"Good girl, Aris," Clark said. "I got the hard work of the old man and didn't go crazy. To answer your question, the man from Western Union is chasing his bookkeeping and accepting outgoing messages that have to be resumed. The sink factory shipped the goods two days ago. A preparation work will wait until next week, so they continue. They have a month of raw materials. I plan to visit the bubblegum people this afternoon to see their situation. Maybe you want to come."

"Yes, I will. I still chew it secretly occasionally."

Clark smiled. "I won't tell you. Li Huai, do you want to clean it up? There is a toilet in the back with a razor and some mysterious tap water. There is a phenomenon I want to explore more deeply."

"Thank you. I will shave it now and worry about its source later. Do you think Professor Garrett and his worship of male studies have anything to do with it?"

"I think, he wants to." Shrugged. "We have been flying for less than twelve hours. I think the answer will come in time. You go and clean it up, and I will return to my work."

Li Bai felt much better after shaved his beard. It was embarrassing because he could not take off his jacket or shirt, but he did. When the voice came again, he was drying his face. This time there is no doubt that it was caused by the briefcase tied to his handcuffs.

"Are you alone now?" it asked.

Li Badi was taken aback and said, "Yes."

"Very good. Get close to the briefcase so we won't be heard. This is Captain Simmons, Sergeant."

"Yes, sir."

"Take out your ID card. Separate the two pieces of plastic. There is a flat plastic key next to the card. Use it to unlock the briefcase."

The voice remained silent until Li Huai followed his instructions with the help of the razor. "Okay, sir; it's done."

"Open the briefcase, take out the package, open the package, and then put the package back in the briefcase."

The sound stopped again. Li Bai unwrapped what looked like a flat cigarette box with two attachments, one was a half-dollar perforated hard rubber, and the other was an opaque plastic band three-quarters of an inch wide. "I see, sir."

"Very good. What you see is a highly advanced radio transmitter and receiver. You can imagine its value in the field. This is the test model you brought back from the contractor for testing. But it seems to be a A useful test method any other."

"The range of the machine gun is great, captain-if you are in Washington."

"I am. Now. The key can also unlock the handcuffs. Unlock it. Peel off the waist. Bend the plastic strip to fit your shoulder-you can choose either. Arrange the perforated disc so that it is at the bottom of the neck under the shirt collar The thing that looks like a cigarette case is a power supply box."

Li Huai followed the instructions and rubbed his wrists when he took off the handcuffs. The radio has been carefully designed and its components are in place as if they were made to his size. They scratched his bare skin, nothing more. The power box is surprisingly light.

"It's done, sir." Li Badi said.

The answer rang softly. "So I heard it. You almost blew my ears off. From now on, when you talk to me, or whoever it is, the noise that is barely audible is enough. Try it."

"Yes, Captain." Li Badi whispered. "I am trying now."

"Don't whisper. I can hear your voice, but you don't want to eavesdrop on others at your end. Whispering is farther than you think. Talk in a low voice."

When he put on his shirt, tie and jacket, Li Huai practiced.

"Very well," said Captain Simmons. "In some cases, you may have to send a signal to us, please do not move your lips while speaking. Now, please put your handcuffs back on and lock it."

"Oh, **** it," breathlessly said.

"I heard."

"I'm sorry, sir, but this is annoying."

"I know, but you have to get rid of it logically. When you have the opportunity, please go to the local bank. This is the upper state bank located on the street. Show them the certificate you obtained from it and ask them to submit your public case Keep it in their vault. Get the receipt. Then, at your first opportunity, burn down the plastic key and your ID."

"Yes, sir."

"Keep your disguise as a bank messenger and try to find out everything about it as if you are an ordinary curious person. You have a good start with the girl. Meet her father, professor."

"Yes, sir." Li Badi realized embarrassingly that the romantic episode between him and Aris must have been tapped. "Do I have any specific time to report?"

"You will keep reporting. That is the beauty of this radio."

"You mean I can't turn it off? I won't have any privacy? Will someone always listen?"

"Yes. But you must not be restrained. Your private life is still yours and no one will criticize. Your informal behavior will be ignored."


"You have to rely on our judgment, sheriff. I'm sure you will get used to it. That's enough now. We can't arouse Clark's suspicion. Now go back to him and continue. You will get further rewards. Explanation Because they are necessary. Remember, don’t be bound.”

"No, sir." Li said badly. He returned to the printing house and felt like a goldfish bowl.

Ed Clark took Lee Bad to the superior National Bank and introduced him to the President. The President is pleased to do business with representatives of Riggs National Bank in Washington, DC. Li Huai did not tell him the content of the case, but the banker seemed very happy. In their minds, they are securities, maybe even a million dollars in cash.

Outside, Li Huai took the receipt in his wallet and stood with Clark at the corner of McKendy Street and Broadway.

The newspaper editor said, "You might say that this is the heart of the city." "The bubble gum factory is on that railway line, right over there. Maybe you smell it. I think it smells really good."

Rubbed his wrist for too long. He sniffed politely as the engines roared and a fighter squadron roared on Broadway.

They screamed higher than the roof, and then disappeared. They were so short on the head that Li Huai only noticed that they were -38, and there were at least four.

Li Badi said: "Things are starting to happen." "The Air Force is watching."

Clark shook his head. "That's not the air force. That's the boy. They are the only people who fly through lightning now."


"Private pilot. Daring Bobby Airborne Guard. Want to know what they are doing?"

"Oh, Senator,"

"If you want to say that, yes."

"This is a personal joke. But I think I know what they are doing or why they are doing it. The senator's secretary was cheated here like me. She is also on the train."

"Don't tell me! I was dug by that one. Which one is she?"

"Red hair. Geneva Jervis. I haven't seen her again since last night, remembering."

-38 screamed from west to east again. Li Huai has now counted six planes and marked them. People walked out of shops and commercial buildings and looked out from the windows upstairs. They won the third thunderous flight of the fighter jet. This time they were taller and spread out horizontally, as if looking for the largest terrain.

"Big deal," Clark said. "This show will take anyone outdoors, but even if they see her, what else do you think they can do? There are not enough places in town for the Piper Cubs to land, let alone fighter jets."

"How is the golf course?"

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