Super Tycoon

Chapter 511 Who said I only invest in hardware?

Zhang Yang stayed in North America until Christmas this time, and finally signed several cooperation agreements, and handed over some follow-up work to other people. It's a pity that Chaowei and Eagle Weida still didn't merge, but chose to cooperate first.

Fortune magazine began to evaluate the world's top 500 companies again, and to characterize the company. For example, if you are a financial company, an electronics company, or a manufacturing company, there are also some companies with diversified development written on the back, because no one is an absolute focus.

And Forbes has also begun to rank the richest people in the world, but this year, most of the richest people's assets have shrunk, including Bill Gates, Buffett and others, because of the Internet bubble in the United States, the stock prices of many companies have plummeted .

There are also some rich people whose assets have increased significantly, and the list on the ranking list has changed a lot. There are also some rich people on the list named after their families, but they are not those traditional consortiums, but some families that have risen in recent years, such as the Zhang Weiguang family.

In some magazines, Zhang Yang has won the titles of young entrepreneurs, global young elites and so on. Some new titles such as the world's top 50 CEOs have also been added, which sound very powerful.

In fact, these titles are very useful for some wage earners. Their salaries can be increased, and they can change jobs to work in larger companies, and even cross-industry is no problem.

For example, in Zhang Yang's previous life, Apple hired the CEO of Pepsi with a high salary, but the result is hard to describe.

But for Zhang Yang, these are useless. And Du Jichuan of Kingston was also on the list. After a few operations, Kingston made a lot of money, and at the same time the equity was still in his own hands.

Do these work for Du Jichuan? No!

Du Jichuan will not change jobs, nor will he take up important positions in other companies, but will only focus on the development of his own industry.

These media also characterize Zhiduoxing Group as a semiconductor company, because Zhiduoxing not only produces game consoles and educational electronic products, but also invests in many semiconductor companies.

These news were not discovered before, but they were not deliberately concealed. Now that it has been exposed, some media have compared Zhang Yang with Sun Zhengyi of Softbank.

Softbank claims to be the company that invests the most in software companies in the world, and it has also invested in many Internet companies. When the Internet boomed in the past few years, Softbank made a lot of profits.

At the beginning, many people read Softbank’s jokes, thinking that Softbank’s investment is too casual, even more casual than venture capital, and the number of companies that failed to invest is also very large, surpassing many large multinational investment institutions.

In particular, Softbank sold its Kingston stake at a loss,

After investing in Internet companies with funds, it was reported by many media that Softbank aimed to become the world's number one Internet and software company, and focused on these two investments, giving up hardware projects.

Even Kingston's ability to give up investment in high-quality hardware companies shows Softbank's determination. It is said that Softbank is targeting the Asian market and is preparing to invest heavily in the Chinese market.

I just don’t know why it seems that Softbank’s money hasn’t been spent, because Internet companies and software companies in Huaxia don’t seem to be short of money, and they already have some capital for investment.

Correspondingly, Zhiduoxing Group is considered to focus on hardware investment. Whether it is the original Zhiduoxing company, or the later investment in SanDisk, Eagle Via, Chaowei, or Moscow Electronics, all of them are hardware industries.

Moreover, news broke out that Zhiduoxing Group was not short of money at the beginning, and the listing was not to increase the company's market value, but simply to raise a sum of money to invest in hardware companies.

Including the increase in holdings of Eagle Weida and SanDisk, and the investment in Chaowei, all of which were completed after raising funds.

Even Zhiduoxing Group still holds some shares of Lianxiang Group, which is considered to be the industrial layout of Zhiduoxing Group. Some people say that Zhiduoxing Group may have an idea to develop its own PC brand.

Zhang Yang really didn't think about it, because PC products will enter the golden sales period in a few years, and this period is only about ten years. It will go downhill in ten years, and it will be more difficult to transform at that time.

But who said that hardware can only be used for PCs, and can also be used for mobile phones, tablets, printers, copiers, fax machines and other products. Even with a slight adjustment, it can also enter the field of home appliances.

But Zhang Yang thinks that his energy is limited, he can piece together a cost-effective computer brand through these invested manufacturers, but he must first find a suitable person in charge and face competition with Lianxiang.

These are the plans that the company may implement in the future, let’s do a good job of our current products first.

Those people thought that Zhiduoxing wanted to focus on the hardware industry, and its goal was to become the leader in the global hardware market and challenge Intel.

Intel even released news that they welcome any company to challenge, but please be prepared to fail.

And some slightly smaller hardware manufacturers began to worry that they are not as tough as Intel, and they do not have the financial strength. In case Zhiduoxing is really determined to focus on hardware research and development, their market is bound to be eroded.


Vivienne closed the magazine: "Yang, do you really want to challenge Intel? My father once said that Intel's shareholders include many top investment institutions. Their relationships are intricate and their assets are in good condition. Advanced technology is not a good challenge object.”

Zhang Yang flicked his cigar lightly: "That's right, Intel's strength is very strong, and it has cooperation agreements with many PC manufacturers, so it is difficult to challenge successfully."

"But this is mainly about Chaowei and Eagle Weida. Why should I pay so much attention? My main business is game consoles and games. Does Intel dare to compete with me?"

Vivian was a little puzzled: "You didn't do it to challenge Intel? Then why invest in so many hardware manufacturers? Is it to build your own PC brand? But in this way, other PC manufacturers will resist your investment in the hardware products of those companies. affect the development of those companies.”

Zhang Yang looked at Vivienne with a smile: "You are the one who understands. In fact, your talent can completely manage a larger company. Unlike a certain group of people, they don't understand the stakes here."

"I invest in those hardware manufacturers simply because I believe that the global PC industry will develop rapidly in the future. I will take a ride along the way to make some money, and at the same time, the hardware performance of our game consoles will continue to improve."

"Look, our Zhiduxing G2 was launched more than a year earlier than NGC, but who said that our performance is behind?"

"Maybe I will launch some new products in the future, and these also need the support of hardware manufacturers. But those are things in the future. For now, I just focus on developing my business."

"Besides, who said that I only invest in the hardware industry? They don't see the potential of the software industry I invest in!"

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