Super Tycoon

Chapter 862 They don't understand consumers

"Everyone, you all know today's news. Nokia's cooperation with Microsoft, together with Motorola, Soai and other brands, will become our strong rivals in the mobile phone market."

"Especially in terms of smartphones, the system is equivalent to the industry standard, which is related to the support of various software manufacturers and the support of hardware manufacturers."

"In terms of software vendors, we were in an absolute leading position. This year, we can completely crush Microsoft, Symbian, and BlackBerry systems, and we can also make other systems completely disappear."

"Now that Nokia is about to give up Symbian, it has assisted Microsoft. With Microsoft's position in the PC industry, they naturally have the support of many software and hardware manufacturers. I suspect that they still have some internal agreements to fight against us."

"Everyone has any ideas, you can share them. Mingyong, you speak first."

Hearing Duan Yongping's roll call, Chen Mingyong thought for a while: "Since Nokia has joined the Microsoft camp, we can suspend our original means of attacking Symbian. Some mainstream software products do not support the Symbian system. Great impact, they have no chance to stand up."

"We can use those mainstream products to continue to attack Microsoft systems. Social software such as Penguin, Minions, and video sharing continue to block Microsoft."

"In other words, it's not a blockade, it's just a matter of priority. Every time a software upgrade is made, the ones on our Zhiduoxing system platform will be upgraded first, and then the ones on the Microsoft system platform."

"Secondly, we are now mainly promoting the X4S, a smart phone with a fingerprint lock. It is currently very popular and has a very high status. We can focus on promoting the superiority of our technology and the safety of our products."

"We use hardware technology to drive software. At the same time, we can negotiate with other mobile phone manufacturers and hardware manufacturers. We also have a killer feature, which is to reduce the price of system authorization."

Although the Zhiduoxing system is a semi-open source system, everyone who joins the Zhiduoxing camp can use it, but it is not completely free.

Zhiduoxing does not set a standard for everyone, and then makes money by developing software on this platform. System authorization, although the price is not high, but the quantity is large, and the profit is more.

Android in the previous life also made a lot of money by relying on this model. Every company that produces Android phones doesn't make a lot of money, but Google has extremely high revenue from system authorization alone.

Duan Yongping frowned and lowered the authorization price. If this method can be used, try not to use it. After it is lowered, it is impossible to go back up, otherwise it will become the public enemy of the industry.

It seems to be able to fight against Microsoft, or even suppress Microsoft, but in fact, Zhiduoxing lost profits. Not the best approach in the long run.

"President Li, what's your opinion?"

Li Junsheng divided the documents in his hand into two parts: "Did you notice that what we are going to compete with Microsoft now seems to be the system, but actually it also includes application software."

"Microsoft's is not an open source system, so to develop software on their platform, you need to complete the platform first, and then get the other party's code authorization, so the development speed and difficulty are higher than ours."

"We can definitely seize this point to make a fuss, attract more software manufacturers, and develop more application software. It is best to have some ace application software that can be liked by consumers."

"For example, some instant messaging software, camera software, game software that we are best at, and browsers, file editors, etc. that Microsoft is good at."

"In terms of the system, we have been improving. There is no need to say more about this. Our strategy has been set for five years, and no major adjustments have been found so far."

"Actually, we have another advantage. Microsoft is the boss of the PC system, and its status is detached. Those hardware manufacturers,

Would you like to see Microsoft become the king of mobile operating systems and tablet operating systems? "

"Will other software manufacturers want to see it? If Microsoft is the absolute hegemon in so many types of operating systems, then the right to speak will be even higher. Those hardware manufacturers can only rely on Microsoft's nose, and Microsoft has earned all the money. "

"So I think that other software manufacturers support us by default. This is our greatest advantage. We can't lose, and we will definitely win the largest market share. Over 80% is easy!"

Zhang Yang nodded approvingly at these words. Because of its high status, Microsoft cannot go higher. Taking a step back, if Microsoft really allows the mobile phone system and tablet system to achieve the same status as the PC system, other manufacturers will definitely join forces to sue Microsoft for monopoly and find a way to forcibly split Microsoft.

Seeing Duan Yongping's gesture, Zhao Mingsheng also followed suit: "A digital electronic product is divided into hardware and software. Mr. Li said very well about the software, so I won't repeat it."

"I agree with Mr. Chen's opinion. Our hardware technology is ahead of other manufacturers. This is an advantage. Next, we will continue to improve our hardware advantages and make more innovations in product design. What consumers want to buy, in the final analysis Still a product."

"We are backed by many top hardware manufacturers such as Chaowei Eagle Weida, SanDisk, Moscow Electronics, Changchun Caijing, Huaxin International, etc., and we have two hardware R\u0026D centers and 14 hardware technology R\u0026D teams."

"I would like to tell you the good news. Our new charging technology has been successfully developed, and it was jointly developed with Moscow Electronics."

"In this way, the charging speed of our mobile phones will be faster. At the same time, the charging port is also a data interface, which can be completely combined into one and save space."

"The new mobile phone camera we jointly developed has also succeeded. For the next mobile phone, we will have 20 million dual-cameras, crushing the camera effects of all other mobile phone manufacturers."

"Our mobile phone will become the best-selling smartphone, and other mobile phones can't match it. Our tablet will also become the best-selling tablet. This year's goal is to have a 60% market share!"

"I don't believe that our hardware has such outstanding effects and the most beautiful design, and with the support of so many hardware manufacturers, we can't handle Microsoft's alliance."

"The world's largest ecological platform is completely a gimmick. They don't understand what consumers want at all, and the direction of product development is biased."

"After they develop a mobile phone with a fingerprint lock, we will give them another surprise. I can guarantee that we will always be in the leading position in terms of hardware technology!"

Duan Yongping nodded approvingly: "Very well, it seems that everyone is very confident. Then we will implement according to everyone's ideas. We will use the shortest time to trample BlackBerry and other mobile phone manufacturers to death, and then focus on attacking Sonny mobile phones. , to win the island market.”

"As for the system battle, we will win!"


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