Super Tycoon

Chapter 446 PS 2 Preheating

Kutaragi Ken held a piece of test data in his hand, with a very satisfied expression on his face. The performance of this PS2 has surpassed that of Uranus, and in some aspects, it is also better than that of G2. After the release, it will definitely satisfy the players.

Whether a game console can be sold well depends on two factors, one is performance and the other is games. In terms of performance, they have done their best. It's not that they can't continue to improve, but it's not necessary.

If the performance continues to improve, it will not be too much, but it will increase the cost of the game console and delay the time to market.

At present, some game companies have been authorized to develop games on their PS2 platform. If changes are made, it may take a longer time.

At that time, the market for 128-bit game consoles was saturated, and they couldn't make money reproducing them.

But this time, Suoney plans to be listed in many countries and regions around the world at the same time as Zhiduoxing, so as to seize more market share.

Of course, they weren't crazy enough to want more than a dozen language versions to be listed at the same time, which would take up too much money. Look at the original Zhiduoxing Group, loans, inter-borrowing, and suppressing suppliers’ payments. If it was a little careless, let alone Zhiduoxing Group’s listing, it would be considered good if it did not go bankrupt.

They also speculated that Zhiduoxing Group may be desperate because it wants to go public, and it has indeed made Zhiduoxing Group's stock listing smoother, raising more funds, surpassing Nintendo by leaps and bounds.

But compared with their Suni, what is the market value of Zhiduoxing Group. Souni is one of the leaders in the consumer electronics market, with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

In music, film, video recorder, video camera, computer and other fields, the performance is very good, and the game console business is also doing very well.

Although PS1 did not increase the company's profits, it laid a good foundation and achieved a balance of payments. At the same time, it allowed them to attract the most third-party game manufacturers.

After the launch of PS2, the number of games will exceed one hundred immediately, catching up with the footsteps of G2 and Uranus, and quickly surpassing it.

There is always a game that players will like, and a large number is king.

Kutaragi Ken has already communicated with the vice president in charge of the PS project. This product should increase the amount of advertising. At the same time, he also took the internal test report to report to the president Shoo Morita.

"President, this is the PS2 internal test report. All parameters have fully met our design requirements. After passing a few game tests, we can confirm mass production."

Morita Shofu looked at the parameters in the report and was very satisfied with the work of his subordinates: "You did a good job. It really is a wise decision for you to be in charge of Souni Computer Entertainment."

Kutaragi immediately stood up and bowed: "It's all the president's command, I just completed the work according to the president's requirements."

"Sit down. No one can erase your credit. You have made great efforts to develop the game camp on PS1, and you can ensure that the project does not lose money. This is your contribution."

"After the launch of PS2, do you have the confidence to suppress Zhiduoxing G2?"

Kutaragi Ken looked embarrassed: "President, the sales volume of G2 G2 is approaching 30 million units. When we launched, they may be working hard towards 40 million units. It is not easy to catch up with such a big gap."

"However, beyond Uranus, it is definitely no problem to suppress the NGC announced by Nintendo."

Morita Shofu was a little dissatisfied: "What do you mean, our Suni products can only take second place?"

PS1 has never sold Zodiac G, but now Zodiac G plus MINI, the sales volume has exceeded 60 million units, and it is still increasing.

Originally thought that the PS2 would be able to overtake, why did Ken Kutaragi have no confidence at all? Didn't he say that the sales of this game console can exceed 100 million units?

"President, according to our calculations, the sales volume of PS2 is expected to reach 100 million units, but the sales volume of Zhiduoxing G2 may be even higher."

Kutaragi Ken is also a little wronged, it's not that he doesn't work hard, nor is he underestimating his company's products,

It is simply because they are late to the market, Zhiduoxing G2 has sold nearly 30 million units!

If it is launched at the same time, with such a performance comparison, coupled with Suony's strong brand effect and sales channels, it is still possible to suppress the Zhiduoxing G2.

But it was more than half a year late on the market, who knew that Zhiduoxing G2 could sell so much in just over half a year? Sega Bandai is really an idiot, he has no power to resist at all, but it also sets off the extraordinaryness of Zhiduoxing G2.

"You mean the sales volume of G2 will exceed 100 million units?!" Shofu Morita was a little surprised. This data is too amazing. Currently, no game console can sell so many units.

Even if the Zhiduoxing G is the best-selling home game console, there are less than 70 million units including the MINI. Sunny's PS1 has also sold more than 40 million units. How can the Zhiduoxing G2 have such a great potential?

"According to the current sales curve, it is indeed possible to achieve this figure. What's more, Zhiduoxing has launched MINI before, and they will definitely continue to do so after the sales decline of G2, and they still have the arcade market to support them."

"At present, the production of Zhiduoxing G is discontinued, but their MINI is very popular in the arcade market. If the arcade market changes, most people will definitely think of G2MINI first."

Morita Shofu was not happy: "Didn't you say that Sunny's PSone is almost developed, and we can't replace them?"

The research and development costs are not low. We also made external display screens and external power supplies. After spending so much money, is it okay if there is no result?

"We are exploring the field of portable game consoles to prepare for entering the handheld market in the future. But in the arcade market, we are too far behind. After all, they control Sami."

"However, in the next step, we will also vigorously develop the arcade market and compete directly with the Zhiduoxing Group. Therefore, in the next year, our advertising expenses will increase sharply, and profits may not be mentioned."

There will be another year without making money, Morita Shofu frowned: "Can you be sure that in 2001, our game console project will be truly profitable?"

"I can guarantee it."

"But in 2001, it was time for Nintendo's NGC to go public, and there was one more competitor."

"President, according to our analysis, in 2001, the sales of Uranus will fall to the bottom. Their built-in modem design seemed good at the beginning, but now it has become a hindrance."

Fortunately, Sunny PS2 was designed late, otherwise it would also fall into this predicament. Of course, it was also thanks to Suuni who received the news in advance.

"Sunny Computer Entertainment is fully in charge of you, and I trust you. Since you say yes, I will give full support. The head office will allocate another 50 million US dollars to you for product promotion."

Ken Kutaragi was overjoyed: "Thank you, President, I guarantee that when our Soni PS2 is released, there will be many players queuing up to buy it!"

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