Super Pickup King

Chapter 698: You are most important

"Miss Zhong, don't talk about it, when am I going to harm people? But you have to be responsible for speaking! Since you don't want to speak well, let her take a good rest for now." Yi Lin said coldly.

After hearing this, his men hurriedly took out a medicine bottle to stun her.

Tang Qi rushed out the moment they started their hands. Before one of his men could react, he was kicked on his face, and he passed out as soon as he turned his eyes. Then two more people also fell. On the ground.

Mickey shouted: "Tang Qi be careful!"

Bump! Two bullets came from Tang Qi's direction, and he hid them directly aside. The remaining hands pulled Zhong Yaxin back several meters and hid in the warehouse, preparing to close the door. But Tang Qi had grabbed a few rough stones and hit the legs and feet of several people. After the sound of Qilika's rubbing, several people fell to the ground together, humming constantly.

Several stones fell to the ground and fell to one side gruntingly. One of the rough stones was broken into two halves, revealing a piece of green emerald inside. This jade is about the size of a baby's fist, but unfortunately it split into two directly in the middle, affecting its value. Yi Lin shouted angrily: "My stone!"

But in the next second, Tang Qi had already rushed to Yi Lin's face, and his neck was pinched with one hand. The rough stone in his hand aimed at his head and smashed it over. If it was really smashed, it is estimated that his head would be gone.

Mickey was so scared that she closed her eyes, and Yi Lin was so scared that she shouted, "Don't kill me!"

Tang Qi threw him to the ground, and Yi Lin painfully covered his back waist, gritted his teeth and looked at Tang Qi.

"You are so arrogant!"

"What you want to talk about, just let the stone Yaxin put it." Otherwise, I promise that your life will end here. You can try it if you don't believe it. "

Yi Lin snorted and waved, and his men pushed Zhong Yaxin to Tang Qi. Tang Qi hugged her in his arms and looked up and down.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Zhong Yaxin sighed helplessly, and then pulled up her sleeve. There was a very obvious pinhole on her right arm. At first glance, she had been injected with something.

Zhong Yaxin said: "I was poisoned when I was at the airport yesterday."

It turned out that she came back to Suhai yesterday. At that time, she came out with a suitcase. Seeing a woman who was very weak, she seemed to want to go to the toilet, but she was shaking and swaying as if she was going to faint at any time, so she was a little worried. So just followed, who knew she kindly helped her, but the woman held her and stabbed her arm with a needle. She fainted at the time, just woke up, and then found out that she was here now.

Mickey said, "So you don't know how he killed Tang Qi."

"But just because they came to the airport to catch me, I knew it would never be a good thing."

"It's nothing, let's go to the hospital..."

"I think it's useless to go to the hospital, you think about the water piano last time." Tang Qi said. Last time the opponent poisoned the water piano, if it wasn't for Azi who accidentally discovered the problem, it is estimated that Tang Qi would be dead now, and it seems that the same person was the same this time. This Fujisai family is really capable people.

Zhong Yaxin was very strange because of his lack of virtue. She hurriedly asked what was going on. Tang Qi said, she shook her head, saying that she didn't know such a person, let alone what was going on.

Mickey said: "So, the one who harmed you last time turned out to be Fujisai's! But why did you use the picture of Zhong Yaxin to lie to you?"

"Because she is not in Suhai, I can't contact her. I will definitely pay attention to the water piano. As long as I read it carefully, I must be poisoned. This is the countermeasure the other party came up with to make me die." Tang Qidao. In fact, it doesn't matter who that person is, and the content and words of the photo are not important. As long as Tang Qi pays attention, he will definitely die.

Yi Lin said annoyedly: "You guys are about to discuss it, right? Can I say something right?"

Tang Qi said coldly: "You quickly give me the antidote. Otherwise, you won't be polite. I will make yours uglier than a dog."

Seeing Tang Qi's eyes, Yi Lin was also nervous, but thinking that the hostage was still ill, what was there to fear, he coughed a few times, and then said: "Your sweetheart is poisoned, are you worried?"

"What do you want."

"Don’t worry. Let’s bet on the stones once and win three games in five rounds. If you win, you can take the stones here. The business will follow. I will give you the antidote. How about giving me all the property under my name!"

Tang Qi frowned. He didn't expect that the other party's request would be so excessive, let me use all the property and betting on rocks? His current Tangmen antiques, Wanbao Lou, and bank deposits together are astronomical figures. It is really a fantasy to ask me to take out all of them to gamble with you.

Mickey immediately furiously said: "Dantasy! We will not be threatened by you! Let's go to Azi and ignore him!"

But Yi Lin has a very confident expression, as if saying, "You don't need to struggle, you will definitely agree, and since I said it, there must be a way to get you to agree." At this time, the outside engine sounded. Tang Qi looked outside. Dozens of cars arrived at the door almost at the same time. The people who got on and off were all people from the Suhai Antique Association. There were also some familiar faces and identities. It was very high. They saw Tang Qi and Yi Lin and they all got out of the car and walked over. There were dozens of people, and their expressions were very excited when they saw Tang Qi.

"We heard that there was a gambling here, and we deliberately put all the business down to watch."

"Yeah, Mr. Tang, it's been a long time since we saw you betting on rocks. It's really exciting,"

Everyone was very excited. Tang Qi became famous in Suhai because of his gambling on the original stone. At the beginning, no one believed that he could guess all of them. As a result, all the originals he selected for Zhong Yaxin were all high-quality jade, so Since then, Su Hai has also had him as a character. Although he is now the chairman of the Antiques Association and has not participated in it for a long time, everyone in the Suhai antique industry remembers that he is going to be compared with the famous Yi family master in Beijing. All came quickly.

There are some people who simply want to watch the excitement, and some are jealous of Tang Qi's success, hoping that he will lose everything and lose everything! There are also people who have been bullied by the company of the Yi family and their sons and suffered a big loss, so they all hope to see them being taken care of by Tang Qi, so they don't say it on the surface, but they all hope that Tang Qi can win.

Most of the people here support Yi Lin. Tang Qi knows well, but he still greets them calmly.

Mickey said: "These people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic!"

"No way, if it's me, it might be here too. This is the man's surname, Ai Kan is lively." Tang Qi said.

There was a smile on Yi Lin's face: "You see everyone is here, you still don't leave, otherwise you should be disappointed, everyone is optimistic about you, I heard that the odds are now One lose six, how about you, do you think it's me or you will win?"

Tang Qi said, "It turned out to be like this. You let everyone here, wanting to force me to agree to your terms, right?"

"It's not all because of this. I know that there may be a genius doctor by your side who can help Zhong Yaxin's disease, but now she has been complicated and there is not much time left. You are really sure that you can bear the heart and let her suffer forever. Maybe you are in love. She won't be able to find a famous doctor." He said and looked in the direction of Zhong Yaxin.

Tang Qi hurriedly looked back, and saw that Zhong Yaxin's face became extraordinarily pale, and her needle-pierced arm was bluish, and her whole expression was also very painful. In fact, she was not feeling well just now, but in order not to cause trouble to Tang Qi, she has been forcibly tolerating it.

Mickey said anxiously, "What is going on with you, where are you uncomfortable?"

"I just feel cold all over, and my arms don't seem to be obedient." No matter how she lifted it, she couldn't move, and she began to panic.

"Send to the hospital, Tang Qi, don't talk nonsense with him!"

"It's too late. If you don't inject the antidote as soon as possible, she will die within half an hour. Even if she does not die, it will be a major damage to the whole body's organs. You may be sick for the rest of your life. You don't want such a thing. The beautiful girl is ruined when you are injured, Tang Qi." Yi Lin glanced at his watch.

The Yi family really did something absolutely perfect. They didn't leave any way behind. In order to achieve his goal, he would sacrifice any human life. It doesn't matter even if the other party has a background. It shows how arrogant they are!

Tang Qi said: "Okay, I promise you to bet on stone with you, but now you give me the antidote."

"No way!" Zhong Yaxin said anxiously: "He let so many people come over to watch the battle, he figured out a way to deal with you, if you really agreed to his request, you must be in the game, please Tang Qi. Don’t put all your wealth in because of me, I don’t deserve it!"

Tang Qi smiled and said, "I'm not happy about this. I tell you, you are my most precious. Even if I lose all my wealth, it is worth it. I can earn more. One, I am willing to take risks for you."

Zhong Yaxin was taken aback. This was the most touching confession she had ever heard in her life. In the past, many people used luxury jewelry and luxury cars to pursue, but only Tang Qi's words were as close as her soul.

Tang Qi turned around and said, "What are you waiting for? Give me the antidote. When she gets better, I'll bet against you."

Yi Lin didn't expect Tang Qihui to agree to his request, snorted, and asked his subordinates to take a slap shot.

"Tang Qi, do you really regret it? You might lose without a penny."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm very confident with a stupid pig like you." Tang Qi directly grabbed the injection in his hand and injected it into her question. Mickey was still worried: "What if he harms people? "

"It's okay, he dares to hurt people in front of so many people, and I will strip him." Tang Qi said.

Yi Lin gritted his teeth, but after all, he didn't say anything to refute him.

After Zhong Yaxin's medicine was injected, she got better soon, her breathing was steady, and her face was much better.

Mickey smiled and said: "It's really great, you are finally well."

Zhong Yaxin smiled bitterly: "This time it really hurt Tang Qi."

In fact, at the beginning, she and Tang Qi were together. The female college and the male had been a few years old. She was not sure that she could go on, but now she really affirmed his emotions completely.

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