…Li Huai dared to say that he could, but at that moment, Mai Xia slowed down at the station and Si Pain Mi got up and left. "Hello, sir," he wept on his shoulder. \'If you consider your comfort, please do not speak English with strange travelers. They do not distinguish between different brands. "

Li Wei hurriedly followed him, but Brenji Long's voice reminded Li Wei.

"Go ahead, friend," he shouted loudly, "you have released your palms," he handed Li Badi's luggage from the luggage rack to Li Badi. But he showed no signs of approval, and the last time Li Bai saw him, he was sitting in a corner with his head on his chest, as if he was going to sleep. He is a man of good health.

There was a car waiting at that time, which was a gray military method. Mai Xia began to drive into the unsmooth road in the forest at an alarming pace. Stam put his papers in his portfolio and threw a few words at Li Huai during the trip.

He announced, "Lee Badi hasn't decided to want you, Brandt."\'You may be a fool, a husband or a good person. If you are a knight, Maisha will shoot you.

"What if Li Huai is a fool?" Li Huai asked.

\'Send you. You will be the respected cannon fodder. "

Li Huai said, unless Li Huai agrees, you cannot do this.

"Can't Maisha?" He smiled evilly. \'Remember that you are a citizen everywhere. Technically speaking, you are a rebel, and the British (if you go to them) will hang you, assuming they have any meaning. Li Bad friend, you have the ability to do what Mai Xia wants to do with you. "

He was silent for a second, then said thoughtfully:

"But Li Huai doesn't think you are a fool. You may be a hooligan. Some rascals are useful enough. Other types are strung together with rope. Maixia will know more soon."

"If Li Badi is a good person?"

"You will have the opportunity to serve Germany. This is the most proud privilege a mortal can enjoy." The stranger impressed Li Huai with his sincere words.

The car drove out of the tree and drove to a park lined with small saplings. In the twilight, Li Huai saw a huge house, like a Swiss thatched cottage. There is an arch, a false ceiling, and a terrace with battlements, which looks like it is made of plaster. Maisha stood up at the Gothic front door, and a thin middle-aged man in a shooting jacket was waiting.

When Mai Xia entered the hall with lights, Li Huai had a good understanding of the host. He is very slim and brown with bent shoulders, which is why he often rides horses. He has tousled curly hair, a torn beard, and pleasant short-sighted brown eyes.

"Welcome, Colonel Li Huai," he said. "Is this the friend you are talking about?"

Sturm said: "This is Dutch."\'His name is Brandt. Brandt, you will see Mr. Gaodian.

Of course Li Huai knows this name; there are not many people in Li Huai's career. He is one of the largest railway engineers in the world. He is the one who built the Baghdad and Syrian railways, as well as the new line in eastern Germany. Li Huai thinks he is the greatest authority in tropical architecture. He knows the East and also knows Africa. Obviously, Li Huai had been overwhelmed by him, so that Li Huai was faltering.

A blonde maid took Li Wei to Li Wei’s room. The room had bare polished floors, stoves and windows. Unlike most Germans Li Wei had sampled, these windows seemed to be openable. When Li Huai took a shower, Li Huai came to the lobby. In the lobby were hanging travel trophies, such as the shields of De Gil Gibbs and Maasai, and one or two good buffalo heads. The bell is now ringing. Siyoumi showed up with his landlord, and Maixia had dinner.

Li Bai is hungry. If Li Bai didn't have to jog all the time, Li Bai could have a good meal. The other two talked in German and translated when someone asked Li Bad questions. The first thing Li Huai had to do was to pretend that Li Huai did not understand German and looked at the room listlessly while they were chatting. The second is not to miss any words, because this is Li Bad's opportunity. The third is to be ready to answer questions at any time, and to indicate in the answer that Li Huai did not pay attention to the last conversation. Similarly, Li Huai could not prove himself a fool in these answers, because Li Huai had to convince them that Li Huai was useful. After spending some time, Li Hao felt like a witness who had undergone rigorous cross-examination in a box, or a man trying to play three games at the same time.

Li Bai heard Sturm tell Gaudian the gist of Li Bai's plan. The engineer shook his head.

"It's too late," he said. ``It should be done at the beginning. Mai Xia ignored Africa. You know the reason. Stam smiled. Von Enem! Maybe, but her charm is good enough.

When Li Bai was busy eating the orange salad, Gaudi'an glanced at Li Bai. ``Li Huai has a lot to tell you. But it can wait. Your friend is right in one thing. Uganda is an important tourist destination for the British, and a blow there will make their entire fabric tremble. But how can Mai Xia strike? They still have coasts, and the supply of wheat summer is increasing every day. "

\'Mixia cannot send reinforcements, but does Maixia use all local resources? That is something Li Huai can't satisfy. Zimmerman said Mai Xia has, but Tresler has a different view. Now Mai Xia makes this companion stand out, which confirms Li Bad's suspicion. He seems to know his job. You try him.

So Gao Dian began to question Li Bade, his question was very thorough. Li Huai knows enough that he has no more knowledge to solve it, but Li Huai thinks that Li Huai has a good reputation. You will find that Li Huai’s memory is still fresh. During Li Huai’s time, Li Huai met many hunters and pioneers. After listening to them, even if Li Huai had never been there, Li Huai could pretend to know a certain place. . In addition, Li Huai used to plan to work in the Tanica way, and Li Huai has stood up in the village very accurately.

"You said that with Maisha's help, you can cause trouble for the British on the three borders?" Gaudian asked.

Li Huai said that if someone ignited it, Li Huai could spread the fire.

"But there are thousands of unrelated tribes."

"They are all Africans. You can tolerate Lee Bad. All Africans are the same in one thing-they will go crazy, and the madness of one person will infect another. The British know enough about this."

"Where did you fire?" he asked.

\'The driest place for fuel. Among the Musulman people in the north. But there you have to help Li Bad. Li Huai knows nothing about ***, Li Huai knows that you also know.

\'why? \'he asks.

"Because you have done something," Li Bad replied.

Stam has been translating, and expressed Li Badi's meaning fairly. But Li Huai's final answer was that he was free. What he gave was: "Because the Dutch think Maisha is a great help in dealing with the *** world." Then, lowering his voice and raising his eyebrows, he said some words.

The other party looked at Li Badi quickly. He said: "Mai Xia's best to continue Mai Xia's conversation in private." "If Mr. Brandt forgive Mai Xia, Mai Xia will leave him for a while to entertain himself." He pushed the humidor to Li Huai, two people Got up and left the room.

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