Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 161: Capable man

After reading it again, Lu Chuan put down this album.

In these last days, you can't force too much. Under the premise of lack of resources, Lu Chuan likes everything you see on this album.

If it were put in the modern world, Lu Chuan would not appreciate the things in this album. Investigate the reason, or because the weapons they made here, I want to know what they are like, they are completely handmade, and they are limited by materials, so the quality is average.

In the modern world, as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Aircraft, tanks...

These are not unavailable, as long as the money is in place, arms dealers will even deliver them to your door.

In the face of real heavy weapons, these weapons on the album are not worth mentioning.

The weapons in the photo album are also rough, and you don’t need to look at them to know that they are limited by materials and equipment. Hand-made, and not attentive, is better than nothing.

Starting from this album, Lu Chuan smiled and put the album on the table.

Ma Lushan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Boss, how is it? Isn't it something to look down on?"

"These are too common." Lu Chuan put a hand on the table, tapped lightly with his fingers, and said: "Your sincerity cannot touch me."

Ma Lushan was stunned, these are too common?

"I don't quite understand." Ma Lushan shook his head.

Lu Chuan stared at Ma Lushan and said, "Your payment method is nothing more than gold and grain, or even some rare metals. I can provide these, but what I need are sniper rifles, bazookas, and even a lot of explosives. "

Fortunately, explosives are sold here, but the quantity is not large.

It's not that the rocket launcher can't be made, but it can't solve the problem of rockets.

But a sniper rifle?

This Ma Lu Shan is also crazy, so is the sniper rifle so easy to make? Even if it can, is there any material? Like js country, where can I get the aviation hydraulic oil in it? Not to mention the material requirements of some parts.

Only this sniper rifle can be produced in China, and some top sniper rifles such as Batley in foreign countries are even less likely to be manufactured.

Ma Lushan looked bitter, and he said: "Boss, you really don't have a look on this album? Our price is definitely lower than that in the weapon shop, and the performance is not worse than theirs."

"What about explosives? How many do you have?"

However, Lu Chuan changed the subject. The sniper rifle was really not made just as it was made. There were many things involved.

Besides, if you want to really contact them, you have not yet established a relationship with them, and people won't let you know too much. Therefore, Lu Chuan started with explosives.

Dynamite, how come one of your thoughts has been fulfilled?

"Limited by the raw materials, we only have about two hundred catties." Ma Lushan replied.

Two hundred catties are not too much.

"I need to make these explosives into an explosive package every five kilograms, and install the controller." Lu Chuan made his request.

This one is actually not difficult, but Lu Chuan currently does not have the talents in this area, so he can only hand it over to them.

Ma Lushan thought for a while, and after calculating his own resources, he said, "Yes."

This kind of control explosion is too simple technical means, but he can't do it too remotely. It is not a technical problem, but the fact that the materials in hand cannot enable them to achieve this goal.

"How far can the control distance be?"

Lu Chuan needs to ask this question clearly. Don't let the zombies rush over when the time comes, and then find that there is no way to ignite the bomb because of the distance.

Ma Lushan said: "One kilometer is not a problem, and it depends on the environment. You should know that limited by electronic components, you are in batches. What we can do is about this point."

One kilometer is a little closer to other people.

But in Lu Chuan's eyes, it was not close. He has a zombie suit and can approach and command the zombies. The distance of one kilometer is already extremely safe.

"Ok, how long will it take you to complete?" Lu Chuan asked.

Ma Lushan said: "Three days."


When Lu Chuan left, Ma Lushan also left here.

After twists and turns, Malushan came to an old residential area. It was messy and there were many people with yellow and thin faces. They lived like corpses. In their eyes, you can't see the color of hope. .

All of them are adults, but they have lost their vitality and spirit.

The elderly and children are almost extinct here.

The cruel apocalypse has long eliminated these weakest groups in large numbers.

When he got here, Ma Lushan was obviously relieved. In this old residential area, he quickly entered a courtyard.

This old residential area was actually transformed from a village in the city, and the transformation was not thorough enough.

One can imagine how messy and complicated it is.

Ma Lu Shan, who entered the small courtyard, nodded to several people in the courtyard before entering a room. There is no special place in this room, but in a wall, after Ma Lu Shan entered, it moved and opened, and a passage appeared downward.

Vaguely, some metal hammering can be heard.

Down the passage, soon a large room appeared in front of him.

It occupies a small area, but it is connected by passages, but there are several basements that form a workshop.

In one of the basements, Ma Lushan saw a bearded man, about fifty years old. Years and months did not leave much mark on him, and he was still full of muscles at the age of fifty.

The other party's eyes flashed, exuding a breathtaking breath.

When he saw Ma Lushan, he just raised his head, but then lowered his head to continue to build a round tube in his hand. Needless to say, this round tube is known as the barrel.

His arms are very strong, every time he strikes, it is just right, not more or less force.

This kind of control is not something ordinary people can do.

Ma Lushan knew that his own boss was not simple, he had three levels of alienation.

Only the alienators will have this kind of control power to create impossible firearms. In a gun, all the core parts are all made by his boss.

Without your own boss, these weapons cannot be manufactured.

What is purely handcrafted? Many weapons here are.

Speaking of his boss Fang Wen, Ma Lushan naturally admires him.

Born in a firearms family, I have a special hobby of firearms since childhood. Under the influence of his father, he joined the ordnance unit after graduating from university and has been studying firearms.

After working for more than 20 years, he became an expert in firearms.

Not only guns, but also some other heavy weapons, he has always had a high prestige. Being able to become a civilian major general at the age of forty-five, one can imagine his ability in this area.

In the last days, who knows whom?

Fang Wen's military family has always been engaged in confidential work, and no one in Zhongzhou City knows.

It was not easy to go home. Who would have thought that after encountering an apocalyptic outbreak, and by luck becoming a survivor, he would stay here.

Fang Wen, who was unwilling to become a slave, set up a workshop of his own through a series of recruitments when no one knew what abilities he had.

Life is naturally hard, and it becomes natural to play underground weapons like this.

"Boss, our explosives are all packaged, but he made some small requests, which is to install a controller." Ma Lushan said.

Fang Wen, who had been hammering the barrel of the gun, never stopped.

It wasn't until the entire barrel was processed that Fang Wen raised his head and said, "Is the opponent reliable?"

Ma Lushan said: "I have been following for a while, and there is no problem. The other party is not from the people He is also an alien. He brought a hunting team, like the whole army. Annihilated, only he is back."

Fang Wen nodded. Before contacting him, he had to investigate, otherwise Ma Lushan would not be able to contact him directly.

"You can just let others change the explosives. The other party didn't ask for weapons?" Fang Wen was curious.

Ma Lushan said: "The other party said our weapons are too rough."

Fang Wen frowned, but sighed lightly.

When Lu Chuan dared to say this when he was still working in the office, he would definitely turn his face. But now it's different. The weapons that I built are really rough.

Limited by materials and equipment, if it is purely manual, you can only rely on your own experience, and the output is pitiful.

"Well, these explosives are enough for us to exchange a lot of food, and they are enough to eat for a while." Fang Wen didn't struggle anymore. Now the two sides are just in contact with each other. The good things in their hands are not so easy. Just take it out.


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