Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 224: 1 Shidangguan


"I'm scared to death."

In the villa room, Lu Chuan appeared, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. If it weren't for Lu Chuan's quick response, he would really be beaten into flesh by the punch of the King Kong zombie.

Level 3 genetic enhancement is estimated to be no different from the mosquitoes under the palm of a human in front of this product.

Some regretful Lu Chuan went to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

Did not dare to return to the end times, the zombie suit lost its effect, and to go back again, it was simply looking for death. The sensitivity of the King Kong zombie to the breath of life is so high that it has reached the point of abnormality. How does it detect that it is so far away?

Lu Chuan estimated that the failure of the zombie suit should have something to do with the opponent's too advanced.

Lu Chuan couldn't understand the principle of the zombie suit. It was directly hidden in his own cells. This technique was already against the sky.

Perhaps, there are more advanced zombie suits?

When he couldn't go back in the last days, Lu Chuan didn't think much about it. He took out his mobile phone and called Kang Yang. It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and they turned out to be drinking afternoon tea in Honghualou.

When asked about the private room, there was no tension and Yang Biao, so Ma Xifeng drove the low-key A6L and ran directly.

Between prisoners and Phoenix.

The name of this box is strange, Prisoner Phoenix?

Without thinking about it, Lu Chuan pushed the door and walked in, only to see Kang Yang, Wang Xiaotian, and Bi Zheng in this big box, sitting together, playing with their mobile phones.

A gang is neither the official second-generation nor the rich second-generation, but it is too idle to brag.

"Lu Chuan is here."

Kang Yang and the others greeted each other. After getting along for a period of time, they became familiar with each other, and they were able to talk to each other. Without a job, they became real friends.

Lu Chuan responded and sat down beside Wang Xiaotian.

Wang Xiaotian ignored Lu Chuan, but made gestures with his hands: "I told you that this time I still want to play a big game. Isn't this Gaul chicken terrifying? I will follow in the ring and also play a high-tech company."

"Just you, still a high-tech company?" Bi Zheng smiled, with contempt on his face.

The corner of Wang Xiaotian's eyes raised: "Why, look down on people? High-tech companies are nothing more than burning money. Who won't burn money?"

Kang Yang picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, and at the same time motioned to Lu Chuan to be casual, without any intention of joining the topic.

A joke, Wang Xiaotian and Bi Zheng are both rich second-generation generations. They have a year of pocket money, and they will never get mixed up in his life. Can he still talk happily on this topic? If I knew it, I would not ask them.

Lu Chuan was also not polite, grabbing a chicken claw with his chopsticks and gnawing.

"Burn? Your prince is wealthy and wealthy, I can't afford it." Bi Zheng shrugged his shoulders and directly took out his assassin.

Wang Xiao weather knot.

This time, I just wanted to find someone to play with me. As a result, I didn’t seem to be optimistic about this company? With its Gao Tianqiang being able to build a company worth hundreds of millions of dollars, why can't it?

Bi Zheng has a trading company with a trading volume of one billion. He is the son of the dignified Baixiang Group, but he can only do some trivial business. He is not convinced.

Gao Tianqiang, who has never been accustomed to it since he was a child, has just returned to China and he has established a high-tech company, and he has also taken risks. Especially Gao Tianqiang, who has been so dazzling for a while.

As if thinking of something, Wang Xiaotian said: "Gao Tianqiang is already Yang Xiuming's person, why, you don't want to give Gao Tianqiang eye drops?"

Speaking of this one, I don't know why, everyone is subconsciously looking at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan was chewing on chicken feet: "What do you guys see me doing?"

Among the people present, it seems that Lu Chuan and Yang Xiuming are bigger than the others. They are at most disagreeable when they are similar, and they have different ways. But Lu Chuan was different, but Yang Xiuming lost face, and he was able to live well.

Speaking of Yang Xiuming now, don't look at Lu Chuan, who do you look at?

"You suck." Wang Xiaotian raised her mother's finger. In this city of Handong, there are really not many people who are not afraid of Yang Xiuming. The scary thing about Yang Xiuming is that he is powerful and powerful. In terms of background, people are also a force. In terms of money, the Baixiang Group is just a younger brother. In terms of power, the third in command in Han is the uncle.

Lu Chuan smiled, and threw down the chicken feet that were almost gnawed, and said, "Master Yang, the nobleman, has forgotten many things, and he hasn't remembered me as a small person. Like an ant, crushed to pieces?"

Kang Yang smashed his mouth: "It's also the third brother, if I can get through with Yang Xiuming, I'm just watching the fun."

After talking a few words, Wang Xiaotian's building was already crooked, as if he had forgotten to improve the technology company. Bi Zheng and the others were so happy, chatting hotly one by one.

Lu Chuan still listens more often, mainly in the realm of others, either a pretty girl or some high-level insider. Although Lu Chuan now says that he has achievements, he still has a little bit of mind in his heart.

No way, Lu Chuan got a biochemical factory, and he had a full budget, only half a year.

In half a year, it is impossible to expect a person to change from the inside out.

Until the evening, all of them were already full, and there was no mention of eating. Everyone just broke up and went to their mothers.


Lu Chuan stayed for two days before returning to the end times.

As soon as he appeared, there was a sense of suspension. Unsurprisingly, Lu Chuan fell a few meters below.

The hard ruins and **** made Lu Chuan a little bit painful.

Fortunately, the changes brought about by the third-level genetic enhancement, a few meters down, only scratched the fur. Stand up, pat your butt, no ass.


Everything around was causing Lu Chuan's toothache again.

Needless to say, the culprit who caused him to fall is also known to be the King Kong zombie. When I left, I was in the office, but when I came back, the upper two or three floors of this tall building had been demolished, leaving only a ruined floor.

The mess here is full of cement bricks, exposing a lot of steel bars.

It can be seen that after he left, the King Kong zombies were furious and demolished the second and third floors abruptly.

Lu Chuan was dumbfounded. It was a 60-story high-rise building, which was in the hands of King Kong zombies. What is the difference from a toy building? This strength is too cruel, right?

Lu Chuan didn't know if the bone dragon zombies at the back had taken any action, it should be none.

The damage on the street is not great, it can be seen that the King Kong zombies also tossed the tall building and left.

The zombies below were scattered all over the place.

The Hellhound group that Lu Chuan cares about is still there. It seems to have a strong attraction to them. God knows why they stay here all the time?

Lu Chuan looked around for a while and showed a wry smile.

After being demolished by the King Kong zombies, there are no stairs or anything else. If you want to leave, you can only slide down and get down to the floor below. Fortunately, the building that was tossed by the King Kong zombies so severely damaged, there are many places for Lu Chuan to go down.

It took more than ten minutes before Lu Chuan got to the bottom.

The lickers stayed motionless in the alley, naturally they would not be noticed by the top zombies that appeared, and there was no fart.


If something happened to them, Lu Chuan wouldn't cry to death, but half a billion dollars would be put in this alley.

Lu Chuan arrived in the small alley and issued a few instructions. B171, the licker who was strengthened by Lu Chuan seven times, stood first in the small alley, and it would act as a butcher.

With B171, Hellhound is in this small place, don't even think about coming over.

In the back, Lu Chuan arranged several groups of three lickers, and then the extra lickers made them retreat better and put them on standby. With the lickers in front of it, it's enough, there is no need to squeeze so much here.

Everything is set up.

When Lu Chuan walked out of the alley, he grinned first, and didn't make any movement. With just a move of his hand, an iron bowl appeared, which was thrown at the hellhound group by Lu Chuan.

The iron bowl slammed down, and the sound was not too loud, but not too small, enough to completely alarm the Hellhound group.

At the same time, Lu Chuan's thoughts moved: "Eliminate the zombie suit effect."

Without the zombie suit, Lu Chuan is no different from the other survivors, just so violent, ‘shown in front of the hellhound group, iron bowl, breath of life...what else can make the hellhound crazy than these two combinations?

The whole group of hellhounds with more than a hundred remaining rioted. In the stimulation of the breath of life, they directly fell into a runaway.


A weird and sharp howl rang, and the Hellhound ran at full strength, undulating in the street.

Lu Chuan turned his head and left, did not activate the zombie suit. Instead, he jumped suddenly, passed the B171 licker, fell behind it, and squeezed away several blocking lickers, hiding in the lickers. Behind.

The zombies in the biochemical factory are the same whether Lu Chuan has a zombie suit or not, and there is no possibility of harming Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan used his own body to attract the hellhounds to pounce one after another.

Under the breath of life, the Hellhound runs faster, and also appears more hasty. The weirdness of the virus lies here. It seems that only blood and meat are the food of the virus.


The first hellhound appeared in front of the alley. It seemed to be unable to stop itself, and it abruptly rushed over its head. When it wanted to stop, the hellhounds behind could not stop likewise and hit it. Knock it down.

A dozen or so hellhounds hit and piled up, with their deterrence, the hellhounds behind finally stopped and rushed into the alley. They only had Lu Chuan behind the licker, and everything else was ignored by them. .


Lu Chuan gave the order.

The first seven times to strengthen the B171 raised his own paws and slashed it down.

The first **** dog to rush over, its head seemed to be hit hard, cracks appeared, and it was slapped to the ground severely, cracking the ground. The head was hit and killed on the spot.

The second Hellhound leaped up, but the forelimbs were entangled by the tongue ejected by the B171 licker, and it was pulled down suddenly, without any response. The licker's mouth opened and bit on its head.

The terrifying bite force shattered the skull of Hellhound's dog, and half of his head was bitten off.

Facing the attack of the B171 licker, these Hellhounds who rushed over ignored them. In their eyes, only Lu Chuan behind the licker.

"It's really simple."

Lu Chuan laughed. This kind of zombie thinking, as long as you make good use of the zombies in the biochemical factory, like now, it is basically a massacre, and one is killed, but there is no need to pay any price.

B171 Licker, standing in this narrow alley, is completely a dead body.

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