Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 249: cave

   Lu Chuan's arrival time happened to be dinner time.

   Thanks to adequate supplies, the dinner here is very hearty, with potatoes and bacon, plus a small spoonful of chili sauce per person. Just this, let everyone eat to the satisfaction, don’t underestimate it, eating meat in the last days is a life in heaven.

   Lu Chuan ate a bowl and gave up.

   is not too unpalatable, but Lu Chuan, who is accustomed to owning his own private kitchen, really doesn't catch a cold with this simple and crude dish.

   After the meal, the sky outside was almost dark.

   Lu Chuan sat on the rostrum of the conference room, playing with a pen.

   One after another, the heads of various departments have all arrived. Almost every time Lu Chuan arrives, he needs to hold a meeting, which is a common practice, because Lu Chuan needs to listen to the progress of their various departments.

   "There is no need to summarize this time. I will only talk about one thing, which is to move to the center of the factory tomorrow morning."

   When the heads of all departments arrived, Lu Chuan said directly without talking nonsense.

   The people below are all taken aback.

   They lived here for a few months, and they are still used to this kind of life. Now I heard that they are moving to the center of the factory. What is the situation?

   Lu Chuan said, "I dug an underground shield in the center of the factory. The space will be more than ten times that of here. At the same time, I have enclosed the entire Shengmei Electronics Factory, and there is still a gap that has not been blocked."

   Zhao Beijiang and the others were a little confused. When they realized what Lu Chuan meant, they were all in shock.

   Shengmei Electronics Factory, they knew that when they first came, there were zombies everywhere. When did the boss make such a big move while they were silent?

   An underground shelter was dug in the middle of the factory. Not to mention how big it was, it was an underground shelter that could allow more than 800 people to live. With the eyes of zombies, it is as difficult to achieve.

   But now Lu Chuan tells them that this space will be more than ten times larger than here. What kind of concept is this?

   There are zombies everywhere on the street. How the boss built all the walls is completely illogical.

   "Boss..." Luo Changqing opened his mouth.

Lu Chuan raised his brows and said, "You don't need to say anything, you don't need to ask, it's enough to be yourself." Lu Chuan's tone was unhappy. As the owner of the biochemical factory, the breath that Lu Chuan exudes is absolutely absolute. Appalling.

   Luo Changqing's face turned pale, and he stopped talking.

   Lu Chuan said: "Now let's end the meeting, get ready, we will move tomorrow morning."

  Here, there is a room belonging to Lu Chuan. This night, Lu Chuan did not return to modern times, but lived here. First of all, Chubin and the others, who can be regarded as his confidants, are in charge of the armed forces here.

   Talking with them for a while, it was a relief for them.

   Many people couldn't sleep in the factory building this night, and were worried about the next move. Although they are still in the same factory area, this factory area is huge, but this is the end of the world. They are only used to this place. Any action will make them feel uneasy.

   The next day.

   The workshop did not become noisy, but everything was silent.

   Everyone woke up early, and then quietly packed his luggage. In fact, there are not many things that can be cleaned up, just a few sets of laundry. In addition, the tasks assigned to them are actually carrying equipment.

   Lu Chuan also woke up early, at around ten o'clock, more than 800 people were all ready.

   "Let's go!"

   The door of the factory building was opened, and many people stepped out of the factory for the first time in six months. Accustomed to life in the factory, they became unfamiliar with the outside world, all staring nervously at the slowly opening door.

   Even the metal rubbing sound from the door made them nervous.

   Lu Chuan frowned. It seems that the psychological quality of these people needs to be strengthened. In these last days, even if they are positioned as scientific researchers, how can they develop if they lose their wolfishness?

   Fortunately, the armed men Chubin and others were not as nervous as they had imagined. They held guns and waited for the door to open.

   When opening a crack in the door, a gun pointed at the crack.

   When there was no danger outside, under Chubin's wave, a team of ten quickly left the factory and began to deploy defenses outside. All this was requested by Lu Chuan, even if Lu Chuanming knew that there was no zombie outside.

   This force is small, but it is an armed force that will grow and grow in the future, and there will be a lot of things they need to bear.

   After confirming that there is no danger, the group walked out of the factory again.

   The sky is a bit foggy, but it is not too big. The sun has not yet appeared, but looking at the dark red on the horizon, we can foresee that today will be a great weather again.

  A group of more than 800 people walked through here.

   One by one inevitably opened their eyes, because they could see the new tall fence in the factory area. The height of five meters was not so majestic, but compared with the iron fence before, the current safety level was too reassuring.

   There is no neatness about this wall, and the materials used are also messy. It seems to be spliced ​​with some handicapped materials, but no matter what, it is really a wall.

   When I got to the center of the factory, I could see countless messy footprints, and there was fresh yellow mud everywhere, and even piles of mud like hills, which shocked everyone again.

  Looking at this, the scale of this underground cover is indeed not small.

"right here."

   Lu Chuan walked to the huge entrance and walked in without hesitation.

   The bosses are all in, what else do they dare not?

   The current situation has left many people in a daze, because they can't think of when the boss made such a big project here without their knowledge.

   With Lu Chuan, more than eight hundred survivors, all passed through the passage and entered the huge cave dug by the zombies.

   This cave is completely a super cave, with a space of tens of thousands of square meters, which is appalling. Thousands of zombies continued to work day and night, like machinery, with full horsepower to have what they saw now.


  Everyone was in shock.

  Looking at the traces of this underground cave, you know that it must have been dug out by manpower. It is hard to imagine how this was done.

  In the big hall, more than 800 people stood here, looking very empty. If it is not that the height is not very high, I am afraid that this kind of openness will make people feel scared.

   Zhao Beijiang and the others were all shocked, what kind of power is it that can do all this in front of them. Suddenly, they became in awe of their own boss. The awe this time is a kind of awe of complete submission.

   It's hard to imagine the traces here.

   In their view, to dig out this space, at least tens of thousands of people need to be used, and it takes more than three months to complete this feat.

  The question is, how does the boss own these tens of thousands of people? And how did tens of thousands of people overcome the problem of zombies here? How much food is needed to support this project?

   In short, this underground cover is like a project that can only be completed by God.

   Everyone was shocked, and the difficulty is not difficult to guess.

   "This is our new home?"

   "Haha, cool, I won't be bored in a small place anymore."

   "The fragrance of the soil is so fascinating."

   "I need a room and a big bed."

   "The laboratory can finally not be so crowded."

   "Find some places and plant some shade-tolerant plants."

   "Warm in winter and cool in summer."

   Immediately, the survivors were all excited. It's really nice here, it's too boring and depressing to stay in the factory. Although it is underground, the spaciousness here is better than anything.

   said it was underground, but there are enough vents and light-transmitting areas here, so don't worry about the air, and don't worry about being too dark or bright.

   At the same time, Luchuan has installed a large battery area here, and the lighting is enough to make it look like daylight.

   Here, everything is ready.

   What the survivors need is to spend some time in this factory building, move some iron frame beds to underground caves, and decorate their homes. Regardless of this, Lu Chuan doesn't care how they toss, anyway, there are no zombies in this factory area, and their safety is still guaranteed.

   Moving is very simple. By three o'clock in the afternoon, all resettlement is completed.

   Lu Chuan and Zhao Beijiang held a meeting and handed them over directly. How to arrange, the structural transformation of the cave, and some functional transformations, these are all their business.

  Digging out this cave, Lu Chuan's task is considered complete.

   If even the transformation has to be done by yourself, with the ability of a zombie, it is still too difficult to be realistic. Let Lu Chuan teach zombies here, isn't he exhausting himself?

   As for how everything is done here, as the boss, is Lu Chuan necessary to explain to them?

   Here is a processing factory with tens of thousands of people. There are everything you need in daily life, so don’t worry about this, they can solve it. There are no zombies in the factory, and it is easy for them to obtain these items.

   After Lu Chuan gave an explanation, he shook his hand as the shopkeeper.

  As a boss, you only need to know the result. The process is really not important.

   The open space here, more than 800 people are still too few.

   "Get some more people here?" Many of Lu Chuan's plans are severely understaffed, and these things are not suitable for zombies.

   It’s just this one to get some people, it's really not easy to operate.

   I can’t bring a group of zombies by and we surrounded the team of survivors who came out to hunt the zombies. When the time comes, do you want to brave your head, and then say: Hey brother, this zombie is my subordinate, come down, follow me and drink spicy food.

   This is a bullshit, do you want to keep the zombie’s secret?

   Lu Chuan is not strong enough to be able to keep this secret. After all, once exposed, God knows if anyone will jump out and accuse himself of being the culprit of the destruction of the world, and that he created the end times?

   "It seems that we have to implement another plan before, form a stronghold, and then use this stronghold as the core to expand the number of survivors."

   This plan is actually not difficult, but Lu Chuan hasn't made time to execute it yet.

  Unlocking the Tyrant is still Lu Chuan's current priority.

   Therefore, to bring the survivors here, Lu Chuan does not need to put his mind on the survivors. The supplies he had placed beforehand were enough for more than 800 of them to live for two years. In addition, the water and electricity arrangements here are complete, and they can be left alone.

   Give everything here to Zhao Beijiang, and Lu Chuan patted his **** and left.

   In order to control this place, Lu Chuan just placed zombies here around the factory area. The number was not very large, but only a hundred ragers and a hundred swifts.


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