strike below, Lu Chuan can kill it in just a few minutes.

After testing his strength, Lu Chuan left the biochemical plant.

Through the corpse dragon, appeared in the industrial park.

There was no gunshots, but it was a killing. Zombies and zombies are mixed together, and the industrial park is full of zombies. It can be seen that the zombie army has achieved very good results here.

Lu Chuan estimated that it would take a week for the hundreds of thousands of zombies to be cleaned.

Among these hundreds of thousands of zombies, most of them are ordinary zombies. In the eyes of the zombie army, they are really nothing. From tyrants to lickers, to hellhounds, to swifts and ragers, they are all alienated zombies, and their strength is more than a little bit stronger?

More importantly, he equipped the zombies with weapons, making their combat effectiveness even more fierce.

There are tens of thousands of zombies on the ground.

"The corpse dragon is very lethal."

Lu Chuan's thoughts can confirm the number of zombies here. Killing a thousand enemies and damaging a few of them were enough to make Lu Chuan feel heartbroken. Now it has lost more than a hundred zombies.

The corpse dragon is responsible for all this.

Fortunately, the corpse dragon couldn't confirm the following melee, and it always bite. Apart from becoming boring, they have no possibility of attacking when they face zombies that are all zombies.

The more than a hundred zombies lost in the front should be caused by too abnormal.

Below is a piece of slaughter, but I didn't see the corpse dragon group reappearing, I don't know where it flew to.

Lu Chuan asked the corpse dragon to take him around and walked around this industrial park. After confirming that there were no real powerful zombies, he was relieved. According to the current situation, you just need to let go, and come by yourself in a few days, there are probably no standing zombies here.

There are industrial parks and factories, and there are a lot of raw materials here, so there is no need to worry about raw materials in the short term.

The only thing is to set up a power plant to supply power to these factories.

Finally is naturally human.

"There are a lot of things." Lu Chuan has a headache. It is not easy for a power plant to generate electricity with diesel engines. Everything in front of him has a feeling of waiting for new things.

People and electricity, as long as these two are solved, can the factory here operate.

Let the corpse dragon land on the top of the building, Lu Chuan took out the light projector. After starting, Lu Chuan chose the AR map, and then adjusted the light projection range to the maximum. The light projector was at the center of almost a thousand square meters. , All are maps.

With Lu Chuan in it, he could clearly see every place in Zhongzhou City.

Lu Chuan's arms were united, but the map was shrinking. What was presented to Lu Chuan was a map of the surrounding area of ​​Zhongzhou City. Lu Chuan found the industrial park where he was currently located, and expanded it to the surrounding area.

"found it."

Lu Chuan showed a faint smile. It's impossible for an industrial park of this level without supporting facilities, such as emergency power plants.

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