Super Scientist

Chapter 53 Evolution

I have been busy for so long, isn't it just to make rice evolve into super rice? This is not only the final task at this stage, but also a new starting point.

This is the first time that humans have used technological means to promote the evolution of species. If successful, they will accumulate a lot of experience. On this basis, the evolution of animals can be realized, and finally the evolution of humans can be achieved.

Whether it can achieve the goal or become the starting point, at this moment, who can not be nervous?

The father of hybrid rice was the first to overcome the nervousness, and comforted everyone: "We have been busy for so long, just for this moment. Don't be nervous. We all know that whether it is human beings, animals or plants, other The evolution process is natural evolution, very slow. We have come to this point, it is already very remarkable, win or lose, we have made a major breakthrough."

This is absolutely convincing.

The species on the earth, whether it is human beings, animals or plants, have a very slow evolution process. In the final analysis, it is natural evolution, and technological means cannot be used to promote evolution.

Now, Ye Chen and the others have come to this point, found the direction of evolution, and prepared the evolution fluid. This is the first time in human history. It is very remarkable and of great significance.

"Old man, we know this truth, but we are still nervous." It's not that Ye Chen doesn't understand this truth, but when the critical moment comes, he has to be nervous.

Yes, everyone agrees with this statement very much.

"No matter how nervous you are, you have to face it, don't you?" the father of hybrid rice said again.

"That's right." Ye Chen and the others nodded in agreement.

No matter how nervous you are, you always have to face it, and you always have to verify it.

Ye Chen and the others kept taking deep breaths, forcing themselves to calm down. After a while, everyone's nervousness eased.

"Work." Ye Chen ordered loudly.

The father of hybrid rice is right, no matter how nervous you have to face it, Ye Chen and the others want to verify it as soon as possible and act immediately.

The following verification work does not require Ye Chen and the others to do it at all, it only needs to issue instructions. Who told Ye Chen that the equipment here is very advanced?

"Evolution, start!" Ye Chen gave the order.

Under the control of the super optical brain, the equipment starts immediately, puts a selected grain of rice into the evolution liquid,

a huge change occured. The rice paddies can be seen expanding through the equipment.

"This..." Everyone was shocked. Although they had guessed, they did not expect such a change.

"Look quickly." Everyone exclaimed, looking at the projection screen.

What appears on the projection screen is the rice gene, which is the result of analysis by the micro-instrument implanted in the rice.

Those base pairs that are not joining are joining rapidly. Whenever the number of connections reaches a certain level, a helical gene is formed.

The original number of genes in rice is 38,000, but now the number is increasing rapidly.

"Success!" Ye Chen and the others were pleasantly surprised.

Although it's not the last moment, it's just the beginning, but this performance is amazing.

Unconnected base pairs decreased sharply, genes continued to increase, and the size of rice swelled.

The whole process went smoothly, but it took a lot of time. It took more than a day for the evolution process to be completed.

When the rice was taken out of the evolution fluid, Ye Chen and the others were amazed again.

"My God, what a change."

"Is this still rice?"

Now the rice has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Ye Chen and the others dare not recognize each other anymore. If Ye Chen and the others hadn't seen the evolution process with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it was true even if they were killed.

This is a selected rice, slender and slender, originally only a few millimeters long, but now it exceeds two centimeters, and the length has increased by four or five times. It used to be only three or two millimeters in size, but now it is six or seven millimeters, doubling in size.

This change is amazing and amazing. However, it was not what Ye Chen and the others admired the most.

What amazed Ye Chen and the others most was that this rice grain became crystal-like, extremely pure and beautiful like a diamond.

After being shocked for a while, Ye Chen and the others calmed down.

"Next, we need to re-sequence." Ye Chen said.

Evolution process Ye Chen and the others have seen the process of gene formation through micro-instruments, but in the end, re-sequencing will be required, which is impossible.

"Quick test." The father of the hybrid rice couldn't stop rubbing his hands, his face was flushed, and he was so excited.

"Hurry up." Everyone urged to come.

The sequencing process was extremely smooth, controlled by the super optical brain, and it was completed without much effort.

"The data is unbelievable." The father of hybrid rice looked at the data with amazement.

"All base pairs have evolved into genes, and the number of genes in rice has increased significantly." Ye Chen also felt emotional after reading the data.

Although this result has been known for a long time, it is still shocking to see the data.

"Judging from the existing data, evolution should be completed. We have overcome a worldwide problem in human history and opened a new chapter in the evolution of species. It's incredible." Xu Lao couldn't help patting his forehead, expressing emotion again and again.

"Unbelievable!" Everyone agreed with this comment.

The evolution of species on the earth, whether it is human beings, animals or plants, is a natural evolution, and the time is extremely long. It took tens of millions of time for humans to evolve from ancient forest monkeys to modern humans. One can imagine how long this time is.

Today, Ye Chen and the others finally broke this iron law and used technological means to promote the evolution of rice. This is the first time in human history that technology has been used to promote the evolution of species, which is of great significance.

If this matter is announced, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world.

If you think about it carefully, it's like a dream.

Using technological means to promote the evolution of species is not something that humans have never thought about, but it cannot be implemented because the technical conditions are not met. Now, it has been done, which is incredible.

Just when everyone was happy, the father of hybrid rice hit everyone and said: "From the perspective of evolution, we should have succeeded. We have successfully promoted the evolution of rice with technological means. But this is not the end."

His words were interrupted, and Chief Gan said with a smile: "Old man, this is not the end, so what is the end?"

This is exactly what everyone wanted to say in their hearts, and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"You have to know that rice is the food of human beings, and half of the world's people depend on rice for their livelihood. Has the nutritional structure of the rice that we have evolved through technological means changed? What impact will it have on humans? All of these require rigorous testing .” The father of hybrid rice said very seriously with a serious face.

Clap clap!

There was warm applause, and everyone was impressed by the words of the father of hybrid rice.

He was right that rice is the food of human beings, especially the people of the Celestial Dynasty, who depended on rice for their living. If there is no rice, with such a large population in the Celestial Dynasty, the food pressure will increase many times.

Therefore, the completion of evolution is not enough, and the nutritional changes need to be tested to detect its impact on humans.

Only when these aspects are passed can it be said that evolution has been completed.

"Old man, shall we conduct a test?" Ye Chen asked.

"Okay. I also want to know whether the evolution has been completed." The father of hybrid rice readily agreed.

The father of hybrid rice is not young, and time is running out. He really wants to complete this matter in his lifetime, and then he will have no regrets.

When it comes to testing rice nutrition, no one is more experienced than the father of hybrid rice and Chen Wang. Every batch of hybrid rice they cultivate needs to be tested.

Hybrid rice not only improves yield, but also nutrition. If the nutrition does not meet the requirements, it is also a failure.

The father of hybrid rice and Chen Wang took action, started the equipment, and started testing.

Ye Chen has also improved the nutritional composition testing equipment, and with super optical brain control, the test is very simple, and the father of hybrid rice only needs to give instructions.

The whole process went smoothly. After the experiment, the eyeball of the father of the hybrid rice almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chen asked.

The father of hybrid rice pointed at the data on the projection screen and was speechless for a long time.

Chen Wang and the others were so shocked that their jaws dropped and they couldn't close it for a long time.

"Oh my god!" After a long time, the father of hybrid rice screamed, the decibels were so high that it was frightening.

"Am I dazzled?" Chen Wang and the others couldn't stop rubbing their eyes, with disbelief on their faces.

"It's incredible." The father of hybrid rice is still amazed.

"Old man, speak up." Ye Chen urged.

Although Ye Chen has worked hard on rice, compared with the old man, he is still far behind. After looking at the data for a while, he didn't find any reason to be so amazed.

Ye Chen's words were exactly what everyone was thinking, and they were all staring at the father of hybrid rice.

"Do you know? Super rice is different. Its nutritional value is unimaginably high. Let me tell you, the starch content has been reduced, and the protein and fat content have been greatly increased. The most incredible thing is that the crude The fiber has disappeared." The father of the hybrid rice had a high voice, almost roaring, full of disbelief.

Starch, protein and fat are all nutrients needed by the human body.

Today's rice, starch is generally 76~~79%; protein is 8~~10%, the highest can reach 15%; fat is 0.2~~0.4%.

The starch of super rice has decreased, in the form of 65%. Up to 30% protein, which is incredible. Protein is an important criterion for measuring the quality of rice varieties.

So much protein, it's amazing, boosted several times.

Most incredible of all, the coarse fibers disappeared.

Crude fiber is the main component of plant cell walls. Eating foods containing crude fiber can promote gastrointestinal motility, which can help digestion to a certain extent, which is beneficial. However, crude fiber will hinder the digestive enzymes in the digestive tract from contacting with food, thereby reducing the digestibility of nutrients.

Moreover, crude fiber can also hinder the intestinal absorption of some small molecule nutrients.

Rice is the food with the least crude fiber. However, it has not disappeared, and there are many. Now, the crude fiber disappears directly, which is amazing.

"Super rice is rich in nutrients, without crude fiber, easy to digest and absorb, especially suitable for the elderly." The father of hybrid rice said again.

Ye Chen and the others were overjoyed, it seemed that they had succeeded.

At this moment, the father of hybrid rice said: "However, there are some other ingredients, which have never been seen before. What are these?"

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