Homer also fought this fight. When I left, Homer gave me a book to show to my friends, and then I lost it, and many other things: but the poem I remember It was: "Now tell me, Muse, how the dead heroes fought."

When they were defeated in battle, it was customary to feast with rotten beans, and feast together for the joy of victory: only Pythagoras was not with them, but sitting on a high place, throwing away the dinner because he could not leave With beans.

Now six months have passed, those seven and a half months have passed, and a new business was born between us. For Hingos’ son Sinnillas, he was tall and fell in love with Helena very early, so people might think she loved him very much, because when they were a child, they would still blink and drink with each other. -Feast, stand up alone and stroll up and down in the woods. This sense of humor has increased, and I don’t know what method to take. The device is to steal Helena. He found that Helena could easily escape with him and went to some islands adjacent to Filo or Terosa. Before, the three most audacious researchers in our company carried out conspiracy activities with them; but he never knew his father because he knew he would punish him for it.

In solving this problem, they watched the time and put it into practice: because when night fell, and when I was away, because I fell asleep at the banquet, they gave the rest and went with Helena. Ship it on board as fast as possible. Woke up at about midnight and found that his bed was empty, his wife was gone, screaming, calling for his brother, and went to the court.

After showing up one day, the scouts told them that they described a ship that was already far away. Then, put down a ship made of a whole piece of apatite wood and carried fifty heroes to chase them. They were so willing that they had surpassed them at noon and entered the milky sea, leaving Tirol. Sha is not far away, they are very close. Then took our boat, dragged our boat with a bunch of roses, and brought it back.

First, I checked whether there were other partners with his companions in this episode. They admitted that they had no partners, were sentenced to be firmly **** by privileged members, and sent to an evil place, tortured after they were abused. Wipe it with a stick made of mallow. Helena was full of tears and felt ashamed of herself that she did not show up. They also ordered our luggage to be packed and taken out of the country. We should arrive at the scheduled time, and we should not stay there the next tomorrow. I felt very aggrieved and weeped in pain. I left such a good place and wandered again. I don't know what, but they told me that I should be with them again after many years, which made me feel very comforted.

Then I went to Radha Mantos and humbly begged him to tell me my future destiny and guide me forward. He told me that after many trips and dangers, I should finally recover my country, but don’t tell me the time I returned to my country: show me the adjacent islands, there are five islands in total, and those six A little bit more, he said, the closest is the ungodly islands, you will see them burning in a light fire, and the other six are dream islands, in addition to Calypso, You will never be able to see it. When you pass through these countries, you will enter a continent, facing your own country, where you will suffer a lot, travel through many countries, encounter inhumane people, and finally reach another continent.

When he told me about it, he pulled out a mallow from the ground, gave it to me, and ordered me to pray in the greatest danger: please stop raking in the fire with a knife, and don’t use lupine as a Eat, and don’t approach the boy when he is eighteen: if I keep this in mind, I hope that I will come to the island again.

Then we prepared for the passage and dine with them in normal times. In those two days, I went to Homer and begged him to make two verses for me. He did: I erected the pillar. The emerald is close to the haven and is engraved on it. The epigram is like this:

Lucian, the lover of the gods, once

Went to see it all, and then went home again.

After a day’s time, we were taken to the sea by the hero. On the way, Ulysses got close to me because Penelope might not be able to see him. I forwarded this letter to me and gave it to Ogija Island. Calypso. Radhamantos also sent Naples, the ferryman, to join us. If it is our wealth to transport us into these islands, then no one can let us go because we concentrate on other tasks.

Soon, we got rid of the sweet smell, but we felt a terrible dirty smell, like asphalt and sulfur burning, emitting an unbearable smell, as if people were burning coals: air It was dark and muddy, and a juicy dew was distilled from there. We also heard the whip of whips and the roar of torment; but we did not go to all the islands, but the island on which we landed was in this form: it was surrounded by steep, sharp and rugged rocks, There is no wood or water: but we made a change and climbed onto the cliff, so we proceeded in a way full of briars and thorns, passed through the most evil and terrible country, and finally came to the prison and the tortured The place wants to know the nature and quality of the soil,

There was only a narrow entrance. Timon of Athens was appointed as the gatekeeper, but we came in with the help of Naples and saw many people tortured by the king and private individuals, some of whom were tortured. I know, because there I saw being **** by private members and hanging in the smoke. However, the greatest torture suffered by all people told them any lie in their lives and wrote cruelly. As I have seen, Nidis Knidis, Herodotus and others were placed high hopes. I hope I will never do anything there, because I don't know that I will never say anything untrue in my life. Therefore, we quickly returned to our boat because we could no longer bear the sight, and then took our Nauplius leaves and sent him back again.

Soon after, the dream island appeared near us. This is an obscure country, invisible to the naked eye, and has the same qualities as the dream itself: because when we are attracted, it still retreats and escapes from us, which seems to be better than it was at the beginning. Farther, but in the end we reached our destination and entered a safe haven called the ivory gate, where the ivory gate stood and occupied the land in the evening.

Walking into the door, we saw many dreams about sundries. But first, I will tell you about the city, because no one else has described the city in any way: only Homer moved the city, but with little purpose.

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