Super Tycoon

Chapter 104 Developing Learning Software

"Zhang Yang spoke English just now, right? It's different if you read more books. You can speak English so well. What did you say to Junsheng? Why did he leave?"

"Uncle, it's nothing, just chatting, and he asked me to go to his house to play. I've finished eating that too, so I'll go there first, you guys eat, I'll be back in a while."

Zhang Yang went downstairs and saw that the door of the house was open, and Li Junsheng was walking around inside.

"Brother Li, let me take a look at the program you wrote earlier?"

Li Junsheng took out a notebook. For some reason, he felt that Zhang Yang should be able to understand it. When facing Zhang Yang, he had a feeling of facing the former company leader.

Zhang Yang took a look, and found that it is really a basic software for learning Chinese Pinyin, even considering the recording of real voices, it can be used as an enlightenment.

But how many people will buy this kind of thing in order to enlighten their children? Moreover, it is also required to operate on a computer. How many companies have computers?

"Brother Li, your writing is not bad, it should be able to run, but there is no market. The first element of developing software is to have a sufficient market and to be able to create value, that is, to sell it to make money."

"You want to make more money now, and then treat your uncle? Then according to what I said, help Zhiduoxing Company develop a piece of software, or a few pieces of software. After running the test without any problems, what you can get is definitely not bad. It will be less."

Li Junsheng looked at Zhang Yang: "You really understand my code?"

If you don't understand, how do you know that he has added a voice?

"It's so simple, why can't you understand it? Li Ge, you finally made a pinyin alphabet song here, right? This is not bad, but kindergarten teachers can teach it."

"Many parents now hope that their children can go abroad and earn a lot of money in the future, so they will start with babies. For example, many elementary schools in the city now start learning English from the fourth grade."

"So we should develop a software for learning English, so that it can be sold. But it can't be as boring as the English textbooks. It should be more relaxed and interesting, so that children can learn it."

"Then there is typing, which many people are willing to learn. The twenty-six English letters on the computer keyboard are not arranged in alphabetical order, so our first step is to teach children to be familiar with the keyboard. Even with the eyes, you can also type the twenty-six letters proficiently."

"The next step is to learn the input method and learn to type. The Wubi input method in 1986 is currently the most popular, and the typing speed is also very fast. It is suitable for many children and is also taught in some evening schools."

The new typist recruited by Zhiduoxing Company learned to type from night school. The speed is not bad, but Zhang Yang feels that it is not as fast as his pinyin in his previous life, and it is far faster than 99% of the Chinese people at this time.

"The next step is to ask them to learn simple text editing and add some programs that are usually only available on computers, such as calculators."

"Then teach them the most basic programming, let them learn to use computers, and experience the joy of programming."

As for whether he will be happy if he is bald in the future and has two dark circles under his eyes every day, then he doesn't care.

"Remember, our software is aimed at teenagers and even children, so it should be easy to learn and not too complicated. And it must make children feel interesting and entertaining, so some relaxing music can be added appropriately. "

"The storage space occupied by the entire software should be small, and it can be burned into a game cartridge. You have seen our Zhiduoxing game console, and you know how much storage space the cartridge has, right?"

Li Junsheng looked at Zhang Yang, such a detailed request, had he thought about it a long time ago? And why burn it into the cassette of the game console?

"Zhang Yang, why do you have to burn this into the cassette of the game console? You must use a computer keyboard, that is, you need a computer to use it.

The computer does not have a socket for a game console cassette, nor can it connect a keyboard. "

Running his software on a game console, isn't that a joke.

Zhang Yang explained patiently: "The game console is equivalent to a program reading interface, let's get another interface, can't we just connect an external keyboard?"

"There is also a motherboard in the game console, right? It can run programs, right? I mean, let you develop these learning software as games."

"How much is a computer, about 20,000 yuan, how many families can afford it? If the software you develop is not used by many people, how much money can you make?"

"If the software you develop can run on game consoles, it will be popular all over the country. Think about it, how many parents would be willing to buy it for their children? A cassette costs 200 yuan, and I will give you 5 yuan as a bonus for selling it. If you sell 100,000 copies, you can get 500,000 copies, and if you sell 1 million copies, you can get 5 million copies!"

"At that time, not to mention treating your father's illness, you can also change them to a bigger house, buy a car, hire a nanny, and let them live a happy life without worrying about food and clothing."

five million!

Li Junsheng's eyes are shining, can he earn so much? Can his dream come true without going abroad?

"Brother Li, what are you thinking about? Come to Zhiduoxing Company and develop this software according to what I said. You can also find a few classmates to come back and form your own development team. In the future, you will become a successful person in the eyes of others .”

"Those who laughed at you before and thought you were overreaching will regret it. Not only can your father's illness be treated with money, but it can also make them hold their heads up high and tell others that their son did not choose the wrong path and did not accept the distribution. That's because there are better options!"

"Now tell me, do you choose to continue selling your software that no one cares about, or develop learning software according to my requirements? Which is the most correct choice?"

Li Junsheng murmured: "Develop learning software, learning software that can run on Zhiduoxing game consoles!"

"That's right! Developing learning software is the way you should go. If you have talent in this area, then make good use of it. Remember, the power of one person is very small, so find more people and you can accomplish this together. At that time, although you may earn 1.8 million less, your father will be able to receive treatment earlier."

"And in the future, you and your team can also earn the second five million, the third five million, or even fifty million!"

"Brother Li, I won't talk too much. I'm waiting for your good news. My dad has already agreed to this matter, which means that Zhiduoxing Company agrees. As long as you develop it, you will never worry about making money. !"

"I'll give you one year. During this year, Zhiduoxing Company will give you 300 yuan a month for living expenses, so that you can have an account with your family. Brother Li, there's only so much I can do, and the rest is It's all on you."

Zhang Yang left in a cool way, with 300 yuan a month, he might get a piece of software that could bring tens of millions of profits in the future. This business is... worth it!

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