The pirate group that suddenly appeared startled both sides, and immediately made a guard gesture.

However, although the two fleets stepped on the brakes, the inertia of high-speed sailing still made them plunge into the ambush circle carefully arranged by Nie Yun.

The Fifth Fleet following behind was fine, while the remaining Beckman fleet in front was almost completely surrounded, and it was too late to retreat.

Beckman's group was suddenly stunned. Now there are wolves in front and tigers in the back, and they were almost made dumplings. With their dozen or so warships, they were not enough for one enemy on both sides to charge.

"Is the coordinates given by Arthas here?" Beckman said with sweat on his forehead.

"Yes... it's right here!" The adjutant swallowed.

"Damn it! It really is a trap, that guy Arthas dares to blatantly frame his allies!" Beckman's first thought was that he had been tricked.

But he couldn't understand at all, what good would this do for Arthas besides leaving a handle?

Beckman was in shock and anger, but the Fifth Fleet sent a communication reply.

"The Locke consortium is doing business, and the idle people will leave immediately!"

The tone is very arrogant, and it seems that he has completely ignored the pirate group on the opposite side.

It is quite normal for them to have such confidence. Jinlok is one of the most powerful lords in the nearby star field, and he is also the gold master behind the Black Sail Pirates. In the broken star field, except for the seven pirates There are really few pirate groups who have the confidence to offend them.

This is also the reason why they dare to directly chase into the Broken Star Territory with more than a hundred warships.

"The Locke consortium? Haha! I'm sorry, I have only one identity when I entered Lao Tzu's territory, and that is the prey! I'll give you three minutes, and put the property in the middle, otherwise Lao Tzu will be ready to open fire!"

The Fifth Fleet on the opposite side was silent for a long time. Obviously, they did not expect that after they reported their affiliation, the small pirate group on the opposite side, who had never heard of their name, would dare to be so arrogant.

This is obviously a stunner!

"Are you a newly established pirate group? I haven't heard of the name of the Locke Consortium. You should know the black sails of the seven pirate groups, right? If you continue to obstruct us from chasing down alien civilization wanderers, you will suffer from the joint efforts between us and the black sails. Strangulation!" The Fifth Fleet threatened.

The pirates on the opposite side are scattered in formation, and they can fully afford the word "rabble crowd", but this is the opponent's territory, and no one knows whether the opponent has other ambushes or reinforcements hidden.

In addition, after the battle with Beckman's Seastorm-class aircraft group just now, the mecha units in the fleet have suffered heavy losses. Everyone understands what it means to lose air supremacy in this complex terrain.

Countless siege fleets in history have taught everyone with blood lessons that it is definitely a very unwise choice to fight a group of pirates in the Broken Star Territory.

"Hei Fan?" The opposite side was stunned for a moment, and seemed to have some scruples, but he did not immediately let go. "In this case, I will sell the black sails to save face, leave this small fleet, and you can go!"

"No, this fleet is our target!"

As soon as the opposite side showed signs of softening, the Fifth Fleet naturally refused to give in, otherwise how could they go back to Kinlok.

"Hey! Don't force me to do it. I'll give Flint a face. I don't care that you broke into my territory, but it doesn't mean that the Ghost Pirates are afraid of his black sails!"

When the commander of the Fifth Fleet heard this, he was a little confused. He knew Flint's name, but he still dared not to show face. Could it be a new and powerful pirate group?

If it is the top pirate group, although their Locke consortium is not afraid, it is not a big trouble if they get into trouble.

"What are you going to do with this fleeing fleet?" he asked tentatively.

"Haha! As the saying goes, thieves don't go empty, my brothers dispatched once, and we can't let us go home empty-handed. Didn't you say that this is an exile fleet of exotic civilizations? It should be worth a lot of money to sell on the black market!"

Hearing this, the Fifth Fleet immediately felt relieved.

Entering the den of pirates, these twins are basically dead. Even if they survive by chance, I am afraid they will become slaves, and they will save themselves.

However, even if he decides to give up killing the target with his own hands, his aura cannot be weakened.

"Okay! We can leave, but this matter is not over, the ghost pirate group, the Locke consortium remember you!"

Leaving a scene, the Fifth Fleet began to slowly retreat.

This is not only to get out of the dangerous battle zone, but also to leave a safe environment for the pirates. Although the fleet has withdrawn, all the detection equipment of the Fifth Fleet is still staring here, ready to monitor the next move of the pirate group...


"The enemy has retreated?" The adjutant frowned as he watched the slowly withdrawing Fifth Fleet.

Although the tiger behind them left, they were almost trapped in the siege, and countless guns were aimed at their side, so that they did not dare to make any rash moves.

When the three sides confront each other, they can still find opportunities to fish in troubled waters, but now this situation is even worse for them!

At least, it doesn't look like they're a gang, which is good news...

Beckman smiled bitterly in his heart, and then his face gradually became serious. Although he is a second generation, he is also a famous soldier!

"Order the fleet, prepare to fight to the death! Gemini, I would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

When the Gemini officers heard the words, their blood immediately surged.

"Yes! Prepare to fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

The soldiers in the fleet responded with a bang.

"Yo! How enthusiastic? Should I wait for you to finish the swearing-in meeting?"

At this moment, a slightly smiling voice suddenly interjected, causing everyone who was excited to be stunned for a moment.

Beckman looked at the communication screen with an incredible look, it was a familiar, handsome face that made him a little jealous...


"Bang!" White light bullets shone in the universe, and at the same time, all the Gemini battleships retracted their muzzles and closed their shields.

"Humph! I thought how stubborn these Gemini people were, they surrendered without a single shot!"

The Fifth Fleet officer who had been watching this side was suddenly disappointed.

Why do you act like a desperate Saburo when you meet us, and then you get discouraged when you meet a group of pirates?

But no matter what, this annoying Gemini harassment fleet has finally been solved, and they have completed the task.

"let's go!"


"Oh heh..." Nie Yun fanned the feather fan in his hand, looking at the Fifth Fleet who was fooled away with a proud face.

What is an empty-glove white wolf? What is a chat room, and a small goal is achieved?

Take food without a single soldier!

This is the thirty-six strategies of the Nie Sect...

Mechanical bug: "..."

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