About a week later, I am now going to complete this statement under the influence of the last old powder. So, this is the last miracle, Henry Jekyll can think about his thoughts in the glass or see how sad his face is now! . I don't have to delay too long to finish writing. Because if my narrative has not been destroyed so far, it is a combination of great caution and good luck. If the pain of change makes me act, Hyde will tear it to pieces; but if I pass a period of time, his mean selfishness and rigid portrayal may once again save his ape-like behavior. Indeed, the doom that we are about to face has changed and crushed him. Half an hour from now when I get rid of that nasty character once and for all, I know how I should sit in a chair shaking and crying, or continue walking around in this room with the most nervous and fearful ecstasy. And listen to all threats. Will Hyde die on the scaffolding? Or will he have the courage to release himself at the last minute? God knows; I'm very careless; this is my real time of death, and the next thing to focus on is not myself. Then here, when I put down my pen and continued to seal my confession, I ended the life of that unfortunate Henry Jekyll. I walked around in this room, my last refuge, listening to all kinds of threats. Will Hyde die on the scaffolding? Or will he have the courage to release himself at the last minute? God knows; I'm very careless; this is my real time of death, and the next thing to focus on is not myself. Then here, when I put down my pen and continued to seal my confession, I ended the life of that unfortunate Henry Jekyll. I walked around in this room, my last refuge, listening to all kinds of threats. Will Hyde die on the scaffolding? Or will he have the courage to release himself at the last minute? God knows; I'm very careless; this is my real time of death, and the next thing to focus on is not myself. Then here, when I put down my pen and continued to seal my confession, I ended the life of that unfortunate Henry Jekyll.

On the eve of the war.

In the last few years of the nineteenth century, no one would believe that this world was being watched keenly by intelligence that is more important than humans but as deadly as humans. When people are busy with their worries, they are carefully studied and studied, perhaps almost like a man with a microscope, studying the ever-changing creatures, which multiply in groups in a drop of water. People discuss their little things back and forth around the world with infinite complacency and complacency, to make sure they feel peaceful about the material empire. The ureter under the microscope might do the same thing. No one thought that the old world in space was the source of human danger, or thought that they just wanted to treat the idea of ​​life as impossible or impossible. It's weird to remind people of some psychological habits in those days of leaving. Most people imagine that there may be other people on Mars, perhaps not as good as them, ready to welcome the missionary cause. However, in the entire gap of space, our thoughts are like our thoughts, like those perishing beasts, rational in the vastness, coldness and ruthlessness, looking at this earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely propose Opposed our plan. At the beginning of the twentieth century, people had a great sense of disillusionment. He looked at the earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely proposed a plan against us. At the beginning of the twentieth century, people had a great sense of disillusionment. He looked at the earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely proposed a plan against us. At the beginning of the twentieth century, people had a great sense of disillusionment.

I hardly need to remind readers that the average distance that Mars revolves around the sun is 140 million miles, and the light and heat received from the sun is almost half that of the world. If the Nebula Hypothesis has any truth, it must be something older than our world. Long before the earth no longer melted, life on the surface of the earth must have begun. It is hardly one-seventh of the volume of the earth, and this fact must increase its cooling rate to a temperature where life can begin. It has air and water, and everything needed to support the existence of animation.

However, human beings are so futile and blind to vanity that until the end of the nineteenth century, no writer expressed any idea that intelligent life may have developed or even surpassed the development of earth dust. People do not generally understand that because Mars is larger than the earth, it has almost no surface area of ​​a quarter, and is farther from the sun, so it must be concluded that Mars is not only farther from the beginning of time, but also closer to time.

Indeed, the long-term cooling that must go beyond our planet one day has already gone very far with our neighbors. Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we now know that even in the equatorial region, the temperature at noon is almost impossible to approach the temperature of our coldest winter. Its air is attenuated much more than ours. Its oceans shrink until they cover a third of its surface, and as the off-season changes, huge snow caps gather and melt at either pole , And regularly flood its temperate zone. For us, the final stage of exhaustion is still out of reach, and for Martian residents, this has become a problem today. The imminent sense of urgency has improved their wits, their abilities have been strengthened, and made their hearts firmer. And use instruments to see in space

We humans, living creatures on this earth, must be at least as strange and humble as our monkeys and lemurs to them. Human knowledge has admitted that life is an uninterrupted struggle for survival, and it seems that this is also people’s belief in Mars. Their world is far away in the cooling down. The world is still full of life, but it is only full of things they think are inferior animals. Indeed, fighting against the sun is their only escape, and that is the destruction that has spread to them from generation to generation.

Before we treat them too harshly, we must remember the cruel and complete destruction caused by our own species, not only for the disappeared bison and dodo, but also for its inferior race. Although the Tasmanians resemble humans, they were completely wiped out by a war of extinction launched by European immigrants in 50 years. If the Martians wage war in the same spirit, do we have merciful apostles complaining?

The Martians seem to have calculated their ancestry with surprising subtlety-their mathematics learning clearly far exceeds ours-and they have prepared with almost perfect agreement. If our equipment allows, we may have seen the gathering troubles of the nineteenth century. People like Schiaparelli looked at the red planet-strangely, that Mars has been the star of war for countless centuries-but failed to explain the fluctuating appearance of the marks they drew. All along, Martians must have been prepared.

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