Super Tycoon

Chapter 578: The Merger of the Shaking Industry

The shares of AMD Semiconductor and Eagle Weida were suspended at the same time because they announced that the two semiconductor companies will merge.

After the news broke out, it instantly caused shock in the industry.

The company that was engaged in both CPU and graphics card before was Intel, with an annual sales of 20 to 30 billion and a net profit of billions of dollars. It is an absolute leader in the industry.

Other companies make CPUs and graphics cards, but none of them can compare to Intel.

Now finally another company that produces both CPU and graphics card has emerged. It is obvious that it wants to grab food from Intel. How many people are waiting to see the good show.

In the CPU field, Intel currently occupies more than 80% of the market share, which was as high as 90% before. In the field of graphics cards, Intel also occupies 65% of the market share, ATI occupies 20%, and Eagle Weida occupies about 15%.

In fact, some companies also have graphics cards, but their market share is not worth mentioning.

The merger of the industry's second CPU manufacturer and the industry's third graphics card manufacturer is likely to bring about changes in the industry as a whole.

In the 1980s, Chaowei was also able to wrestle with Intel. Unfortunately, it fell behind in technology, which led to a decline in orders. It failed to seize the opportunity and was robbed of the market by Intel.

Now Chaowei is not Intel's opponent at all, and Eagle Weida is not Intel's opponent, but Eagle Weida is the fastest-rising graphics card company and has won numerous awards in the industry.

In fact, last year, Chaowei and Eagle Weida jointly launched some interface standards, which have already attracted the attention of the industry. They knew that both companies had a Huaxia director, Zhang Yang, and it was very likely that this Huaxia director facilitated the cooperation between the two companies.

But at the beginning it was just cooperation, and everyone didn't care too much. Intel also concentrated on dealing with Transmeta, an emerging CPU manufacturer, and asked ATI to deal with Eagle Weida.

As a result, ATI failed to suppress Eagle Weida. Instead, it made Eagle Weida rise faster and faster. Last year, it even shouted slogans. This year, it will become the world's largest independent display manufacturer, surpassing ATI.

The advantage of the independent display is that the dependence on the CPU is relatively low, which can better improve the performance of the PC, especially suitable for some gamers.

Nowadays, more and more people use computers to play games. Just like those Internet cafes in China, most of them have replaced Eagle Weida's independent graphics card, which is much better than Intel's integrated graphics card. Memory.


Craig Barrett, Intel's director and CEO, and Jerry Sanders' old opponent Andy Grove, although he still serves as the chairman of Intel's board of directors, is actually not very Manage the company.

At this time, Craig was holding an emergency executive meeting. The merger between Chaowei and Yingweida was too sudden. There was no news before, so they were not prepared at all.

Although the merger is said to take several months, if the two companies give up on some details, the merger can be completed in the first quarter.

The stock prices of Chaowei and Eagle Weida also fell during this stock market crash. Now that the stocks of the two companies are suspended, they can just escape some stock market crashes.

By the time they resume trading, perhaps the stock market crash is over, and their shareholders have made a fortune.

The greater significance of the merger is not to increase the stock price, but to complement each other in technology.

The reason why Intel can become the leader in the graphics card industry is because they are the leader in the CPU industry. When others purchase their CPU, they will also provide graphics cards. And his CPU and graphics card can optimize the performance of each other, so it looks cheap.

Now Chaowei is doing the same, which will seriously affect Intel's industry status.

After Intel began to widen the gap with other manufacturers in the 1990s and dominated the market,

I have never been afraid of challenges, anyway, no one can fight.

Although Intel was a little nervous this time, he was not afraid. Chaowei and Ying Weida are both defeated opponents. Do you think you can succeed when the two defeated opponents team up?

If things are really that simple, why didn't Chaowei cooperate with other graphics card manufacturers? Or why don't those graphics card manufacturers go to other CPU manufacturers to cooperate?

"Everyone, you should all know the news about the merger of Chaowei and Eagle Weida. We will face great challenges this year. On the one hand, the economic downturn has led to a decline in people's purchasing power, and on the other hand, there is competition from other companies."

"Chaowei is our old rival. Like Mr. Grove, it was a company founded by itself when it came out of Fairchild Semiconductor."

"However, we at Intel respect everyone and let everyone have the opportunity to show their strengths, while Chaowei is completely shrouded in the shadow of Sanders."

"That's why Intel was able to become the dominant player in the industry, while Chaowei suffered losses year after year. It wasn't until Zhiduoxing Group invested that it turned losses into profits."

"Many people said that when Zhiduoxing came to consult and buy shares, if we agreed, or stabilized each other and sought cooperation, then Chaowei would have no chance to rise at all."

"Because Chaowei's new growth in the Chinese and Eastern European markets was introduced by Zhiduoxing Group, and Chaowei's cooperation with several other semiconductor companies was also promoted by Zhiduoxing Group."

"But do we Intel need others to introduce business? We can open the Chinese and Eastern European markets by ourselves, and no one can stop us."

"Eagle Weida is the fastest growing semiconductor company in the past few years. Not counting Transmeta, which has begun to decline, it is hyped up and its technology is very ordinary."

"The merger of the two companies is to emulate us, optimize on the CPU and GPU, improve each other's performance, and improve expressiveness."

"However, our position in the industry cannot be shaken. It is difficult for the two companies to be close in a short period of time. We will defeat them at this time."

"Think about it, everyone. If we cooperate with ATI and only attack Eagle Weida's graphics card business, what will Chaowei do? Should we continue to develop ourselves, or mobilize funds to find a way to keep Eagle Weida's business?"

"The former will lead to separation of executives, and the merger of the two companies will become a joke. Not only will they not be able to promote each other, but they will also drag each other down."

"If it's the latter, it would be even better. Without funds, how can Chaowei develop? Yingweida's profit for a year is not much."

"Among the competitors in the industry, I think one is enough, Eagle Weida and ATI can only keep one, and there can be no more. I think the two of them must think so."

"In fact, I also contacted ATI just now, and they are willing to cooperate with us temporarily to deal with Chaowei Eagle Weida."

"My idea is that using a billion dollars in promotional funds and promotional funds to hit Eagle Weida, drain their funds, and make their merger more troublesome."

"If they fail to merge, it will become a joke in the industry!"

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