Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 271: Knight armor

  Online shop business, good time will make people feel rich.

   When the business of the online shop is poor, it will make you doubt your life.

   Yu Xiaowen has this feeling, he is dealing in simulation special forces equipment. This kind of equipment is like a rim ball in the online shop, said to be simulation, in fact, there is no difference from the real one, even in terms of materials, it is the same.

   Of course, it is certainly impossible to be real like a body armor. This is the real high imitation.

   Since it is a high imitation, in appearance, it is really difficult to distinguish.

  If someone wears it, they will immediately become a real special police. If you don't verify it, you would never think that this will be a fake special police.

   Of course, Yu Xiaowen doesn't know how to play high imitation guns. This is not a rim shot.

   The price of a set is three thousand yuan.

   For this price, to be honest, not many people can consume this set of equipment, and sometimes they don’t sell one set for a month. When it's good, there are only a few sets.

   Fortunately, the profit is good. After one year, it is not a problem to support the family.

   As usual, Yu Xiaowen went online this day, but was shocked by the news that popped up.

   "One, two, three, three zeros, one thousand sets."

   Yu Xiaowen rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe that someone bought a thousand sets. For these thousand sets, there are three hundred sets for extra large, four hundred sets for large size, and three hundred sets for medium size.

   I don’t know who it is, and I don’t even talk about the price of the purchase. I just paid the full amount.

"My mother, am I going to turn over Yu Xiaowen?" Yu Xiaowen was almost stunned by happiness. One thousand sets is three million, and after the cost, he can make a full 1.8 million. .

   People have already paid for the goods through a certain treasure, Yu Xiaowen no longer doubts, no matter who he is nervous to place the order, it is the best to have money or not.

   Ending the excitement, Yu Xiaowen began to contact the manufacturer.


   Outskirts of Handong City.

   Lu Chuan came down from the 5 series with tension, and in front of him was a small armor factory.

Does    feel weird?

   There is actually an armor factory, which is something ordinary people can't imagine. After all, they are all modern, so what do you need armor for?

   But after you really understand it, you will understand that the armor factory is actually a manufacturer that specializes in making all kinds of armor for some armor lovers. Not only armor lovers, they also provide various props for some movies and TV.

Manufacturers like    are naturally niche, and not many people know about it.

   Xu Haomin was waiting in front of the factory. He saw this 5 Series stop, his eyes gleaming, and he stretched out his hand to greet him. In fact, it is not easy for this type of manufacturer to survive. When he received a call yesterday, he heard that a boss wanted to order a batch of no less than 1,000 sets of armor, and he was so excited that he almost couldn't sleep.

   Since the establishment of this factory, it has never received such a large order.

   A set of armor, even if it is a high imitation of plastic, is a thousand yuan, if it is really a thousand sets, this is a million-level business, and for Xu Haomin, it is a big business.

   "You are always Lu Zong, I am Xu Haomin, the owner of this factory, I am very happy that Mr. Lu is here."

   Lu Chuan’s youth did not hinder Xu Haomin’s enthusiasm.

   Although the 5 series is not a very expensive car, it is also in the ranks of luxury cars. Can't people come over and lie to a poor boss?

   Lu Chuan shook hands with each other lightly, and said, "Boss Xu, let's take a look at your factory first."

   "Okay, no problem." Xu Haomin nodded quickly.

   said it was a factory, but it should be said that it was a manufacturing room.

   The rent here is not very expensive, but it is also a burden for a small-profit manufacturer. Therefore, there is no such thing as a factory area in this factory. There is only a large factory building divided into several areas.

   office, manufacturing room, material room, etc.

   Entering here, there was a sudden noise of metal, and the sound of punching and cutting was endless.

   Lu Chuan was invited into the office after just walking around.

He personally made a cup of tea for Lu Chuan, and Xu Haomin said: "The quality of our factory is absolutely nothing to say. We have produced various armors for Handong Film and Television and Handong TV. They are famous throughout Handong. "

   In order to increase the persuasive power, Xu Haomin also took out a thick photo album, which listed the appearances of the factory armor in movies and TV stations.

   Lu Chuan just looked at it a few times at random and then put it down.

   These armors are not the same as what I want.

   People in China rarely make medieval movies and TV, so Xu Haomin’s factory does not have this kind of armor. In terms of aesthetics, I have to say that medieval knight armor is indeed handsome.

When    came, Lu Chuan had already thought about it. The armor must be based on the Middle Ages. Such a shape is a combination of steel and knights. The combination of colors will be so handsome.

   Don’t play, if you want to play, of course you have to play the level.

   Lu Chuan nodded slightly. Zhang Li had already taken the tablet. After opening it, there were a few knight armors from the Heroes of Rocky. Just looking at this picture, I felt handsome and without friends.

   "Boss Xu, do you have the ability to make such a style?" Lu Chuan asked.

   Xu Haomin took the tablet and looked at it carefully.

, I have to say that these armors are indeed beautiful and handsome. Compared with the chain armor, the armor in front of you, visually, the armor provided by Lu Chuan is purely for visual beauty.

   chain mail is practical, but the knight armors in front of me are for beauty.

   The two are not things on the same level, but now it’s not the time of ancient wars. The armor was originally meant to be beautiful and handsome. Who cares if you are useful?

   It's like doing an event. Naturally, you want to make the armor reach the effect, which needs to beautify. Create some handsome armors that cater to the audience. After all, the audience will not care whether you have actual combat effects. It is not durable and inconvenient.

   The knight armor in front of me is a bit complicated, but it is not impossible to make.

   Xu Haomin nodded and said, "Mr. Lu, of course you can make it. It's nothing more than making a model for it."

   When it comes to this, Xu Haomin is somewhat uninterested. In his heart, he already knows that this business is going to be bad. It's very simple. You need to open a set of molds, at least five million. After all, this set of armor involves dozens of parts.

   In order to make a set of armor, the mold is opened, which requires a certain amount of order, otherwise it will lose money.

   Not only is it impossible to open the mold by itself, even the customer cannot afford this part of the price. The current armor is truly personal customization. Everything is brand new and the cost will be very high.

   is like a set of armor props produced in a factory. A set is only 800 yuan, some of which are all plastic parts, and even a set of 300 or 500 yuan. Don't think that the people in the movie are real guys. They are all plastic models, but they are made of realistic and sound effects in the later stage, and there is a metal crash in front of the audience.

   "Boss Xu, some of my armors, I hope to use alloys." Lu Chuan made his request.

   This armor, if it is made of alloy, has already achieved a certain bulletproof effect. But Lu Chuan's use of it is actually for the zombies to wear it to fight against the zombies in the city, not against the survivors.

   Of course, when necessary, it is not impossible to confront the survivors.

   Survivors are the most important resource in the apocalypse. Zombies can be made without them, but without people, it is difficult to do. Therefore, in Lu Chuan's eyes, if it is not necessary, the survivors will lure them with advantage, not by force.

   stepped back and said, if you really need to use force, it is not the zombies wearing armors, but the zombies wearing special police equipment.

  The armor made of alloy can resist the attack of the zombies, naturally.

   With the hardness of the alloy, Lu Chuan can guarantee that if he is not shaken to death, the zombies wearing them will face zombies above level five. Zombies below level 5 really have no way to break this armor.

   It can be imagined that when the time comes to mobilize thousands of zombies, each of them will be equipped with these knight armors. How spectacular and impactful?

   Lu Chuan's request made Xu Haomin a little confused.

   made of alloy, this cost...

  In modern times, who would spend such a large cost to build a batch of knight armor? It is conservatively estimated that even if it is made of aviation aluminum alloy, the net weight will be about 30 kg, which is not very comfortable to wear.

   And when the other party came before, it had already been mentioned, but once it was confirmed, it was at least a thousand sets.

   a thousand sets, used to make movies and TV?

   This is a bit too luxurious, right? These real guys are used for movies and TV. They are not lighting lamps for blind people to watch. What is the effect? In the audience's subconscious mind, it has long been judged that these armors are plastic parts.

   Except for this one, what does the other party want so many armors for?

   Anyway, Xu Haomin can't think of it, but Xu Haomin didn't ask much, is there any weird behavior for people who can come to him to buy armor? Normal people, who would put an armor at home?

   Lu Chuan seemed to be able to see through Xu Haomin’s thoughts. He said, “Boss Xu, don’t worry about the cost, just do as I ask. You can rest assured that the cost of mold opening will be borne by me.”

   The mold-making fee of several million has not been put in Lu Chuan's eyes. Just a few days ago, his loss in Sudan was more than 100 million. This is a pain.

   "Ah, this..."

   Xu Haomin is dumbfounded again, the other party is so rich and powerful, even the mold opening fee is covered? Does he know how much?

"Mr. Lu, the cost of mold-making is estimated to be more than five million, not tens of thousands." Xu Haomin said nervously. This is more than five million. Even if he sold himself, plus this armor factory, This is the count.

   Lu Chuan smiled and said, "I know, what I want is products, and money is not a problem. I just want to ask, how many days can you take out samples? How many sets will be produced per day."

   Xu Haomin was excited, Nima, the appearance of five million people, without blinking an eye, President Lu in front of him must be the son of some big company group, he has very thick thighs.

   "You can see samples in a week, and you can build at least 30 sets a day." Xu Haomin gritted his teeth and said for a while.

   Just Once this set of models is out, only you will benefit from it. Isn’t it welcome to launch this set of armor on the market with its handsomeness? There are many dreams in the night, and there are no conditions to go.

   Lu Chuan stood up, stretched out his hand and said, "Boss Xu, the details of the subsequent cooperation will be handed over to you by my secretary."

   Thirty sets are a bit less, but there is no alternative. The output is limited, so you can get it in a hurry. Regarding the purchase price, it is not possible to quote the price immediately. It needs to be calculated by the other party.

Questions that can only be discussed after calculating the cost.

   The next thing, Lu Chuan will hand it over to his subordinates.

   An Tong has this ability, but it is too enchanting, just let her continue to be a vase to seductively look at herself, the big deal is to choose a zombie with secretarial ability to bring to modern times, let it become her own assistant.

   It was not that Lu Chuanqian was stupid, but that he didn't have much time and energy to negotiate with the other party.

  Time is money. Only when the money is smashed can the other party act neatly.

   And these five million are not for nothing. I will need a lot of armor in the future. In terms of the purchase price, I will definitely wash out part of it and order tens of thousands of sets, which is enough to offset the cost of mold opening.

  If you care about mold opening, you will not get results after ten and a half months.

   Choosing to drop with money is the most direct and effective, and also the fastest way.

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