Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 221: Strengthen the licker


On the morning of March 17.

It is rare for Lu Chuan to sleep well. After eating breakfast, he first listened to An Tong report on the situation of his small industries. When he saw nothing, he naturally wanted to put his mind on the end of the world.

The last days, the biochemical factory.

Upon arriving here, a series of beeping sounds are passed into the ears.

Lu Chuan's consciousness flashed, and these prompt messages were presented to Lu Chuan one by one.


Looking at this information, Lu Chuan was in pain.

One hundred and forty-nine lickers, in one day and one night, more than sixty died. What kind of concept is this, when converted back to capital, it is 26 million.

One day and one night, twenty-six million is gone, even if you make a lot of money, you can't stand this kind of consumption.

These tones are actually the message of the death of the licker.

Looking at the death messages above, Lu Chuan's heart aches. Sure enough, the form of stocking brings high losses. If you have your own control and concentration, this kind of loss should be controlled within two million.

But self-control, after all, efficiency is too slow.

Reinforcement needs to be fragmented, and can only hunt and kill level three zombies. Unlocking requires fragments, and it can only be used to hunt down the corresponding zombies at level 3.

Really rely on yourself to do it everywhere, and don’t exhaust people to death

After reading the information about the loss, it is Lu Chuan who cares about the next thing. What kind of gains will he have if he pays such a high price?

"Ding, harvest Level 3 white (normal) driving debris."

"Ding, harvest Level 3 white (normal) cooking fragments."

"Ding, harvest third-level green (refined) marksmanship fragments."

"Ding, get the Hellhound Fragment."

"Ding, get the Hellhound Fragment."

With the five beeps, what really surprised Lu Chuan was the fragments of marksmanship. The green fragments belong to the refined level, which is not a small gain.

At the same time, two pieces of Hellhound were unlocked.

Except for these bright pieces, like blank fragments, they will not be provided. Lu Chuan checked it and found that there were six blank third-level fragments.

"Not too bad."

Such a big gain cannot be said to be less. Twenty-six million yuan, in exchange for some gains, was still a bit of a loss, but it was enough to make Lu Chuan feel better.

Looking at the place where the licker died, Lu Chuan raised his brows.

Through the records in the biochemical factory, it is possible to know where the zombies died. This is a kind of data. Through these data, Lu Chuan discovered that of the 60 lickers, 39 of them died in the same place.


Lu Chuan was shocked, that is to say, this place must have zombies beyond imagination.

Coincidentally, Lu Chuan discovered another interesting incident. The hunting of two Hellhounds was also in the same place. This is strange, if it is the hellhound, the strength of the licker, it is impossible to cause such large casualties.

Such a large loss, from the two fragments of Hellhound, Lu Chuan felt that the death of the licker must be related to the Hellhound.

"The most urgent thing is to strengthen a licker who can fight."

Six third-level blank fragments, plus the three instinct fragments above, are enough to strengthen a lick.

Refined-level marksmanship, of course, cannot be strengthened now, it must be strengthened by instinct fragments that match the marksmanship. The natural primitive instinct of b1 is so good, it is naturally not suitable to strengthen the garbage instinct of cooking.

In other words, this strengthened licker will be a simple-minded product with well-developed limbs.

But Lu Chuan didn't care anymore. He didn't have any instincts. As long as the strength and speed were reached, it would be enough to form a crush.

"Return to the factory."

Lu Chuan gave instructions to the lickers outside, and the remaining lickers, they acted for the first time, turned their heads and ran towards the biochemical factory.

Day and night, some lickers even traversed the entire city.

It will take a while to recall these lickers.

Even a hundred lickers on his hands are not enough. For Lu Chuan, who likes to explode in numbers, it is unbearable. Opening the manufacturing room, I directly ordered the manufacturing of 31 lickers, raising the number to 120.

After half an hour.

Thirty-one lickers stood in front of Lu Chuan, and they lined up.

Lu Chuan glanced at the information they presented. He was a little disappointed. It seemed that he still had some difficulty in wanting to show his natural primitive instinct. Among the 31 lickers, only one had the instinct like a chicken rib: painting.

The licker is a second evolution of alienated zombies, possessing the instinct for painting, and its predecessor is likely to be a female

"The licker can paint"

Lu Chuan has a feeling of covering his face. If a licker suddenly plays with the painting, the picture is so beautiful, I am afraid that the eyes of the survivors will suddenly fall off.

Therefore, this kind of ability before being a human being is not all good when it is inherited.

"Paint, just paint, it's better than nothing."

Anyway, this kind of natural instinct does not occupy the instinct to strengthen fragments at the time.

Called the licker numbered b171 alone, and then sent it to the strengthening room. The cooking skills are useless. Driving this instinct actually strengthened it.

A licker, monster shape, can also drive, this wave is enough for 6.

Six blank fragments, plus one fragment of driving instinct, were strengthened seven times, one time was 400,000, and seven times was 2.8 million. The calculated cost was 3.2 million, and that was the price of a sports car.

The speed of strengthening was very fast. After half an hour, this licker stood in front of Lu Chuan.

"It's worth a sports car."

The strengthened licker has an extra layer of light yellow film on the head, which should enhance the protective power of the brain. Just how effective this one is, you need to use actual combat to prove it.

The brain of the licker is naked and exposed. It is strong, but its brain is not protected. As long as a three-year-old child hurts its head, it is enough to kill it.

Now after strengthening, there is an extra layer of light yellow film, which should have some effect.

In addition to the brain, the next thing is its muscles.

The licker has no skin, but scarlet muscle tissue. After strengthening, these muscle tissues become stronger and more powerful, and they become more scarlet, like a cooked shrimp.

One stop among ordinary lickers can be immediately distinguished.

After strengthening the zombie, Lu Chuan has the power to change the name, but this licker has a lot of strength, but there is no corresponding instinct to make it more capable. It is more of a natural attack.

In this way, Lu Chuan lost interest in naming it separately.

"B171 is also good."

With this licker who has strengthened seven times, Lu Chuan's confidence is even more sufficient.

The biggest feature of the licker is actually climbing, and the running speed is not slow. The limbs exerted force, making them as fast as lightning, constantly passing through the streets, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Occasionally, some unlucky zombies will block their way back, and the lickers will directly hit them and crush them.

During the time of Lu Chuan's manufacturing and strengthening, the lickers scattered outside began to return to the biochemical factory one after another, and entered the warehouse of the biochemical factory from the entrance of the construction site.

Lu Chuan arrived at the warehouse and took a look at the progress of the item classification work in the warehouse. Although there were still some errors, the overall situation was acceptable.

Dozens of ordinary zombies, they struggle day and night in this warehouse item pile, distinguishing useful and useless items.

Distinguish the useless items and then be transported to the outside construction site by a dozen swift men.

Over this period of time, with time and effort, the outside construction site has become a huge dilapidated goods yard, where countless goods are piled up, which is two or three meters thick.

Lu Chuan's conscious placement gave this construction site dozens of passages only one meter wide.

In the future, once the zombies attack the city, this meter-wide channel will divert them and let them enter through these channels. Just put some zombies with long spears on it and stabbed them down desperately.

The zombies with their heads exposed, make sure to poke them exactly.

As for the corpses of zombies, arrange for some zombies to be responsible for cleaning them up, and prevent their corpses from becoming superimposed bodies. These channels can become their death channels.

Distinguish useful commodities, piled up into several hills, mostly luxury goods.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, these hills of luxury goods are more like mountains of money piled up with RMB. Online sales companies are now able to bring themselves hundreds of thousands of income every day, which is comparable to gold stores.

Online sales companies will continue to grow upward in the future, but there is no way for Jindian to support one.

If you open another one, the supply will become a problem.

Among these hills, some are jade, gold, and antiques.

In this category, in addition to gold and jade, Lu Chuan has retained the antiques. Lu Chuan needs to find a reliable channel, and then use the method of constant flow of water to slowly get them out.

Shengshi antiques, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, they are the most real only when they become money.

Whoever keeps himself in a state of lack of money all the time has only money left in his eyes.

After turning around, Lu Chuan checked the useless items. Most of them were tables, cabinets, chairs and the like. Some of them were luxury boss chairs with a price of tens of thousands. They were put in the junk market and sold for hundreds of thousands. Blocks are not a problem.

It's just that Lu Chuan really didn't have the energy to distinguish, and he couldn't appreciate the dozens of dollars in the junk market, and he threw it away as garbage.

In this area, there are more than a thousand ordinary zombies and hundreds of alienated zombies. They serve to collect the surroundings. They are like locusts. They carry out a carpet search on every floor of the building, and then move everything that can be moved. Move back.

Anyway, when I came down for half a, within a few kilometers of this area, they were almost moved around.

The lickers returned one after another.

Many of them are still damaged, not to mention, it cost millions to repair.

When one hundred and twenty lickers stood in front of him, Lu Chuan let b1 stay. It was the focus of the next enhancement, but he couldn't make it unexpectedly outside. Three natural primitive instincts, and still very good instincts, it's better to be steady.

With 119 lickers, Lu Chuan's first stop was the place where 39 lickers were lost.

However, before Lu Chuan was born in the chemical plant, dozens of zombie dogs, they were already running wildly on the street under Lu Chuan's instructions, and ran towards this location early.

In addition to reconnaissance, zombie dogs have another role...cannon fodder. () "Super Zombie Factory" only represents the views of the author Yushui. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. It is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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