Super Tycoon

Chapter 584 Reaching the Top of Asia

The new year's Forbes list of the world's richest people has been updated. The list on the list has changed a lot from last year, mainly because of the stock market crash last year, which caused many people's net worth to shrink severely.

Among them, Bill Gates is still at the top of the list, and members of the Walton family who control the Wal-Mart Group rank six to ten. Their family's assets exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars, becoming the well-deserved richest family, and the Wal-Mart Group was also ranked first in the Fortune 500.

Bill Gates' assets have shrunk to 50 billion US dollars, and they are still falling, because Microsoft's stock price is still falling, and Bill Gates has also cashed out some stocks, invested in other industries, and is preparing to diversify investment.

Behind them are Buffett and others, and their assets have also shrunk.

This year, the number of billionaires in the world has shrunk by more than 40 people compared with last year, and the overall assets have shrunk by 300 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, the IT rich have shrunk the most.

One is the dot-com bubble in the millennium, when some rich people lost their wealth driven by stocks, and the other is last year’s stock market crash, which once again made some rich people disappear from the list.

Among them, the billionaires have shrunk even more seriously. Last year, the number of billionaires engaged in IT around the world has decreased by half this year!

When Forbes releases the list of the world's richest people, it also generally releases sub-lists based on regions, such as the list of the richest people in Asia.

Li Chaoren, who was the richest man in Asia last year, has also shrunk a lot and is still worth 10 billion US dollars, but he is not the richest man in Asia anymore.

The richest man has turned into a young man, Zhang Yang, with assets of 10.5 billion US dollars, whose main industries are Zhiduoxing and Blu-ray Investment.

As for Blu-ray's investment, anyone who is interested will know as soon as they investigate. At the end of last year, Blu-ray Investment was booming in New York, and naturally it was noticed by many people. Only then did everyone discover that the big boss of this company is the young president of Zhiduoxing.

At the age of less than thirty, he has grown into the richest man in Asia. Moreover, the growth rate of assets is extremely fast. If he inherits his father's assets of 5 billion US dollars, his ranking will increase a lot.

The appearance of Zhang Yang's name seems out of place compared with other rich people, especially his age.

If Zhang Yang inherited the property of a rich man, they can still understand that there are not no such rich men. But Zhang Yang worked hard on his own, and Bill Gates was in his thirties when he made the list.

When he saw the list, Zhang Yang just glanced at it and put it aside. Sun Zhengyi, the richest man in Asia who entered the world's top ten in the millennium and whose assets are close to 20 billion US dollars, has now shrunk by half, to less than 10 billion US dollars.

As for the future, Sun Zhengyi has no chance, because Sun Zhengyi made another successful investment in Aliba in his previous life, and now he has been replaced by Zhang Yang.

Forbes estimated Zhang Yang's assets at US$10.5 billion, but in Zhang Yang's view, it was obviously underestimated. The assets of the world's rich will shrink again next year, and Zhang Yang's assets will increase again at that time.

His goal is to enter the top ten within two years and squeeze out a rich man from the Walton family.

The phone on the desk rang suddenly, Zhang Yang picked it up, and Kurishenko's hearty voice came from the receiver: "Zhang, congratulations, the richest man in Asia."

"What is this? The richest man in Asia can't even make it into the top 20 in the world, he can only be ranked 22nd."

"But you are the youngest billionaire. Maybe ten years later, you will surpass Bill Gates. Many people in our company regard you as an idol." Kurishenko said exaggeratedly.

"Hey, then be careful, they want to replace you. Your pc should be put into production this year. I heard that the first model will be launched in the second quarter, and your assets will definitely grow rapidly. Maybe soon, You too can become a billionaire.


"Hahahaha, isn't that right? I thought so too, and I'd like to borrow your words."

Zhang Yang: "..."

I'm just talking casually, although you are also on the list, but you belong to the bottom of the crane, the global ranking is beyond 400, and you only have more than a billion dollars. Now you want to become a billionaire?

"Okay, Zhang, I won't talk to you anymore. I want to see the product debugging and try to bring the first product to the market as soon as possible. There are already competitors."

In Eastern Europe, Kurishenko is not the only one targeting the PC market. Big international brands want to enter, and local companies are also established. Kurishenko dare not be careless.

He regards PC as an opportunity for his rise, and he doesn't want to fail. If his pc industry can be the same as that of Lianxiang Group, then his assets can skyrocket to billions of dollars.

Coupled with the growth of other industries, it is not a dream for him to become a billionaire.

After hanging up Kurishenko's phone call, Zhang Yang no longer paid attention to the magazine, but continued to play games. He doesn't need to worry about the company's affairs. Someone is taking care of it.

Zhang Weiguang was playing with his wife on the island. During lunch, his assistant mentioned the news that Zhang Yang became a billionaire, which surprised Zhang Weiguang.

What? Has my son become a billionaire? !

The assistant also looked confused, how come the president is so rich and the chairman doesn't even know? It seems that the chairman really doesn't pay much attention to the work of the president.

The assistant once dreamed of becoming a person like the chairman, but now he has adjusted his dream. It would be even better if he could become a person like the president.

Many domestic people may not pay attention to the Forbes list, even if it is the Forbes China list. But at this time there was another foreigner in China, who named himself Hu Run.

This Hu Run also made a list of China's 100 richest people. Among them, Zhang Yang and Zhang Weiguang are at the top of the list. Their assets are far ahead of others.

The assets of other rich people, even if it is in the unit of 100 million RMB, are only double digits, billions of RMB, or several hundred million US dollars, none of them can make it to the Forbes global list, because the list of billion US dollars is threshold.

But Zhang Yang's assets are more than 80 billion yuan, and Zhang Weiguang's assets are more than 40 billion yuan, which is the sum of the number of people behind. Hu Run's 100 richest list, excluding Zhang Yang and his father, has a total asset of 19 billion US dollars, while Zhang Yang and his father's assets exceed 15 billion US dollars.

After this list appeared, everyone knew that there were such top rich people in Mainland China.

The president and chairman of Zhiduoxing Group are really awesome. Many people are still wondering why the assets of the president are higher than that of the chairman. Isn't the chairman bigger?

Many people also speculate that the president is the rich second generation, who just inherited the assets of the chairman. It is difficult for ordinary people to realize that Zhang Weiguang is so rich because he has a good son.

At this time, Ye Jia saw the pop-up advertisement on Penguin, which reported Hu Run's 100 Rich List. She was surprised to find that Zhang Yang was so rich!

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