Super Scan

Chapter 449: Do you want to think about it

The two talked along the way, and when they arrived next to the temporary tree house on the mountain, Margaret had almost finished talking to Xiang Tianze about the matter.

As for whether Margaret really said all the important things, or concealed something, Xiang Tianze was unclear. But Xiang Tianze would definitely not trust Margaret completely, in short, he just kept enough vigilance.

In fact... he is still not sure whether the energy stone in the ruins mentioned by Margaret is useful for Xiang Tianze. But since Margaret said that this energy stone can enhance the mutant's genetic ability, then it might have some effect on him, right? Regardless of whether it is successful or not... you have to try it before you know it.

In addition, Margaret also mentioned a sentence, saying that in their Justice League, there are actually energy stones that can be exchanged. However, the contribution points required for the exchange are as many as one hundred and thirty-one points, which few people can afford to exchange.

Xiang Tianze has already learned that the contribution points of the alliance can be bought and sold, but the transaction price of one point can reach at least US$1.8 million. One hundred and thirty points, that is more than 200 million US dollars! Converted into RMB is even more than one billion!

It's scary to think about it. After Xiang Tianze became a shareholder of Dongchen Jewelry Company, he could continue to use the diamonds he downloaded to sell to the jewelry company. He thought he was already a rich man now!

But at this moment, as soon as I heard about the exchange price of this energy stone, I suddenly realized...It turns out that I am still a poor one! It seems that even if he spends all his net worth now, he can't get such an energy stone!

What's more, in the Justice League forum, although points can be traded, few people are actually willing to exchange points for money in the world. After all, the points in the alliance are difficult to obtain, and most of the materials in the alliance that are good for mutants can only be exchanged with alliance contribution points, but they cannot be bought with money. So... don't look at the forums where there are so many people who use cash to purchase alliance points to contribute, but very few people can actually buy points.

Speaking of... the members of the Justice League, many of them are well mixed in the world, such as Kong Shidao, who is in a high position, or people who have made great achievements in the business world, so... …It’s just that no matter how rich people are, it’s impossible to acquire a large amount of contribution points. Otherwise... as Master Kong, how could you get those dozen points from Xiang Tianze's body, so much effort!

So... this energy stone is definitely a good thing, no doubt, even after getting it, Xiang Tianze finds that this thing is of no use to him, he can also put this energy stone directly into the Justice League for trading. In exchange for a lot of contribution points.

Think about it as long as you can get an energy stone during this trip, you can easily become a billionaire with a fortune, even Xiang Tianze can't help but be moved.

When the two came all the way to the tree house, they looked back, but they still couldn't see Mike. Xiang Tianze couldn't help but frowned slightly and said, "Where did that guy go? Isn't he doing anything else? Right?"

Margaret also frowned slightly and said: "I don't know...maybe faceless appeared in front of us, right? Let's not worry about him, even if he really wants to do something super scanning, please remind me: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. The recommended reading on the book website: readad1(); No matter what, you can’t get around here... The opening point of the ruins is the spring in front. We just need to guard this spring, ...Julie, then even if Mike wants to avoid us and open the ruins, it is impossible!"

Xiang Tianze thinks about it and it is true, but the opening points of the ruins mentioned by Margaret are all told by Mike. I am afraid that Mike may not be able to tell the truth to Margaret. I am afraid that the key is to be optimistic about Julie.

I believe that Mike’s other words may lie. Only Julie should not be wrong here. If it weren’t for Julie to be the most critical part of opening this ruin, how could Mike have spent so much effort to approach Julie in the first place? What?

As for whether there would be any burden in using Julie like this... Xiang Tianze didn't feel too much. After all, it was not him who wanted to use Julie in the first place, he just happened to be there. Moreover, Xiang Tianze and Julie did not have any intersection before. Xiang Tianze is not the kind of person who has a sense of justice and will step on his feet when he sees any injustice.

But... Xiang Tianze’s first impression of Julie, a foreign girl, is pretty good, so... if Mike and the others are ready to kill her after using Julie, Xiang Tianze is within their own ability. Within, I will try my best to help her.

The two stood outside and waited for a while. Seeing that Mike never came back, Margaret pulled Xiang Tianze a little impatiently and said: "Okay...don't worry about him, let's rest early. Tomorrow night is the critical time. Before that, we must recharge and maintain a good condition."

When Xiang Tianze saw this, he was embarrassed for a while, and said, "Well... you should go to rest. It's too crowded. I'm not used to it. And I slept well yesterday, and I am in good spirits without sleeping. Relationship."

Margaret suddenly looked at Xiang Tianze with a non-smiling smile, and said: "Why...Is it because sleeping with our two girls, afraid that I can't help the instinctive impulse? Huh... it doesn't matter. Yes, as long as you are not afraid of being bitten by me, you can come..."

When Margaret said this, she opened her mouth gently, revealing her neatly white teeth, and she also stretched out her little ruddy tongue, swiping it back and forth on her lips, that kind of seductive crime It felt like Xiang Tianze squirted a nosebleed.

Then, before Xiang Tianze spoke to object, Margaret leaned over again, pressed her mouth against Xiang Tianze’s ear, and said softly: "Actually... I quite agree with you through This opportunity was given to Julie first. Haha... I know Julie very well, this silly girl has learned a lot of ancient Chinese culture since you were an exchange student in Huaxia for two years, and then she has received A big influence, what did you tell me last time... A woman will die from the same thing. If you have had that kind of relationship with two or more men in this life, it is impure, and you will go to the underworld after death. of……"

", if you can put that silly girl on, I promise she will follow you in the future, so that we can have a lot of initiative! And I can tell, Julie It feels good to you, at least not annoying, otherwise she won't be so obedient to sleep with you! How about...Would you like to think about it!"

"Uh..." Xiang Tianze was suddenly hot when Margaret said...

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