Super Mothership

Chapter 607 The tangled Carl

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Solar system, Pluto. \u003cr /\u003e

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After the solar system has entered the stage of large-scale development, if there is any place that human beings have not set foot on, it is this dark star field at the edge of the solar system. \u003cr /\u003e

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It is not that the distance from the earth is too far. In fact, the most cutting-edge military engine technology on the earth has been updated to the 18th generation as quickly as possible. If the cost is not considered, the conventional cruising speed in the solar system is close to one percent of the speed of light. The journey time to Pluto has been compressed into a staggering month. \u003cr /\u003e

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However, this place belongs to the special high-risk experimental base of the "Cloud Research Institute", so the tens of millions of kilometers around Pluto belong to the "military restricted area". \u003cr /\u003e

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As the solar system becomes more prosperous, and the waterways are also full of newly launched spaceships, many high-risk laboratories of the Cloud Research Institute have to be transferred from the "city center" of the solar system to the "suburbs". \u003cr /\u003e

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Fortunately, remote robotics technology is not affected. For scientists, it is just a different physical address to log in. \u003cr /\u003e

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However, on the entire earth, only a dozen people such as Yu Lao and others with the highest scientific research authority are qualified to land in this dark place where even the sun appears dim. \u003cr /\u003e

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And at this moment, inside a huge crater of Pluto...\u003cr /\u003e

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"The Hades-type planetary destruction bomb is ready for the countdown to the first test explosion. Please evacuate as soon as possible. For those who insist on staying, please check your pain adjustment for the last time..."\u003cr /\u003e

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"The preparations are complete,

The countdown begins! 10, 9, 8, 7..."\u003cr /\u003e

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"Boom!" At the moment when the countdown ended, a group of extremely dazzling rays of light exploded in the crater and shot straight into the sky! \u003cr /\u003e

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The huge spherical shock wave swept across, slowly spreading to a small half sphere, the ground cracked and vibrated, the underground magma spurted out, and the dust covered the sky, the scene was terrifying! \u003cr /\u003e

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It wasn't until half an hour later that the violent tremors of the entire planet slowly disappeared, but aftershocks would come from time to time, indicating that the geological changes inside the planet had not completely disappeared. \u003cr /\u003e

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At the core of the explosion, the original small crater has been expanded into a huge basin, and the spewing underground magma is slowly turning it into a magma lake, but then it rapidly cooled in a vacuum and low temperature environment. \u003cr /\u003e

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Looking down from the universe, the dark red magma flickered, like a "devil's eye" opened on Pluto. \u003cr /\u003e

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In the high-altitude orbit of Pluto, a small observation platform is floating above the explosion point. On the platform, several small robots are pointing at the terrifying scene below. \u003cr /\u003e

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"Evaluate the explosion data and confirm that the level 5 armored target 500 kilometers away is completely smashed, the level 3 armor level 2 melting at 1000 kilometers away, and the level 3 burns of the simulated creature 1500 kilometers away."\u003cr /\u003e

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"In a vacuum environment, the planet's surface damage degree is 879, and the atmospheric environment damage model has been established. It is expected that the simulation results will be completed in 10 minutes..."\u003cr /\u003e

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"The 3 scientific research bases on the back of the planet were affected by the explosion and shock, and were damaged to varying degrees. The loss report has been automatically generated, and the repair is expected to take 10 hours..."\u003cr /\u003e

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"..."\u003cr /\u003e

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Looking at Pluto, who was completely awakened from a deep sleep and "shivering", Carl, a scientist who had just joined the Cloud Research Institute, couldn't help but swallow. \u003cr /\u003e

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Carl, 63 years old, was born in a Jewish family. He was a gold medalist in the International Olympic Physics at the age of 13. He skipped middle school and entered MIT at the age of 14. At the age of 16, he worked in NASA and engaged in astrophysics research. \u003cr /\u003e

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After Captain Ghost was born, he published high-level basic scientific research papers such as "Weak Gravitational Lensing Theory and Data Analysis" and "Conjecture of Wormhole Formation and Expansion Model" in the virtual world of the technology tree, which immediately attracted the attention of the Cloud Research Institute. . \u003cr /\u003e

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You must know that they also obtained the first-hand information of Nie Yun not long ago, which confirmed that under the condition of extreme charging, wormholes have the characteristics of expansion. \u003cr /\u003e

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This theory obtained from Gemini was also a great success in "Operation Ocean Tide", and it destroyed a wormhole charging device of the Locke Consortium, and it was factually verified! \u003cr /\u003e

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After the evaluation and analysis of the brain, the Cloud Research Institute finally decided to list Carl as the target of recruitment and complete the 18th degree! \u003cr /\u003e

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As one of the most important departments under his command, the Cloud Research Institute recruits new recruits, and Nie Yun naturally has to personally review it. \u003cr /\u003e

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Carl's ability and resume are impeccable, and his forward-looking and professionalism for the wormhole model is indeed a talent that Nie Yun desperately needs. As for loyalty... well, these are all small problems! \u003cr /\u003e

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With a wave of his hand, the 18th bachelor reserve team officially joined, and today's Pluto explosion experiment is the first time Carl has participated in the high-end research of the Cloud Research Institute as an assistant "intern". \u003cr /\u003e

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"Old Yu, is it really okay for us to destroy Pluto like this?" Carl turned his head and asked with a lingering expression on his face. \u003cr /\u003e

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"Haha! It's not the earth here, and it doesn't have much development value. The boss said that even if Pluto is dismantled, it will be fine!" Yu Lao laughed. \u003cr /\u003e

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Is it okay to take it apart? ! \u003cr /\u003e

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This is the ninth planet of the solar system. Does it count as destroying the intangible cultural heritage? \u003cr /\u003e

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Although Pluto's ninth planet does not live up to its name, it was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006, and its size is not even as large as the moon, but this cannot hide the fact that it is a "passed star". \u003cr /\u003e

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If it is known that he and others have carried out destructive experiments on Pluto, will cosmic environmentalists jump out and condemn him? \u003cr /\u003e

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Putting aside the strange thoughts in his mind, Carl looked back at the center of Pluto's explosion. \u003cr /\u003e

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The Hades-type planetary destruction bomb is said to be one of the sub-projects of the "Pluto Project" of the Cloud Research Institute. "Nuclear deterrence" level of deterrence! \u003cr /\u003e

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From the perspective of the explosion effect, the power is equivalent to 10 billion tons of tnt equivalent, and the destructive power of the explosion in a vacuum environment will be considerably weakened, but if it is in an atmospheric environment... it is definitely a doomsday scene that destroys the world. Horrible ecological disaster! \u003cr /\u003e

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The data flow related to the experiment in Carl's eyes slowly passed by. From the design drawings to the design principles, various drawings and parameters were presented in front of Carl's eyes without reservation. \u003cr /\u003e

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There was a huge wave in his heart. Although it has long been rumored that the series of research topics of the Cloud Research Institute are all the world's top S-level scientific research projects, Carl is still a little unbelievable that he can access such confidential information just after joining. \u003cr /\u003e

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Especially for him who is on a secret mission...\u003cr /\u003e

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"Mr. Carr, you are one of the top scientists in the United States, and you are currently among the best in the world in terms of contribution to the technology tree. After evaluation, Captain Ghost's cloud scientific research has a certain chance to give you an olive branch. Therefore, for the sake of the country, we hope that by then, you will receive an olive branch. Can bring us back some key information..."\u003cr /\u003e

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A month ago, the words of the intelligence bureau personnel were still in his ears. He looked at the information in front of him and fell into a deep entanglement. \u003cr /\u003e

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Since the high-energy physics expert Lawrence was absorbed by the Cloud Research Institute, everyone has understood that the mysterious Cloud Research Institute is not completely closed, and they also need to absorb fresh blood. \u003cr /\u003e

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This incident caused a sensation in the scientific community all over the world, and everyone squeezed their heads and wanted to enter this dream science paradise. \u003cr /\u003e

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The ultra-high unlimited monthly salary in "ten thousand" may be ignored by top scientists who regard money as dung, but top scientific research projects and the legendary "internal employee benefits" are what make them rush. Really tempting! \u003cr /\u003e

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To this end, the World Survey Organization also took Lawrence as the research object, collected the information of scientists all over the world, and released a "cloud reserve" ranking list, listing all the top scientists who may be recruited. \u003cr /\u003e

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And Carl, ranked 17th on this list. \u003cr /\u003e

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Fame brought him the attention of the outside world, but also brought him unexpected troubles...\u003cr /\u003e

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Obviously, this information in his hand is absolutely enough to "key information", even if he can only memorize 1% of the content, he can make a huge theoretical breakthrough for his country in a short period of time. \u003cr /\u003e

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But... can you really do that? \u003cr /\u003e

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Looking at Pluto's miserable appearance, Carl's heart suddenly twitched. \u003cr /\u003e

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Before 1961, the Soviet Union detonated the "Tsar" on Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic, with an equivalent of 50 million tons, causing a regional ecological disaster, which almost caused a catastrophe, affecting many countries in Europe, and the experiment almost ended out of control. \u003cr /\u003e

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If a bomb with a tens of gigatons is really created... Even if it is not as powerful as the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs, it will be enough to destroy humans, right? \u003cr /\u003e

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"Hades type, the raw materials are not expensive, 10 kilograms of energy crystal, plus a precision trigger, that is, the manufacturing precision is high, the cost is low, and the power is strong. What do you think of this thing?"\u003cr /\u003e

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Yu Lao asked casually while checking the experimental data. \u003cr /\u003e

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Carl "..." \u003cr /\u003e

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Low cost and powerful? \u003cr /\u003e

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As a top scientist, Carl clearly realized that the higher the development of science, the higher the requirements for human organizational structure and moral standards! \u003cr /\u003e

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Without absolute control of force, without a stable and unified internal environment, the appearance of every super weapon is likely to mean the beginning of human self-destruction...\u003cr /\u003e

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A human world that cannot control scientific research results is likely to turn the technology that can benefit one party into a "Pandora's box" that brings all mankind to hell. \u003cr /\u003e

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So, can you really trust me to hand over this kind of thing? \u003cr /\u003e

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