Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 266: Tyrant modern form

   What is Luchuan’s biggest bargaining chip?

   is actually the identity of the zombie soldiers in his hand, they are zombies, not people. To put it bluntly, these are just zombies in human skins, living human-shaped zombies under the pretender system.

   No matter how they change, they are still zombies after all.

   Before being exposed, they are human in the eyes of the opponent.

   As long as a person is hit by a flat-fire anti-aircraft gun or hit by a heavy sniper rifle, how can he not die? From the telescope, it is not difficult to see that there were some crashes and broke in half.

   It is precisely using this one, Lu Chuan will let them know what **** is.

   The zombies' instructions to Lu Chuan were executed thoroughly. As long as they were hit, they would directly enter a state of pretending to be dead. They don't need to act more vividly, after all, there are some mortal injuries, and they just fall.

   These small details, like a gun in your hand, are here, who will pay attention to it seriously?

   No matter how bright the flares are, it will not be the same as the line of sight during the day.

  As the armored vehicles and tanks of the other side approached, more than 400 mercenaries with helmets, in their eyes, there were not many who were still alive.

   If this were the only situation, Lu Chuan might not adopt a strategy of pretending to be dead.

   Don't forget, Lu Chuan is here.

   "Is it premeditated?"

   Staying in Lu Chuan three kilometers away, through the telescope, he looked at the huge number of counter-armed forces that appeared. And one of the more well-dressed and well-equipped troops also appeared in this encirclement. Only at a glance, Lu Chuan knew that the opponent was not from the anti-armed force.

  The reason is very simple. Well-equipped is one. The key is the skin color of these people. Whites make up the vast majority, followed by blacks and yellows.

  With these characteristics, you can know that this must be a mercenary.

  In this war-torn land, the mercenaries are completely rich or mothers, regardless of whether you represent justice or evil. As long as you have enough dollars, they can do it for you.

   In an instant, Lu Chuan wanted to understand the joints.

   Helmet mercenaries obviously touched the cake of most people, and then they were united to establish this bureau through cooperation with the counter-armed forces. Because of Xia Min's carelessness, he was caught in this trap.

   What a pity...

   If they encounter real mercenaries, they will succeed.

   It is a pity that they encountered a helmeted mercenary this time. How did they know the secrets of this mercenary before? In addition, Lu Chuan happened to be here again, and this battle was far from over.

   After trying to understand these joints, Lu Chuan showed an indifferent expression.

  Since they attacked helmet mercenaries like this, they were looking for death. Regarding the secrets of the helmeted mercenaries, Lu Chuan absolutely does not allow it to be revealed. Those who have seen it will all die.

   Having experienced the end of the world, Lu Chuan’s heart will not be as bloodless as modern people.

   After changing to other people, he has not experienced the cruelty and cruelty of the last days. He will definitely have good intentions or can't make up his mind. After all, this is a living person, and the number is more than a thousand.

   But in Lu Chuan's eyes, there is no such idea.

  The zombies in the last days are all formed by people under the infection of the virus. Killing zombies is actually no different from killing. Over time, Lu Chuan became numb, and murder would not feel the same.

   Lu Chuan disappeared, but appeared in the last days.

   In the warehouse of the biochemical factory, one of his most elite troops stayed in the warehouse.

   Two hundred lickers, two hundred hellhounds.

Hellhounds are equipped with vehicles, but this is not a problem, because when they are brought to modern times, the vehicles on their bodies will be prompted that they do not need to be carried. Once Lu Chuan denies them, these vehicles will be automatically retained. under.

   Thirty tyrants, they stood in front of Lu Chuan like an iron tower, which was shocking.

   Lu Chuan stood in front of them, but it was the position of its thigh.

   The appearance of the tyrant is really shocking, especially its heart is directly exposed on the outside. It seems to be a weakness, but when you really think so, you are wrong, and it blows its heart, it will only think that it was bitten by a mosquito, which is insignificant.

   Lu Chuan took a look at the funds. Before that, there were more than 70 million dollars left. With the 50 million dollars transferred by Xia Min, it was more than 330 million dollars after the current exchange rate.

  In other words, the funds that Lu Chuan can use now are at the level of 410 million.

   A licker loaded pretender system is 400,000, and two hundred is 80 million. Two hundred hellhounds is 60 million. Thirty tyrants are 15 million.

   Even if Lu Chuan brought all the zombies here to modern times, it would only be 150 million.

  150 million, for Lu Chuan, who has a support of 400 million, the pressure is not too big.

   "Make two hundred lickers."

   "Make two hundred hellhounds."

   "Make fifty tyrants."

   Lu Chuan did not hesitate, and immediately issued an order to the biochemical plant. In an instant, 165 million was deducted, and then the quiet manufacturing workshop rang and entered the manufacturing process.

   It is impossible to make them in the short term, but Lu Chuan doesn't care, because this newly made zombie will serve in the end times.

   The zombies now staying in the warehouse are the targets that Lu Chuan wants to carry.

   In my mind, I will

The corpses were listed and entered into the carrying sequence, and the biochemical factory calculated the amount of funds in the first time. Just as Lu Chuan thought, it was indeed 150 million.


   A thought flashed by Lu Chuan, and the man disappeared from the warehouse of the biochemical factory.

   Like Lu Chuan, the two hundred lickers and hellhounds and thirty tyrants lined up in the warehouse.

   Less than three minutes before and after, Lu Chuan dropped 310 million and 5 million. However, Lu Chuan had to drop this sum of money. This time he was stubborn, so he didn't make a good vote. It was really muddled as a helmeted mercenary.

Lu Chuan appeared in the modern situ, just beside Lu Chuan, but there were two hundred more cold-breathing big men. They had bald heads, and their muscles were strong and strong. The lowest level was 1.8 meters or more. People don't need to think about their strength.

   This is the predecessor of the licker. At the beginning, the subjects of the experiment were selected death row prisoners to do the experiment. For the success of the experiment, anyone who is not physically strong will not be selected.

   Later, some stronger people were selected from the outside world to conduct secret experiments.

  The lickers are hideous in the last days, but in modern times, they are actually just extremely strong men. But one by one is more than 1.8 meters, and some are even smaller than two meters.

   It's already scary to be alone, but now it's not as simple as being scared to gather so many strong men together.

   Now, it's not their fighting form, but a human form.

   There are two forms of lickers, one is a peaceful form, and they are just like people. Once they enter the fighting form, they will leaned down and land on all fours, their joints will deform and become human-shaped beasts.

  Beside these big guys, there are two hundred hellhounds blessed by the pretender system.

Caucasian dogs, Rottweilers, Tibetan Mastiffs, Bordeaux, Mastiffs, Cathrows, Dogos... As long as anyone who knows dogs is here, they will definitely be scared, because there are so many breeds here, all are cruel A tall and fierce dog beyond imagination.

   Among these dogs, there are some wild wolves.

   Canines or wolves that can evolve into hellhounds. They were very strong and strong before they were alive. Now that their prototypes are revealed, each one is fierce and tall, producing a biting aura.

   Especially the eyes of these hellhounds are cold and without a trace of emotion. As long as you meet, you will have a feeling of palpitations, and I am afraid it will be born from the heart.

   Two hundred hellhounds, what is the concept?

   They are more terrifying than lickers.


   Compared to lickers and hellhounds, Lu Chuan is still a tyrant, dumbfounded.

   Lu Chuan did not bring tyrants to modern times before, at a height of five meters, Lu Chuan really does not know what will happen to them when they reach modern times. What if he is also five meters tall, and he is still playing a fart, and a person who is five meters tall, wouldn't he surprise the world?

   With the urine nature of the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan is really not sure what tricks it will play.

   But what I see now makes Lu Chuan doubt his eyes.

   "What's special, are you sure this is a tyrant?"

   Tyrant's first trial type, five meters high or even more than a level, but now Lu Chuan sees thirty ordinary people. These thirty people were tall and short, strong and thin. They were about thirty years old, and all were men.

   Lu Chuan took a visual inspection, and found that the shortest one was only about 1.7 meters, and the tallest one was only 1.8 meters.

   Not to mention how sturdy it is, the thin one, one meter seven, as thin as a bamboo pole, this the modern form of a tyrant? Is this teasing yourself?

   A terrifying tyrant, in modern times, if he looks at him, he can't even compare to a licker.

  The licker is still fierce and vicious, but what about the tyrant? That skinny product, are you sure it will be a **** boom?

   Lu Chuan felt that his Three Views had been subverted. This surprise was too big. Before, Lu Chuan was worried that the biochemical factory would produce thirty five-meter-high giants. Now it seems...this is a surprise, but it is easier to accept it?

   Zhao Gaofei: professional rock climbing player.

   The thing that looks like a bamboo pole, turned out to be a professional rock climber, is really incomprehensible.

   I don't know why, seeing the information about this product, Lu Chuan suddenly understood something.

  All zombies originate from virus infection and then evolve. Everyone's physique is different, and the resulting evolution is also different. Like Zhao, it is thin, but its physique is suitable for the virus to evolve toward a higher level, and finally evolved into a tyrant, nothing It's strange.

   Strictly speaking, the same is true for lickers, but lickers are somewhat special, so most of them are strong men.

   But the tyrant does not have this particularity. Needless to say, under the evolution of the virus, even a baby may evolve a mountain-like zombie in the form of a meat mountain.

   Viruses will continue to evolve their cells, and continue to divide, and grow out of unprecedented monsters.

   As for the existence of the tyrant, it is more like a template, which will continuously replicate the zombies in the form of the tyrant. But further up, the shape of the zombies will change again. It is completely random and free. You never know what kind of zombies you will face.

   Want to understand this, Lu Chuan no longer doubts these tyrants.

   "Then, let me see how terrifying power is contained in your thin body." Lu Chuan said softly.

   current love

However, Lu Chuan should not hesitate any more.

   This united counter-armed force, mercenary force, they have encircled the helmet mercenary. Among the helmet mercenaries, none of the zombies stood, all fell to the ground.

   The entire battlefield has become deadly silent.

   This team with more than 1,500 people, they approached carefully, under the light of the light, they could see a hell-like battlefield here.

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