Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 246: White bodyguard

When it comes to banquets on the upper floors, most of the time, the things here are just displayed here.

Even if they eat it, it's just a simple tasting.

There are few people present who have met Ma Xifeng's eating method. The nun, it's exactly like a pig, and treats this place as a big dining hall.

The key is the food intake of this product.

The cake alone can kill two or three brawny men, but if you don’t say what it eats, look at what it eats. Ten people may not be able to eat it, right?

Although Lu Chuan was mentally prepared, when Ma Xifeng fired with all his strength, this appetite still surprised Lu Chuan.


Lu Chuan was taken aback and then recovered his calm.

Wang Xiaotian didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw something abnormal here, his eyes swept across, and he suddenly saw a **** of a face. He recognized Ma Xifeng, Lu Chuan's driver, but what the **** was this guy doing now? After figuring it out, Wang Xiaotian regretted why he was so cheap and invited Lu Chuan to come.

What I thought at the time was that Lu Chuan had nothing to achieve, but he was also in the circle? Not everyone can enter this circle, let alone the entry of Lu Chuan, the third brother did not object.

But now, if you do this, isn't it a joke?

Wang Xiaotian came over, as the host, he couldn't say anything, he could only smile, and sat down beside Lu Chuan, and whispered, "Lu Chuan, can't you let your driver stop the meeting?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Chuan asked knowingly.

Wang Xiaotian rolled his eyes and said: "Impact, pay attention to the influence, here are all guests, now is the opening ceremony."

Lu Chuan asked, "Are your food intended for visitors?"


"Am I your guest."


"In your experience, are most of these foods finally thrown away?"


"Is it shameful to waste?"


"That said, if my driver eats more, there is no problem, right?"

Lu Chuan laughed and concluded.

Wang Xiaotian: "..."

Wang Xiaotian stood up and said, "Well, I can't refute it."

It just so happened that Kang Yang arrived.

Wang Xiaotian's father was only in business. Since ancient times, Kang Yang's position is naturally in the head. In the circle, apart from the third brother, Kang Yang is not the best, but it is definitely the most active.

It may not be possible to walk sideways in Handong Province, but there are still some qualifications to be willful.

This qualification is not simple, and it is impossible to do this without the endorsement of a high ministerial official.

As soon as Kangyang arrived, Wang Xiaotian dropped Lu Chuan to greet Kangyang.

The arrival of Kangyang made this place different again, and almost everyone began to surround Kangyang. Whether it is the rich second generation or some officials, they all rely on it.

Lu Chuan was also happy, and asked Ma Xifeng to cut himself a section of lobster and ate it with relish.

In a short time, Kang Yang couldn't get away.

Of course, the real excitement is the arrival of Gao Tianqiang. This Gaul chicken in Lu Chuan's eyes is completely the style of successful people. Think about it, the current AR technology has suddenly become popular again, and his company has suddenly turned a few times.

Previously it was valued at 100 million, but now it has become 300 or 400 million. Who is not proud to change?

Why did Wang Xiaotian, the Sao Bao, founded this company? It is not the potential of this line, but the disapproval of Gao Tianqiang. The time between two open and secret fights is not too short, he just wants to compete.

Young man!

As soon as Gao Tianqiang arrived, looking at the two false expressions, Lu Chuan felt amused, as if watching a good show, it depends on whose play was done well.

The difference is that this time Gao Tianqiang turned out to be with a tall white man.

This white man is very strong, with bulging muscles and a military smell on his body. Judging from the words and deeds he followed Gao Tianqiang behind, it turned out to be a bodyguard?

"Just a while ago, Young Master Yang was bitten. Wasn't my father worried about me and didn't trust domestic bodyguards, so he found me a retired American soldier as a bodyguard. Of course, Paul's skill, needless to say. Dog, it’s impossible to get close."

Having said that, Gao Tianqiang was proud of his face, and he did not forget to look at Wang Xiaotian provocatively.

"I'm doing it!" Wang Xiaotian had a feeling of being beaten by the sun.

I don't know why, all along, I can only eat ashes behind the other side's ass.

Like now, I followed the company to play, but others played bodyguards, how else to play?

Looking at the triumphant look on Gao Tianqiang's face, Wang Xiaotian gritted his teeth with hatred. This **** was here to show off today. If you rent this office yourself, why rent one floor? It is to overpower Gao Tianqiang, because Gao Tianqiang's company area is only more than two thousand square meters.

This Gao Tianqiang was still very close to Yang Xiuming a few days ago. Yang Xiuming was bitten by a dog, and the injury was so high that Gao Tianqiang could not see any hope, so he turned his head and fought fiercely with the people in the circle.

Many people around were watching, looking at Paul's eyes with expressions of wonder and envy.

Wang Xiaotian found that his opening feast was very grand, but at this moment, there was no white bodyguard to attract people's attention. This feeling was completely horrible.

Just as Wang Xiaotian wanted to swallow his breath, his eyes passed Ma Xifeng, and the other party respectfully placed a dessert in front of Lu Chuan.

Yes, Lu Chuan always pretended to be forceful, and seemed to be carrying his subordinates everywhere.

in case……

Wang Xiaotian doesn’t care so much. He just can’t understand Gao Tianqiang’s face. He said angrily: "Gaulji, what do you mean? I don’t trust the domestic bodyguards. I really don’t trust the domestic bodyguard. If I drink some foreign ink, I know who my ancestor is."

In an instant, Gao Tianqiang's face changed.

The Gallic chicken has already made him unable to bear it. It is a Han, a traitor, and it is said that he does not know his ancestor.

"Wang Xiaotian, what do you mean?" Gao Tianqiang snorted coldly.

Wang Xiaotian rolled his eyes and said, "Dare to compare with the domestic bodyguards? What kind of retired soldier do you think the other party is? Huh, the moon in foreign countries is rounder?"

"What can't you dare?" Gao Tianqiang laughed, knowing that he is a bodyguard, but a suitable bodyguard from the top training camp in the United States, ten ordinary people may not be close.

The melon-eating spectators all around were all interested.

Kang Yang felt dumbfounded. When did Wang Xiaotian become so domineering, but the question is, where is your bodyguard?

Wang Xiao didn't care about this, he walked in front of Lu Chuan who was eating the lobster.

Lu Chuan was eating a lobster. To be honest, this was the first time Lu Chuan had eaten it. The meat of the lobster was a bit tough and tasted like that. There was nothing surprising to taste, but this thing was too expensive.

Feeling someone standing in front of him, Lu Chuan raised his head.

Wang Xiaotian had a feeling of covering his face, because Lu Chuan was holding a lobster in his hand and his mouth was full of oil. Especially when he approached, the other party raised his head and felt embarrassed to say that the other party was invited over.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chuan asked.

Dare to love, just now Lu Chuan did not hear the conversation between himself and Gao Tianqiang? Wang Xiaotian's veins were all up, and he had the urge to beat Lu Chuan violently.

Wang Xiaotian endured it and said, "I borrow your bodyguard to use it."

"The bodyguard, uh... I didn't let them follow today." Lu Chuan said, it was the truth.

Gao Tianqiang, who was not far away, laughed unscrupulously.

Some of the friends that Wang Xiaotian invited in the surroundings also laughed. Between Wang Xiaotian and Gao Tianqiang, they are familiar with each other, and they belong to friends, but the two of them are fighting fiercely.

"Wang Xiaotian, can you do it?" Gao Tianqiang said in a weird tone, whether it would do or not, it seemed to be meaningful.

Wang Xiao's weather was violent. This Gao Tianqiang didn't give himself any face while he was in business. It was simply maddening. He looked at Luchuan and pointed at Ma Xifeng: "Isn't he your bodyguard?"

"My driver," Lu Chuan said.

Wang Xiaotian no matter what the driver is or not, he said viciously: "If you let your driver deal with this white man, is there any guarantee?"

Lu Chuan's eyes fell on the white bodyguard and said, "Probably, there is no problem."

Wang Xiaotian, who was about to run violently, couldn't control so much. Hearing Lu Chuan said that there was probably no problem, he immediately said: "Let your driver fight the opponent and step on the opponent to let him know how good the domestic bodyguards are. "

Lu Chuan put down the lobster, pulled a piece of paper and wiped his hands, stood up and said, "Okay."

Ma Xifeng, who was acting as a foodie, stopped his movements under Lu Chuan's instructions, and then stood behind Lu Chuan. On the corner of its mouth, there is even some cake cream on it, which is very funny.

Paul has been silent all the time, standing behind Gao Tianqiang with his hands held down, his expression is extremely cold.

When Wang Xiaotian brought Ma Xifeng to him, there was a look of disdain on his face, with contempt in his eyes. Just this foodie, not to mention how strong he is, just to say that the other party eats so many things uncontrollably, it will have a very big impact on his next actions.

For people like this, Paul thinks he can fight three of them one at a time.

Ma Xifeng stood indifferently. Paul was a head taller than Ma Xifeng, and coupled with the physique of the foreigner, Ma Xifeng had already lost in terms of size alone.

Gao Tianqiang laughed: "Really compare?"

"Bi!" Wang Xiaotian said bitterly. To be honest, he regrets his impulse a little now, but now there is no retreat, he can only go all the way to the dark.

It seems that in this grand opening ceremony of my own, I am destined to be the laughing stock of others, which is really unlucky.

"Okay!" Gao Tianqiang turned his head and said to Paul: "I will give you a bonus of 100,000 for defeating the opponent. Don't be merciful, I want the opponent to get up."

One hundred thousand, this word caused Paul to lick his lips unconsciously: "Boss, no problem."

Hearing Gao Tianqiang speak directly, it was 100,000, and everyone around cheered. They all booed, regardless of what the grand opening ceremony was. Some officials, their faces changed slightly, and they regretted why they had their heads caught. They came to participate in this kind of rich second-generation opening ceremony. When have they been reliable?

Paul took off his and revealed the white shirt inside.

If the people who thought Paul was strong before, now that Paul takes off his suit, he has a new understanding. This is not just to describe being strong, but as strong as a cow.

Paul, who took off his suit, stretched out his hand, then slammed his arms, and made a half-holding motion. The muscles around his waist and chest bulged, and he clattered, it turned out that the muscles gave the shirt to the shirt. It broke, revealing the bronze-colored knotted muscles.

Abruptly, Paul's upper body turned out to be a big circle.

At such a stop, there is a sense of majesty, like a very strong bull.


The masculine figure caused some young women to scream, and there was a kind of enthusiasm in their eyes. God knows their privateness. , Is the place wet?

Paul's ferocity, let Wang Xiaotian know that this time he was playing it again.

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